Just joined group :)

I just ran across this group and joined. So instead of lurking - I'm going to introduce myself! haha I'm Beth and I'm from the Dallas TX area. I'm a 39 year old single mom and finally started my journey to get healthy October 2011. My goal is to be at my goal weight by the time I turn 40 in January 2013. So... that's a little about me... Look forward to meeting new friends :)


  • metzica
    metzica Posts: 24
    Hi Beth,
    I'm fairly new to this group also, and haven't introduced myself yet so I'll take this opportunity to do so too... I'm Jessica, 29, from Iowa. I have an 18 month old son. I started my weightloss journey last fall also, and have lost 39 lbs since August 2011 (only 15 on MFP) and want to lose at least 30 more! So far I don't have any friends on MFP other than the few I know in real ife... but I'd be happy to have more support/accountability!
  • jobeth527
    jobeth527 Posts: 25
    Hi Jessica! I'm always looking for friends and support! I have been on MFP for a while but I haven't been tracking or posting for a couple of months. I'm jumping back on this train since I only have about 6 months before the big 40 hits and I will not accept failing this goal. You can send a friend request... I welcome all the support and having friends to chat with makes this journey we all share on here much easier and lots more fun! =)
  • kit8806
    kit8806 Posts: 222 Member
    Hi Beth and Jessica-

    I'm Ashley - 24. I'm from Bethlehem, PA area and I just joined this group, and joined MFP about a week ago. I have a 4 year old daugther, and realized it's time I get into shape and lose this weight! I let myself go after I had her and I need to change it! I have lost about 9lbs so far, but I still have a long way to go till I hit my gaol weight. I'm looking for support and accountability where ever I can! Balancing work/my daughter/etc gets to be hectic and I don't want to fail this time!
  • SRB8710
    SRB8710 Posts: 90
    I am 25 single mother to a girl and live near Las Vegas! I am also always looking for more friends! :)