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Introduce yourselves here!

BrightBecky Posts: 11 Member
Let us know a little about yourself, where are you from, do you have a diet or exercise plan? Have you set any personal goals for yourselves, these are all thing we want to know so get cozy and share!


  • rgarza82
    rgarza82 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi I'm Rachel from WA state. I have 3kids under 5 and a hubby of 8 years. After my hubby joined a gym (cross fit ) and was noticeably toning, conditioning, building strength, and loosing inches - I decided it was time to do something too. Besides that my 10year high school reunion was around the corner. Through a crash diet I lost 10lbs. And continued by just watching what I ate and how much and when. I was able to loose 20lbs. Then came the new year (2012) and it was time to step it up. By joining a gym and working out at least 5 days a week I was able to loose an additional 30lbs! Myfitnesspal helped too because I barely became aware of it in January and its been a great tracking tool ever since. Weight loss is private and personal to me. I don't post or sync my progress to Facebook however I would appreciate more MFP friends so feel free to request me. My kids motivate me to go to gym on days I least expect to go because there is a kids room there. I've hit a plateau so additional tips, motivation, would be great!
  • yvonnedreadhead
    yvonnedreadhead Posts: 3 Member
    hi i am yvonne i have a 4 yr old daughter,my goal is to loose 50 pounds but i havent succeeded to do this i have managed 10 pounds and gained it back,i joined MFP bcos am going through the same situation as most people here,and am looking forward to meeting pple that we will motivate each other share tips and keep encouraging each other,congratulations Rachel ur have done so well thumbs up to you,i joined MFP this is my third day so am new to the sight i heard its great iam like it already i hope ill do it this time fingers crossed
    DAMECHOCOLATE79 Posts: 12 Member
    I am Rosy and I am a proud mother of 5 love my children n Husband going on 10 years
    Lookin for friends to motivate me n I will do the same I love my fitness pal I had lost a lot of wait n because of different surgeries and other stuff in life I gain it all again n I quit exercising and eating healthy looking to star over a fresh star I don't want to feel bad in n out so I am looking foward to getting back up again and being stronger on the choises I make as well as motivating others and feeling good in n out wanto learn from others that have great tips or just want to help each other motivate each other as well as tips from people that have being there n everything that would help Thanks for Reading hope you will add me
    Rosy Shaw
  • Hi,
    My name is Hayley I'm 23 going to university soon and want to make sure I stay healthy while away from home. I aim to just lose a stone. Iv never liked my belly because it looks like puppy fat as some may say and I just want to get rid of it or tone it down either way. I've never really worked out before so being in a group could help :) give me some exercise suggestions and please add me as a friend :)
  • jeogle85
    jeogle85 Posts: 1
    Hello ladies! My name is Jessica and I am on a mission to getting back to looking good!!! My goal is to lose about 40-50 lbs. I am currently at 185. I recently gave birth to a beautiful baby boy on July 101, 2012 and want very much to get back into my prepregnancy jeans...without the muffin top. I got my butt off the couch tonight and went for a short 25 minute walk/jog. I have a long road ahead of me to get back into shape so help keep me motivated please! looking forward to doing the same for the rest of you.
  • Hello! My name is Jessica and I'm looking for some support to loose weight. I just had a precious baby boy in March. I am currently 180. I would like to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight of 160. (Hopefully more, but that is a realistic start.) I teach Middle Eastern dance and my classes start back in the fall. Got to be looking good! Please help me keep motivated!
  • rgarza82
    rgarza82 Posts: 11 Member
    Good morning ladies! So nice to read myfitnesspal newsfeed and see what u are all doing vs. just my own! Thank you for adding me. Thank you Yvonne! Loosing 50lbs since last September was not easy. I've certainly have hit plateaus and at times like a yo-yo I've gone up and down, but for the most part I've kept it off until recently. With summer vacation (I'm a teacher) its hard to stay out of the kitchen. With about a month set to go for school to starts I'm challenging myself to loose 10lbs by labor day
    The weight I've put on is water weight I know I can loose it. I just need to be less lazy. I went from a consistent gym schedule to one that I'm lucky if I even go once for the week. Between now and labor day I'm going to try to change that. Also, no more soda! Need to focus more on drinking water like I used to. So here are my labor day goals recap:
    1. Loose 10 lbs by labor day by hitting gym at least 4-5 days a week
    2. No more soda! Drink lots of water
    3. No food eating before bed! (I've gotten bad)
    If I do these 3 things I know I can loose lbs. Will u join me?
  • Stella80
    Stella80 Posts: 1
    Hello very one I'm a wife of 10 years and mother of 4. My children are old enought to were I have time to take care of mom now so I'm trying to get back into shape I've lost 27 so far. I still need to loose 20 pounds but I'm on my way:smile:
  • Hi everyone! My name is Niki and I am a SAHM and wife plus college student. My family and I live in NC. I am currently battling the bulge so to speak... I wanting to lost about 66lbs to get to a weight that I feel looks good on my short frame. I look forward to sharing and support each other. My current weight is 216.3 lbs. My goal weight is 150lbs
  • BeachCat21
    BeachCat21 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello. My name is Holly. I live with my husband in SE Wisconsin. We are both turning 30 this year and would like to start a family. My Dr said she wanted to see me lose weight before we start trying due to the fact that I am on medication for high blood pressure and it would be better just to avoid complications. I have been wanting to lose weight steadily, and I am sooo glad I found MFP. I have loss some before I joined, but this has really amped things up. I also would like to fit into some clothes I have from when I was thinner. I found this really helps to record what you eat and when you exercise. It really helps me stay accountable. I think the groups and sense of community works as well. Feel free to add me as a friend! I hope we can all reach our goals together :)
  • BrightBecky
    BrightBecky Posts: 11 Member
    Hi I'm Rachel from WA state. I have 3kids under 5 and a hubby of 8 years. After my hubby joined a gym (cross fit ) and was noticeably toning, conditioning, building strength, and loosing inches - I decided it was time to do something too. Besides that my 10year high school reunion was around the corner. Through a crash diet I lost 10lbs. And continued by just watching what I ate and how much and when. I was able to loose 20lbs. Then came the new year (2012) and it was time to step it up. By joining a gym and working out at least 5 days a week I was able to loose an additional 30lbs! Myfitnesspal helped too because I barely became aware of it in January and its been a great tracking tool ever since. Weight loss is private and personal to me. I don't post or sync my progress to Facebook however I would appreciate more MFP friends so feel free to request me. My kids motivate me to go to gym on days I least expect to go because there is a kids room there. I've hit a plateau so additional tips, motivation, would be great!

