
Hey all :)
Last year I started school around 225lbs.
This year I'd like to be somewhere around 155lbs.
A lot has changed since last year :) I'm not the couch potato I used to be!
I work out 4-6 days a week, am currently doing Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred and am looking into starting C25K.
I'm on MFP every day logging my food and browsing the forums :)
Best of luck to us all!


  • mrsjuliana
    mrsjuliana Posts: 27 Member
    Wow, our goals are very similar! I go back to school on August 22nd... I can't wait to be more energetic. So far this summer I am down 14 lbs... so my goal is to get down another 40. I know I can do it!! :)
  • Suaso
    Suaso Posts: 48
    Congratulations on your weight loss so far :) You will definitely reach your goal!
    It's slow going in the beginning but it gets easier as time goes on. :)
  • jencooks
    jencooks Posts: 62 Member
    This is my first week on MFP and I have been eating (and drinking!) too much this summer with all of the time off work. I am currently about 147 and I would like to get to 135. Since I am close to goal (I'm 5'5), it might take me a while.
  • Hi everyone! My name is Niki and I am a SAHM and wife plus college student. My family and I live in NC. I am currently battling the bulge so to speak... I wanting to lost about 66lbs to get to a weight that I feel looks good on my short frame. I look forward to sharing and support each other. My current weight is 216.3 lbs. My goal weight is 150lbs
  • trubwub25
    trubwub25 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm Eleanor, I'm 6"5' and 19 years old. I was a chubby child who became a chubby teenager so let's see if I can become a slim adult when I hit 20 in December. I was 165 lbs, am now 158 and have hit a plateau so hopefully this group will help me start losing again. My first goal is 154, and I would ultimately like to be 140. I know I've got a smaller challenge than some people but I'm just as keen and with any luck once the weight's off it'll stay off. Good luck everyone :)
  • Hi, Im heading back to school on September 2nd and would love to have lost AT LEAST 10lbs, last year was a bit if a roller coaster with my weight and emotions. So im ready for a new start and a new healthy body to go along with it. So far im 7 days in to the Jillan Michaels 30 Day Shred, I have lost 2 pounds and already seeing amazing results. If anyone else is doing it i would love to share stories and keep each other motivated to work out and eat healthy, I could really use the support and have plenty to offer.
    Hope you are all having an amazing summer so far :)
  • SaxophoneNerd
    SaxophoneNerd Posts: 59 Member
    Hi guys! My name is Elizabeth and I currently weigh 154lbs. (I'm 5'4") My goal is to get to 140 before the new school year starts on August 22nd. I know loosing 14lbs in less than a month will be a challenge, but I'm ready!! :)
  • Hello! I'm Carrie and I am a 38 year old first grade teacher in Baltimore, Maryland. I started my weight loss journey on January 1st at 237 pounds. I currently weigh 198 pounds and my goal weight is 150 pounds. I'm looking forward to being part of this group. :happy:
  • julialla
    julialla Posts: 232 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm 5'5" and would like to be in the shape my body deserves to be in. Plus, when I see my friends again, I want to feel confident and happy with how I look! So I'm hoping to get down to 140 by August 25th. I'm currently 150, give or take a few depending on morning fluncuations. :)
  • taytaylynn3
    taytaylynn3 Posts: 601
    Hi i am taylor. I start school august 27th and really wanna be down ten more pounds.I am about 5'5 right now i weigh 120 i am trying to get down to 110. It is so hard i can't seem to lose anymore. Feel free to add.
  • AngelChini
    AngelChini Posts: 111 Member
    Hi everyone!(: I am Angelaca and I really want to loose about 10-15 pounds. School for me will start on August 27 and I am hoping I can get some support and some motivation to reach my goal before school starts.(: I want to look toned.^^
  • annasara21
    annasara21 Posts: 44 Member
    Hi I'm a teacher, I go back to school in a couple of weeks but as an MFP newbie I'm keen to join in with this anyway!
  • cehall422
    cehall422 Posts: 32 Member
    Hi my name is Carrie and I'm about to start my senior year! My goal this summer is to lose twenty pounds, I was on track but life happens. Anyway I just hit the 10 pound mark today so hopefully, with help from all of you, we can lose the last 10! After those first 20 pounds I still have a long way to go, but small goals make it easier to manage. Let's do it!
  • Hello everyone,

    My name is Kitty and I start school on the 27th, however I would like to lose 10 pounds by the 15th. I have a few fashion shows in mid August that I would like to look the part for. My goals are to get to 128-130 by the end of this week and hopefully be around 123-125 by next week. While my weekly weight loss goals may seem drastic, most of the weight I do have is water weight. I am a Vegan but Pescatarian one day a week (mainly salmon for the omega 3's and extra protein). My diet goals for this challenge are to be low sodium, sugar free, and to not eat after 7. My activity goals are to walk for 3 hours, to be in bed by 8 or 9 and wake up at 6 so I can tune my circadian rhythm for school. Good luck ladies!
  • RenyRose
    RenyRose Posts: 1
    Hey everyone my name is Lauren and I'm trying to loose 10-15 lbs before school starts. Feel free to add me I like to motivate others and love new friend. Hopefully we can all loose the weight we want to before school starts.
  • butterfly007
    butterfly007 Posts: 37 Member
    Hello everyone my name is Livia and I start school on Aug 20. I have already lost 25 lbs with the help of this program and all together I've lost 50lbs. I would like to lose anothe 40 lbs to reach my goal. However 10 is a good start:). Good luck to everyone!:)
  • krsloane
    krsloane Posts: 13
    My name is Kimberly. I'm actually a teacher and student. I teach at the secondary level and I'm working on my Master's Degree. i go back to work on August 20, and student return on August 27. I need to lose more than 10, but that would be a great start before school starts so let's do it!
  • dustwitch
    dustwitch Posts: 12 Member
    My name is Carol. I'm an Early Years teacher in Manchester in the UK. I lose weight very slowly despite my best efforts but am determined to go back to school in September a bit lighter than when I left in at the end of July !
  • kathypt
    kathypt Posts: 4 Member
    Hi everyone

