
Hi guys!

I think everyone should "introduce" themselves! Just give your name, your challenge goal(s), and sw!


  • florencenightmare
    florencenightmare Posts: 2 Member
    I am a novice to My fitness pal, discovering it only yesterday. Thought this sounded a good group to join . About 23 months ago I set myself my own olympic challenge to loose 10st . Didn't quite do it. (what a failure, didn't even get a bronze medal). Still have about 5.5 st to loose . However, facing upto it, yesterday I took the bull by the horns and joined a gym and also discovered MY fitness Pal. My next milestone has to be the 31st December. Not sure what my aim is going to be then, I will know that once I have met up with a personal trainer on the 31st July.
  • iLuvJohnny
    iLuvJohnny Posts: 51
    Hiya! My name's Hailey, I'm trying to get to 150.
  • hauer01
    hauer01 Posts: 523 Member
    Hello all!

    My name is Renee! I have been an member of MFP for about 5 1/2 to 6 months. My goal, by new years day, is to fit into a pair of pants that are only a single digit! I started this journey wearing size 24 pants, I am now at size 16/14 pants. I would LOVE it to get below a size 10.

  • ahelgers10
    ahelgers10 Posts: 376 Member
    Hey everyone! I have been doing this for almost two months. My goal is to be down around 50 pounds by the start of next year. That is my goal weight and it would be amazing to start the year at my goal.
  • ahelgers10
    ahelgers10 Posts: 376 Member
    Ohh and my name is Amy!
  • fairc3jam
    fairc3jam Posts: 136 Member
    I'm Anne. FGW is 115. Currently at 131.2. I would be happy with 1/2 lb loss / week and tone up my mid and hips.
  • ashleyfuentes
    HI! My name is Ashley and well. . .I have trouble with being consistent so I hope joining this group will help me with that. I'm trying for 135-140. Hope I can do it!
  • marissah2005
    marissah2005 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi all,
    I'm Marissa,
    My goal is to lose 25 pounds and keep them off. I would love to fit back into my single-digit jeans too. What I really need is a way to stay consistent. I usually make some progress and then reward myself with a cheat and it slowly snowballs from there.
  • capricorn15
    Hi everyone. My goal is to lose 40-50lbs by the new year with by doing diet and exercising.
  • kandbabies
    kandbabies Posts: 15
    Hi! I'm Kerri, and just joined today. I've got 3 kids and need to lose about 60 pounds. This looks like a great group to join, because I bet it will take about 5 months for myself and those around me to notice any kind of change! Ha!

    I'm not looking for motivation - I've got plenty of that already, but some occasional encouragement would be nice. Really, I just don't want to try to go this alone again, like I've tried to do before, and I think being part of an active group would give me a bit of accountability. There's just no reason for me to weigh this much anymore.

    My only thing right now is that I do not plan on tracking my food - just my exercise. The more I focus on food (i.e. tracking), the hungrier I feel! I am eating less already and plan to keep that up, but tracking food just doesn't fit in with my goals right now. That might change in the future, but I need to be as un-focused on food as possible.

    Glad to meet you all! And good luck to everyone!
  • trott27
    trott27 Posts: 34
    Hi everybody!

    My name is Keisha and my CW is 152 and my UGW is 120(or it could be higher depending on how I look and feel). My "challenge goal" is to lose 1 pound/week. I also have trouble being consistent and sweets are my downfall. Hopefully I'll learn to control that as well. =)

    Nice to meet everyone!
  • levstein
    levstein Posts: 74
    Hi just saw this group and seems like a good one to join. I joined mfp 3 weeks ago and have lost 10 lbs by healthy eating and exercising. I would love to lose the excess weight I am lugging around with me before 2013. I will give it my all and would love to support be supported motivate be motivated by a good group of like-minded people. Oh and my name is Janette.
  • luvmyflpflops
    hello everyone! my name is nanci and i just recently joined...i want to buy a size 10/12 dress and look great in it for New Year's Eve!! i have lost about 24 since November but i really love MFP it truly does help you watch what you eat etc... i'm excited about this challenge...happy friday everyone
  • imdoneagain
    imdoneagain Posts: 4 Member
    Hello. With the encouragement of a friend who's lost 165 lbs within the last 20 months, I started tracking my food/exercise on MFP about 1 month ago. I have a lot to lose (about 100 lbs) but want to give it another try. I have trouble sticking to programs (WW/Atkins/JennyC) & trouble in general just sticking to eating healthy and exercising. My weaknesses in the past have been salty snacks and the ease of drive-thru food. But I want to be done with this once and for all so here I am. I don't want to make the same resolution in 2013 - I want to make a new one - not sure what it is yet but I don't want it to be a resolution to lose weight - all the weight may not be gone by then but maybe instead my resolution could be to CONTINUE eating healthy and exercising consistently instead of starting over again.
  • AmberLeighD
    AmberLeighD Posts: 112
    Hello. My name is AmberLeigh and I started at 306lbs.. have lost 116lbs (the last 2 1/2 years 40 of which since last August) - ..and by New Years I'd like to be at: 167 (23 more lbs / 1lb a week). Currently a size 16. My ultimate goal is to be sz 8/10 - 135/140 lbs.

    My main weakness is putting off the gym or not walking more days then I need to. I need to really kick myself into gear. I hope to lose more then 23lbs by New Years, but I will be happy with 23lbs (I mean there is going to be Thanksgiving/ Christmas in there!)
  • MaryChaCha
    MaryChaCha Posts: 20 Member
    Hi all, my name is Mary and I've been away from MFP for a long while. I've been logging this week and feel I need more support than I've taken in the past. My New Year's goal is to be on track and down from where I am now. I have five children, ages 6-16, and a wonderful husband (19 years of marriage.) I teach 7th/8th grade science, and I'm always giving to everyone. Now I want to give to myself!

    Thanks for starting this group!

  • Zoeegirl
    Zoeegirl Posts: 100 Member
    Hi all! I'm Zoee. Current weight is 274. My goal for New Years will be in the 220s. I haven't been there since the birth of my last son 9 yrs ago. So here we go!
  • 11kimberly11
    11kimberly11 Posts: 65 Member
    Hi Everyone!
    Great concept for a group! I will be 39 at the end of January so I would like to be 139 for my birthday. Right now I'm 170ish . Or if I really want to dream big I could say I want to lose 39lb by my 39th birthday and that would put me at 131ish!! either way I believe this group can help me reach that goal.

    Also please feel free to friend request me if you are like me and like to interact on your home page with friends.

    Good Luck everyone!!!!!!
  • tiffyj1
    tiffyj1 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello Everyone!

    My Name is Tiffany. My goal is to shed at least 50lbs. I need some motivation, I'm hoping this group will help.
  • ritzema5
    ritzema5 Posts: 57 Member
    Hi everybody. My name is Mary. My goal on January 1, 2012 was to lose 80 pounds this year and get into single-digit sizes. I have lost 52 pounds and am currently a size 10/12, so I'm getting close. Just need those last 30ish pounds.