Weight Training Question

I am currently 275 and 6' 00", down from 280, and I get to the gym 2-3/week. I am currently only using the elliptical machine for about 35-40 minutes, which allegedly burns 500 calories. I have a body type that gains muscle rather quickly, but I do not want the no neck weight lifter look but a more overall defined medium build. My question is should I add in weight training now, or wait until I have lost more pounds before using weights?


  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    I am currently 275 and 6' 00", down from 280, and I get to the gym 2-3/week. I am currently only using the elliptical machine for about 35-40 minutes, which allegedly burns 500 calories. I have a body type that gains muscle rather quickly, but I do not want the no neck weight lifter look but a more overall defined medium build. My question is should I add in weight training now, or wait until I have lost more pounds before using weights?

    Add it NOW, weight training while on a deficit (and also proper protein intake, 1.5 grams per KG of lean body mass) preserves muscle. Otherwise while you diet the pounds you lose consist of a much greater amount of muscle than you probably want - ideally you want to be losing closer to ALL fat right?

    Also, there is no such thing as a genetic accident that will cause you to become a no-neck from lifting weights, ESPECIALLY while eating a deficit. even with an AGGRESSIVE body-building and eating program, AND a genetic gift for muscle gain, an average male is looking at, I believe, 4-5 lbs of muscle per month, unless they are using steroids.

    Not all weight training programs are body building programs, just pick a strength focused program (frankly everyone should start with a beginning strength program, even people with body building aspirations). And don't specially train your traps.
  • fullofstars
    Awesome, thanks for the advice. :)
  • ScubyUK
    ScubyUK Posts: 271 Member
    Try and find a program that combines strength training AND cardio. Kettlebell based workouts are great for that.
  • derekjnichols
    derekjnichols Posts: 49 Member
    I second all the advice here- weight training is always good to add in. It'll make your whole body stronger so you can do more cardio which will help you lose more weight.
  • fullofstars
    Yeah, I will add it into my workouts this week and going forward. :) Thanks, all!
  • wait_loss
    wait_loss Posts: 117 Member
    I am currently 275 and 6' 00", down from 280, and I get to the gym 2-3/week. I am currently only using the elliptical machine for about 35-40 minutes, which allegedly burns 500 calories. I have a body type that gains muscle rather quickly, but I do not want the no neck weight lifter look but a more overall defined medium build. My question is should I add in weight training now, or wait until I have lost more pounds before using weights?

    May I suggest for your body type and the muscle you are seeking try Yoga and or Swimming. for body type refer to Sting for both.
  • babenes
    babenes Posts: 34 Member
    I am currently 275 and 6' 00", down from 280, and I get to the gym 2-3/week. I am currently only using the elliptical machine for about 35-40 minutes, which allegedly burns 500 calories. I have a body type that gains muscle rather quickly, but I do not want the no neck weight lifter look but a more overall defined medium build. My question is should I add in weight training now, or wait until I have lost more pounds before using weights?

    Continue with cardio add in weight training. Since you go gym 3 days do basic 3 day split. Day 1 legs/shoulders, day 2 back/Biceps, and day 3 chest/Tri. Don't won't look like body builder. You can keep weight moderate and rep range high so you toning instead of muscle gain. Do 3sets of 15 to 20 for eah exercise. If need help on what exercises to do pm me.