8-1-2012 - Weigh In Wednesday

My weigh-ins are on Sunday but I will post mine from then to get us started:

7-29 - 236.4
7-22 - 238.4

Total since starting - 53.6


  • Fromadaughter
    7-26-2012 I was 265
    8-01-2012 still 265

    I think it is because I have lost 20 pounds so quickly my body is freaking out! LOL
  • ccoester
    ccoester Posts: 43
    7/26/2012- 178.4
    8/1/2012- 178.1

    ha. Made some real progress this week.
  • jbspangs
    jbspangs Posts: 19
    7/26/2012 - 235
    8/1/2012 - 233.4

    ALMOST halfway to my 50 lbs mark :)
    and 34.4 lbs away from my goal weight :)
  • jbspangs
    jbspangs Posts: 19
    7/26/2012 - 235
    8/1/2012 - 233.4

    ALMOST halfway to my 50 lbs mark :)
    and 34.4 lbs away from my goal weight :)

    And yes ... just like Ccoester... I think every ounce matters :-P
  • katymrose
    Last week 205.5
    Today 206

    I really need to find a more accurate scale. I don't like just seeing half pound increments.... And I gained half a pound.
  • lepow
    lepow Posts: 92 Member
    Last week: 206.0
    This morning: 203.8
    My scale had been stagnant for 3 weeks and finally moved this morning! Woot!
  • cmecme
    cmecme Posts: 227 Member
    7/26: 186.8
    8/1: 183.8
    3 pounds down!!!

    SHOCKED - unbelievable. I know I wont keep this pace up but just astounded.

    I did work out like a mad women, have eaten clean, and only had alcohol twice in the last two weeks. (and last week was TOM) -- but still-- I cant be happier. First time in a long long long time I've seen these results - maybe forever. Life's been "easy" the last few weeks so maybe that's it too. I'm eating clean, avoiding all refined carbs and sugars. This time of year with the abundance of fresh fruit, veggies and fish is just wonderful. Also took a trip to Whole foods and bought goiji berries for snacking (instead of chips), yogurt from all grass feed cows, tons of sockeye salmon, quinoa, and other super healthy "clean" foods. I guess its working for me.

    Keep it up everyone - I am a testament to slow losing - my average is .5 pounds per MONTH --- I've only lost 10 pounds over the course of more than a YEAR. So this lose is huge. I'm just hoping I dont gain for next week - - but you know what - - that's the future - - I have control - -
  • Nownourish
    Nownourish Posts: 89 Member
    26/7: 197.8
    1/8: 197.4

    I have GOT to be much more focussed!!! Although seeing the great results here has motivated me to get out and do my C25K for today...well done and keep it up:)
  • donnasjohnson
    donnasjohnson Posts: 71 Member
    7/25 Last week 191.6 (a small gain)
    8/1 Today 189.6 (a two pound loss)

    Total so far 21.2 pounds

    Lost two pounds!! Yay! My scales moved! I've been hovering right over 190 for more than three weeks now, and finally broke into the 180's! It's been about 15 years since I've been here! My next mini goal is to reach 185, my half way point. Thanks for everyone who posts here, it gives me so much encouragement to stay focused and determined. Appreciate you all so much!
  • cmecme
    cmecme Posts: 227 Member
    7/25 Last week 191.6 (a small gain)
    8/1 Today 189.6 (a two pound loss)

    Total so far 21.2 pounds

    Lost two pounds!! Yay! My scales moved! I've been hovering right over 190 for more than three weeks now, and finally broke into the 180's! It's been about 15 years since I've been here! My next mini goal is to reach 185, my half way point. Thanks for everyone who posts here, it gives me so much encouragement to stay focused and determined. Appreciate you all so much!

  • softdemonplaya
    softdemonplaya Posts: 27 Member
    7/26 - 295
    8/1 - 290.8

    Total Lost = 4.2 pounds

    I'll take it :-)