    Hi Rachel it's so great to meet you, I love how you and your hubby are working together to lose weight it's so important to have that encouragement each and every day! I love how much success you've already had on myfitnesspal you truly are an inspiration to the rest of us! I agree with you about losing weight being a private thing, I don’t post on facebook either but I definitely think having a support system is significant which is why I feel like myfitnesspal is a perfect place to be comfortable enough to share because we are all working toward the same goals! I look forward to seeing you around, and feel free to share tips that have helped you in your weight loss journey!
  • BrightBecky
    BrightBecky Posts: 11 Member
    hi i am yvonne i have a 4 yr old daughter,my goal is to loose 50 pounds but i havent succeeded to do this i have managed 10 pounds and gained it back,i joined MFP bcos am going through the same situation as most people here,and am looking forward to meeting pple that we will motivate each other share tips and keep encouraging each other,congratulations Rachel ur have done so well thumbs up to you,i joined MFP this is my third day so am new to the sight i heard its great iam like it already i hope ill do it this time fingers crossed

    Hi Yvonne, I have also been fighting to lose 40-50 pounds over the past few years, I think one of the best things we can do reach our goal is log our food, stay active and keep motivated which is what we are doing by joining my fitness pal! We can do this and I look forward to sharing this journey with you!
  • BrightBecky
    BrightBecky Posts: 11 Member
    I am Rosy and I am a proud mother of 5 love my children n Husband going on 10 years
    Lookin for friends to motivate me n I will do the same I love my fitness pal I had lost a lot of wait n because of different surgeries and other stuff in life I gain it all again n I quit exercising and eating healthy looking to star over a fresh star I don't want to feel bad in n out so I am looking foward to getting back up again and being stronger on the choises I make as well as motivating others and feeling good in n out wanto learn from others that have great tips or just want to help each other motivate each other as well as tips from people that have being there n everything that would help Thanks for Reading hope you will add me
    Rosy Shaw

