Any SAHMs on here over 40?

TraceAT Posts: 54 Member
Hi, only been a member on MFP for 5 days.
Calculations are to lose about 4 stone, but I would like to eventually lose more.
I've got positive feelings about being a member of this community. I usually spend a lot of time reading forums but will probably spend most of it on here now I've discovered it. What a great site it is too.

I've been looking for other SAHM [StayAtHomeMums] too, especially ones over 40.
Am I in the minority?


  • HappilyLifts
    HappilyLifts Posts: 429 Member
    oh bless! No replies!
    I'm an almost SAHM :smile: I tutor, but very part time, and twice a year I do some marking from home.
    I would love to lose about the same amount as you.
    If you need some friends you can send me a request, I am online everyday and on MFP most days to fill in my diary, log my exercise give and receive moral support, and when there's time to cruise the forums looking for helpful posts.
  • Copperycat
    Copperycat Posts: 215 Member
    Hi. I'm a 47 YO SAHM - (sort of lol!) I am self employed and work from home part-time but I have done that for the past five years so that I could be at home to bring up my two kids who are now teenagers. I'm on here every day - its so addictive! But its really helping me focus on losing 1.5-2 stones. Feel free to add me if you want some jollying along :)
  • LeonnieH
    LeonnieH Posts: 209 Member
    I'm pretty much a SAHM, I work part time from home. I also joined recently as I want to lose a little weight and keep it off. I'll be 40 next year. Please feel free to add me as a friend if you want :)
  • TraceAT
    TraceAT Posts: 54 Member
    Seems as I was right about being in a minority.... 3 replies thanks. lolz
  • agibbs13
    agibbs13 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I'm 47 and have a grown up son of 19. I guess I'm a SAHM too. Im losing weight as going on hols in November, but also keen to keep it off, dare I say this time. Be great to have a friend so please feel free to add me :-)
  • Hiya, were you looking for just stay at home Mum's over 40 to buddy up with? I am all but the stay at home bit as I work part time in a uni, and part time at home in my own business. Do a qualify?! ;-)