3 babies...2-sections (1 vba2c)...floppy tummy... HELP!

thaiba2000 Posts: 18 Member
As nasty as it MIGHT be... Who here has a belly overhang... Or a "mothers apron"?

What can i do to make it go away? Some people have told me that it wont go unless surgically removed which is believeable because mine is so big and its like its not part of my body... Im losing weight slowly but i dont see my my overhang going anywhere. I can imagine myself all slim everywhere except for the overhang!

I dont like doing sit ups but have started to do reverse sit ups... But that i only do occassionally because i have back problems...

I love my 3 kids to bits but i get quite big in my pregnancies. First 2 were born by caesarean section and my 3 rd was born a natural birth....

( typing on an iphone is hard lol)


  • That's really strange as I was just talking to someone about this today - I have been told that although I can lose lots of weight my stomach will not change that much and only surgery will fix it - GREAT!!

    Pilates and any "core" exercises are supposed to be good along with at least three sessions of cardio to burn off the fat.

    Children can be great but can also destroy our bodies:smile:

    Good luck
  • gidgeclev
    gidgeclev Posts: 103 Member
    21 years later and down to within the 'normal' weight range and I still have a C sectin overhang. But I don't care anymore.
  • thaiba2000
    thaiba2000 Posts: 18 Member
    I would just like to lose the bulge... I wouldnt mind a "flat" overhang. Im wearing this belt that i got from the
    Poundshop and its great because usually my overhang doesnt sweat when i do excersise but it does now that i wear that belt. I hate the fact that im clearly a size 12 trouser size BUT the overhang means i have to wear 14/16 size trouser.
    I often dont care about it either and sometimes even do a belly dance infront of the mirror and watch it wobble like jelly lol, its quite funny lol. I just want it to shrink a little bit and become a thinner overhang...
  • clairegreen1974
    clairegreen1974 Posts: 121 Member
    I have the belly overhang too! I had an emergency C section with my second child and my belly hang is horrid... i can grab hold of it at both sides and wobble it... yak! I was told it would never go completely as when they do the section, they cut right through your previously toned and loved stomach muscles and because the strength and structure of the abdominal wall is now effectively broken it'll never go back to how it was... unless you are Posh Spice and didn't put and ounce on during pregnancy, get a pretty little scar and a tummy tuck on the sly...
  • primrosehill
    primrosehill Posts: 84 Member
    Ladies - I empathise!! 1 enormous pregnancy with pre-eclampsia leading to severe water retention, then another pregnancy 11 months later, C-section and a 10lb 4oz baby - that stomach is never going back!! My friend calls hers her 'mummy pouch' and says she's proud of it. I'd settle for a smaller one!!

    Add me as a friend fellow apron-bellies, and together we shall wobble our progressively smaller pouches at the likes of Posh Spice!!

  • jenneal89
    jenneal89 Posts: 243
    Circuit training will help a lot. It's a mixture of cardio, strength training, and, yes, ab work. I got Jillian Michael's 30 day shred after I had my baby and it helped a lot. You can get it on amazon for £6 and it's only 20min per day. Your stomach muscles stretch 80% when you're pregnant and it definately takes a lot of time and work to get it better. Mine is slowly getting better 19 months on and is nearly flat again. I gained a lot of weight when I was pregnant.
  • clairegreen1974
    clairegreen1974 Posts: 121 Member
    C-section and a 10lb 4oz baby - that stomach is never going back!! ...Add me as a friend fellow apron-bellies, and together we shall wobble our progressively smaller pouches at the likes of Posh Spice!!


    We could do like a Top Trumps game here - Your Pre Eclampsia neutralises my Placental Abruption, however, I win with my 10lb 7.5 oz baby! Wooo!!! :laugh:
  • thaiba2000
    thaiba2000 Posts: 18 Member
    The reasons for my first 2 c-sections were due to severe Pre-eclampsia. Its a horrid thing to have but luckily i didnt get it in my 3rd pregnany and managed to avoid a 3rd c-section.
    Circuit training sounds good.
  • primrosehill
    primrosehill Posts: 84 Member
    C-section and a 10lb 4oz baby - that stomach is never going back!! ...Add me as a friend fellow apron-bellies, and together we shall wobble our progressively smaller pouches at the likes of Posh Spice!!


    We could do like a Top Trumps game here - Your Pre Eclampsia neutralises my Placental Abruption, however, I win with my 10lb 7.5 oz baby! Wooo!!! :laugh:

    Fantastic idea - I love it! And I'm so pleased to hear of someone having a bigger baby than me!! xx
  • beccarockslife
    beccarockslife Posts: 816 Member
    Honestly it will disappear. I've seen lots of bloggers who have had the same problem and once they got their body fat % down it reduced and in a lot of cases disappeared. Have faith and give it time. I can take a year after hitting your goals for the skin to shrink back too.
  • bijoux79
    bijoux79 Posts: 79
    3 sections in 4 years and I have a horrific belly overhang! I am just hoping that once I reach my goal it will magically dissapear!
  • diadojikohei
    diadojikohei Posts: 732 Member
    I can really empathise with you all, I had 4 babies over 7 years! I worked out that I've spent 3 whole years in total pregnant and 4 whole years in total nursing!
    I have a stubborn belly bulge too, it just won't shift! I used to do crunches and sit ups which is ok if you keep doing them but I have been told not to do them anymore as I now have a hiatus hernia.
    Any one got any other exercises I could try?
  • stephm112
    stephm112 Posts: 297 Member
    I suggest doing something like 6 week 6 pack (Jillian Michaels) it really helped with my tum and I lost an inch a week. It's hard though I'm not gonna lie. My friend is a size 8, has had 3 c sections and still has an overhang. Flat tum though so it is possible. I do a lot of core and can feel my abs unfortunately they are hidden under a lot of flab. I had a c section too but can't blame that for the overhang as I was big before I had my daughter and had one before kids came into the picture. My tummy is getting better but I do a lot of exercise and go to the gym 3 times a week. Walk a lot. It's hard at first but soon becomes a habit.