    Hey Rosy, good for you in finding your fresh start! Implementing a healthy lifestyle is all about taking it one day at a time, it doesn’t happen overnight it takes time and lots and lots of encouragement! I read an interesting article about how it takes an average of 66 days for a habit to form, so keep working at it and in little as two months you may find it easier to keep up that healthy diet and exercise routine! Keep us updated on your progress; we’re all here to root each other on!
  • BrightBecky
    BrightBecky Posts: 11 Member
    Hello ladies! My name is Jessica and I am on a mission to getting back to looking good!!! My goal is to lose about 40-50 lbs. I am currently at 185. I recently gave birth to a beautiful baby boy on July 101, 2012 and want very much to get back into my prepregnancy jeans...without the muffin top. I got my butt off the couch tonight and went for a short 25 minute walk/jog. I have a long road ahead of me to get back into shape so help keep me motivated please! looking forward to doing the same for the rest of you.

    Hey Jess! First off congratulations on the birth of you son, I have two boys myself (3 &5) they are the best! So after I had my first son I found this awesome exercise DVD called Postnatal Rescue with Erin O'Brien it's a 3 stage program that starts you off slowly with light weight training and stretching and progressively gets tougher! I learned A LOT from this video and by doing her routine 3+ times a week plus waking 30 minutes a day I was able to loose almost all of my post pregnancy weight! I would highly recommend you check it out, it teaches you a lot about why your body needs to start out slowly after giving birth and why some exercises can actually be harmful! Check out her website and let me know what you think! http://www.erinobrienfitness.com/
  • jmitchell99
    jmitchell99 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi. My name is Jakie and I am from St. John's, Newfoundland (Canada). I am almost 30 and I m a mom to a 15 month old and a wife. I am looking to loose about 50 - 60 pounds but I am going to split it up into smaller goals. I would liketo loose about 20 pounds by Christmas. My first week was quite an eye opener as I went over my calories every day. I realize that things that I didn't think were that bad really packed a punch. I was alsoi loggin a lot aty the end of the day which didn't make sense since I couldn't make informed choices as to what I was eatting. I had starting pre logging in my meals so that I shouldn't go over. I have found that this webstie has actually helped me to get motivate to finally get my butt going in my weight loss efforts. My biggest inspiration is my son. I want to have lots of energy to keep up with him and to be a good role model in leading a healthy happy life.
  • Hi Jackie! Welcome to the group :)! That is the best way to reach your goals, by breaking them down into smaller, more manageable mini-goals :)! 20lbs by Christmas is totally doable, and you will rock it! :) I have noticed that with my logging my food, it really does help me to just log it right then, or right before I eat it...It helps me visually see that I only have so many calories left for the day, and then I can make my choices around that. At the beginning I would wait until the very end of the day as well, and I found the same thing...I was going over on my calories each time. It's crazy that it really makes that much of a difference (when you log your food), but at least for me, and I'm thinking you too, it totally does. :)! Welcome again, and I hope that you keep tracking on, for you, and for your son :)!
  • I just realized that I never introduced myself..I think it's because I am rarely on the computer, and my iphone App does not let me see the Community/Group forums...which is I do not like...but oh well. I'm Denise :)! I'm 29, and I am looking to lose weight, and get my health on track. I have always been what I call "squishy", and over the years I have wanted to lose weight, and I will be super motivated for awhile, and then my schedule gets busy and I lose focus. Same cycle, over and over, year after year...I am typically happy with myself, and my looks, and I have an amazing boyfriend that loves me exactly as I am, but I am reminded again, and again, about what my size truly is when I go to buy new clothes, or have to wear a swimsuit around friends, see a bad angle picture of myself, or whatever.. So I think this time in my mind I am really ready to do this. It's almost like I will lose 10 lbs, and be happy with that, and then stay there for awhile, and then gain it all back...I'm tired of gaining it back...this time I want to actually make my lifestyle change, and keep on track. I printed out this picture for myself, and pinned it to my bulletin board..it says "If you are tired of starting over, then stop giving up". That is exactly how I feel, and that has become my motto. I can't wait to see what everyone's journeys will be like over the next however long we are all on this together :)! Becky started this group after her and I really wanted to get ourselves going, and to keep each other motivated! Then we didn't want to just keep it for just us, but for anyone that wanted the same things that we want, to get healthy, meet some new friends, and get out booty's motivated, and maybe even kicked sometimes when we need it :)! Can't wait to see us all change, and grow! :)<3