    I work at a school that starts Aug. 27 and need to be ready to start. Glad to fine this group and glad you are here.
    I''m excited about the challenge this week.
  • kimby1119
    kimby1119 Posts: 9 Member
    Wow! This is the FIRST forum I have read on this site! Very inspiring! Good luck to all of you and CONGRATULATIONS!

    And, my name is Kimberly. I am a fourth grade teacher and have lost 11 pounds since March. I had to adapt to a Gluten Free lifestyle last summer and ended up GAINING about 15 pounds. Proudly, I have lost almost all of that, but I still need to get rid of about 15 to 20 more. 10 before school would be awesome, though! :happy: I look forward to motivating each of you and to taking on this challenge together! We are who we want to be and we do what we want to achieve!
  • Becky_Boop
    Becky_Boop Posts: 96
    Hey everyone, I'm becky
    I was 164 when i left my last seminar a few weeks ago and although I have gained a few pounds back with going on holiday since I want to be Atleast 154 when I return in September! x
  • Hello...I start back to school (with students) on aug. 27. I am a exile needs preschool
    Teacher and it would be nice to have lost 10 lbs when I start back with them. Good luck to everyone!
  • sfarra111
    sfarra111 Posts: 2
    My name is Sherry. Today is my first day. I am a college professor and would like to lose about 50lbs. My main goal is to get more active. I also just completed my doctorate and this was the only picture on my computer. I will update it with a better one soon.
  • mtmom1012
    mtmom1012 Posts: 31 Member
    Hi all!
    I'm a middle school teacher, and I've had 2 kids in 2 years so the weight has poured on. I had my son in February, and while I'm close to my pre-pregnancy weight, I'd like to lose a lot more to return to the healthy weight I was in my 20s. I'm currently at 249, so I'm hoping to get to 239 by September (and then keep going!)

    Of course, to make matters difficult for me, I'm on vacation out of state until August 9! But, I'm staying at my parents who eat pretty healthy, plus we're on a lake with lots of opportunity for activity.

    Looking forward to sharing the journey with you guys!
  • 1RareJewel
    1RareJewel Posts: 440 Member
    Hi Everyone, I am trying (want) to lose 10-15 pounds before Sept 1.

    Height 5'9
    Weight 179-182 ----this is my average.

    My first initial goal weight was 175. I reached that goal a couple months ago only to lose it again. My new goal is 165.
  • achasnis
    achasnis Posts: 119 Member
    Hey Everyone! I am Allison, and will be starting school again (college junior) Sept 4. This summer has really gotten me off track with eating healthy! I do have an "Ultimate goal weight" of 130, so these 10 lbs will be a perfect start! I have been working on getting into shape for about a year and a half now and have found a new passion. I LOVE weight lifting. I may have only lost 5 lbs in that amount of time, but my body has drastically changed (hopefully all the added muscle will be helpful in boosting my metabolism to shed the rest of this weight!) My main goals before school starts is to clean up my eating habits (darn, living in a college town makes that difficult) and start leaning out while trying to maintain as much muscle tone as possible.

    CW: 165.2

    Excited to do this!
  • vander7679
    vander7679 Posts: 109 Member
    Hello! I'm Jen and I am a 31 year old middle school special education teacher. I started my weight loss journey (again) in March at 230 pounds. I currently weigh 198.8 pounds and my goal weight is 150 pounds. I'm looking forward to being part of this group and the encouragement that goes along with it. Feel free to friend me ;-)
  • Hi! I'm Caeli. I want to lose some fat before school starts in September. I also wouldn't mind gaining a bit of muscle since I like the toned look. I don't have a specific goal, but it'd be nice to get down to 110 lbs or lower. I'm 115 lbs right now and i'm only 5'3". My plan is basically to keep losing fat and getting more toned until i'm happy with how I look and feel comfortable with myself. I'll add anyone who wants to send my a request on here, so feel free to friend me. Good luck to everyone! :)
  • amandaschroeder
    amandaschroeder Posts: 13 Member
    Hi Everyone!
    My name's Amanda and I'm a 3rd grade teacher in Wisconsin. School starts for me on August 29th, students start September 4th. I am 5 feet tall and currently 165 pounds, my goal weight is 125-130 pounds. I think this 10 pound challenge is a good jump start for all of us to achieve our weight loss goals!
  • Bananauyuu
    Bananauyuu Posts: 10
    My name is Tina and I'm going to be in 10th grade when school starts again. :] I am about 5'2~4" (not sure ._.) and I would like to be under 120 pounds at least by the time school starts~