Newbie with a New group

glo_ Posts: 8 Member
If you're reading this message I'd first like to say Hello!

I created this group after seeing several groups that were made for the state of VA but none of them really had group members from my area of the 757, so I decided to make my own group! Oh and by the way I'm a new member on MFP!

So if you decide to join, please introduce yourself!


  • msmithjr79
    Hi there - it was good to see a group for 757! I am originally from Yorktown but Norfolk is close enough to call home on here. Hope we get more members! Check out my group for those living in the United Arab Emirates. I have been living here for the past three years and enjoy it.
  • glo_
    glo_ Posts: 8 Member
    oh thats great welcome home lol! I definitely want to one day visit Abu Dhabi!!! Hows life over there?
  • msmithjr79
    Yeah its great - love it!