Anyone currently dealing with deployment?

hi! i am ashley! My fiance is currently deployed! He left in December (this is his 5th but our first together). So I am starting my downhill of the deployment, but it doesnt get any easier I have learned! This summer I have focused on exercising and losing weight to distract me. Also, our wedding is in late December so that motivates me :)

Just curious if anyone else is missing their Love currently? I miss him terribly. Thinking about what he goes through over there does help me push through the workouts. Also wanting to show off my new body to him helps..haha!


  • SyntonicGarden
    SyntonicGarden Posts: 944 Member
    Hi Ashley!

    I was a military fiancee and got married after he was out, so I've been in your shoes. Unlike military spouses, as a military fiancee, you're kind of on your own in some respects. No FRG and the military doesn't tell you squat. It can be frustrating at times, especially if you're planning a wedding while he's downrange.

    These things helped me:

    - If he's at a location where he can receive mail, send care packages if you can. I think I aimed for one between every 3 weeks to once a month. The USPS offers a discounted rate for packages going to APO/FPO addresses in the Army. Not sure what that translates to for other branches, but the care packages helped ME when I sent them. I'd leave a box open on the table and pack it over the course of a week or so. Pick up some candy when I hit Target. Pick up a magazine at the book store. Maybe bake some cookies. By the end of a week or two, I had a box of love to send. (Just make sure you're not sending booze, pork products or suggestive pictures of the feminine form, if he's in a place that prohibits those things...)

    If you're not sure what to send, feel free to PM me. A lot of the websites have a lot of weird suggestions that may not work for what he does or where he's at. Because of where he was at and what he was doing, my (now)husband said no to silly string, feminine hygiene products, and plain condoms, all of which were high on the "what to send" lists on the Internet. (Silly string, for seeing if there were trip wires, FHP for wounds, and condoms for keeping sand out of weapons, in case you were wondering.) He preferred cookies, rice krispy treats, gum, and assured me that he shared it with his peers. I sent krispy treats made with cocoa cereal... Just don't sample too much of what you're sending. ;)

    I got a lot of mileage out of the vacuum sealer too. I think for his birthday one year, I baked a cake in a disposable foil tray, vacuum sealed it, and sent a sealed tub of frosting, some plastic knives and some goofy paper birthday napkins.

    - Keep on working out. It'll help burn off some of the mental energy too...

    - Focus on you. Take that class you wanted to take. Get that certification. Learn a new skill. Do something that gets you out with people. (I joined a kickball league...)

    - Focus on planning that wedding. It's gonna be tough and frustrating some days, especially for the things that "normal" couples do when planning a wedding, like picking invitations, finding a photographer, sampling cake, picking out favors, figuring out entertainment... Find a girlfriend or a favorite family member to help you with this stuff.

    Edited by OP: Fixed spelling mistakes. ;)
  • amanda_ataraxia
    amanda_ataraxia Posts: 400 Member
    My husband is currently in Korea for a year. He left March 3rd.
  • nosilla02
    nosilla02 Posts: 4
    Hi, I am Allison. My husband is currently in GTMO until mid November. He left the first week of May. We have been through many deployments with the longest one being 1 year. It doesn't really get easier so to say, but you sorta get used to it. I always set one big goal for myself whenever he leaves. It keeps my mind busy and gives me something to focus on. We also have a 2 year old so he keeps me pretty busy too, lol. My goal for this deployment is to lose 20 lbs and tone up.

    The time will pass by quick and he will be home before you know it!!
  • sarahmiron16
    sarahmiron16 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi ashley! My boyfried is also currenlty deployed and I couldnt agree with you more that it doesnt get any easier! I miss him like crazy and cant wait for him to come home. I had the goal that as soon as he left id start my diet and exercise plan but its already been 2 months and Im just now starting! lol I guess better now than never :)
  • SaraBelle0312
    SaraBelle0312 Posts: 328 Member
    Hiya! I am about to go through my first. I already know how bad it could be so I am here for you!
  • shocker3
    Hi I'm Penni and husband will be coming home in a few months. The unit he is attached to does frequent deployments so he could get home and turn around and leave again.
  • Cyanid3
    Cyanid3 Posts: 112 Member
    Yep. My bf is currently deployed. We're past the halfway mark now and every day done is a day closer to him coming back.

    I too am trying to lose weight and tone up a bit before he come back! If I could even lose 10 lbs I'd be ecstatic. :)