On Day 3 of Power 90

Anyone else doing Power 90?.. I see a lot of people doing P90X but I'm not ready for that YET lol :)


  • Beana21
    Beana21 Posts: 91 Member
    Day 86 here. :smile: I'm moving on to P90x in a few weeks, after I come back from vacation. I've had good results from it, though it did get boring for me after a while. Stick with it though and you will see results, but make sure your diet is on track.
  • rhondac46
    rhondac46 Posts: 46 Member
    I also started with power 90,did see great results. I am now doing the lean version week 7 p90x
  • Topher1978
    Topher1978 Posts: 975 Member
    How is it going for you? I am just starting week 3, and am adding cardio (Turbo Jam) 3 days a week, and a dumbell full body workout 3 days a week. The first week was hard as heck, but it is progressively getting much easier. I am still not maxed out on the exercises though. I am a big guy right now… my belly makes the pushups tough!
  • thektturner
    thektturner Posts: 228 Member
    I was going to ask the same.

    Just finished week 4 here. I have done P90X before (completed it last June) but have since let everything go to hell. My boyfriend refused to do the videos I did to get in shape to start P90X last time, so we're doing P90. But we're doing a slightly accelerated version. Did 2 weeks of the 1-2 videos and will do 3 weeks of the 3-4 videos. Just finished week one of 3-4.

    Planning to start P90X (2nd round for me, 1st for him) mid-November. Then on to P90X 2 in February. I didn't even know that existed until recently. It looks fun! ... in a sadistic kind of way... :-)
  • TacoGrinder
    I've just started and completed my first day of Power 90. I've tried p90x myself in the past and failed miserably.

    Power 90 is a perfect basic fitness start for me :) best of luck with it :)
  • JuliePleasant
    JuliePleasant Posts: 72 Member
    Need some advice! I have completed month #1 of insanity, I have not done any exercise in about 4 weeks. I am now thinking of starting power 90 master series. Can I handle it? Does anyone have the calander of when to do workouts?