Anyone else a little disappointed by TDKR?

Kennkaru Posts: 210 Member
I was definitely on board with the hype for "The Dark Knight Rises." I loved the first two Nolan Batman films and am quite familiar with the comic story arc. I finally saw the film on Sunday afternoon.

The Batman stories are fantastic, but this particular film made very little use of them. It just blazed everyone through a lot of explosions and people getting shot/ their necks being broken, and that seemed to be the focus of the movie. They tried to wrap everything up at the end WAY too fast, and it was just..way too convenient. The connections between characters were a little bit too "magical" for a franchise which makes its success from avoiding magic. The narrative and the character development were extremely sub-par (which wasn't true of the first two) and they took existing characters from the comic with excellent stories and simplified them, changed them...essentially made their stories suck. The only character whose story was really even moving was Gordon's, and they treated it as very secondary. They built up Bane to be this serious killer with this super vendetta (and a mysterious face), then by the end they had just shrunk him down to being the extremely uninteresting Talia's flunkey who needs a breathing apparatus. I would say that the way it "tied back" was actually pretty desperate and involved a lot of flailing- this film RELIED on the first two to even make sense, which is something the second one wasn't guilty of. There were far too many plot-holes and convenient story-fixes. I would have accepted some of these if Wayne was still super rich, because money can make a lot of unlikely things happen, but in this film, he was supposed to be broke. They tried to do too much with too much material, ended up reducing it down to a very disappointing alternate medium with mediocre writing. That being said, the casting and acting were great, and it was visually pleasing... but those things don't win me over on their own. It was a big, flashy, expensive "meh."

I'm certainly not looking to fight with anyone who loved the film. I enjoyed watching it. It was worth my $7.50. However, did anyone else experience some disappointment?


  • Stompp
    Stompp Posts: 216
    * Spoilers ahead *
    I hear you, it was an alright movie, just so many inconsistencies...

    We're sitting there and you see the cop talking to Bruce and I'm all "yep, there's robin".

    He gets it on with that Talia, and you see the flashback of the guy getting beat while the kid gets out unharmed... and it was obvious that it was going to shift to her being ras's kid...

    Oh and "well, I'm technically a citizen, so there!" from Talia? Ugh!

    Just too much to be even remotely believable... The bat copter thing flying off with catwoman and batman.. um, its blades were on the bottom and there were dozens of men with guns, nobody even tried to shoot the rotors?

    There were quite a few instances where you'd have to have paid attention to the first two movies to get certain things... I'm all for tying things back, but when they're almost obscure to the point of being inside jokes for people that paid attention to detail... it wasn't as cool.

    On the flip side, there was violence and explosions and a chick in tight leather, so it was enjoyable LOL

    The whole thing really just felt like they phoned it in TBH.
  • squankmuffin
    squankmuffin Posts: 130 Member
    Catwoman was so irritating. I'm all for girls in (albeit strategically padded) leather, or vegetarian equivilant. but she came across as a petulant brat. Arguably, that fits with the comic but I don't feel the need to see it for hours of my life I can't get back. And what was going on with the blond girl? Attempt to make whingyface a sympathetic character? Or just there to conjure up lesbionic plotbunnies?

    The twists were all very predictable, particularly the avoiding use of pronoun for "the child". Awkward.

    The end was such a cop out, and completely invalidated the whole heroic sacrafice.

    It was a good film that should have been great.

    Though I did fangirl over all the shots in Nottingham. Squee! I've been there! etc
  • NeatMan
    NeatMan Posts: 62
    How does bane even eat
  • squankmuffin
    squankmuffin Posts: 130 Member
    I'd imagine that he's sustained by evil.
  • NeatMan
    NeatMan Posts: 62
    He's not even evil, he's sorta Chaotic good.
  • squankmuffin
    squankmuffin Posts: 130 Member
    He wanted to appear chaotic good. But he chows down on virtual evil.
  • HowieTwoPointZero
    HowieTwoPointZero Posts: 494 Member
    I'd imagine that he's sustained by evil.

    Thrown in a blender and sucked down with a pink crazy straw.
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    I'd imagine that he's sustained by evil.

    Thrown in a blender and sucked down with a pink crazy straw.

    I'd bet he mixes it with Shakeology. Stuff's evil.