Good Idea!

AuntieMC Posts: 346 Member
This group is a great idea! I am sorry to see it has so little activity! I am currently in treatment (chemotherapy) for endometrial cancer. I was diagnosed a little over a year ago, and went on a major lifestyle change to improve my chances. In the past year, by utilizing the dietary ideas in a book called "Anti-Cancer - A New Way of Life", by David Servan Schreiber, I have lost 153 pounds! Is anyone else making radical lifestyle changes to fight cancer? Has anyone tried any alternative therapies?


  • jchocchip
    jchocchip Posts: 72 Member
    well done for changing your lifestyle and losing so much weight. My breast cancer was the kick that told me I had to lose weight and I am trying to live a more active life and eat less rubbish... Loving mfp and c25k.
  • I wish there was more activity on here also as I am looking for ways to make this journey easier. I was diagonised in Feb 2011 with Acute Meyloid Leukemia and went thru chemo, radiation and a stem cell transplant. I am a little over a year out from transplant and learning life all over again. Do to some of the medication that I was put on I gained alot of weight and I am now fighting to lose it and live a healthier lifestyle...Drs orders! I have also found many great cookbooks, one even by Betty Crocker that helps with foods that you should be eating during all the procedures and after when in remission.
    The Leukemia Society has this thing called Team in Training and they coach you into becoming fit and learning how to walk/run from a 5k to a full marathon, triathlons. My goal is to eventually be able to participate in one of those. I think I want to do the triathlon... someday :) I walked my first 5k in May for the Be the Match Foundation. My team may have been last place but I did it!!!! I am also starting with the C25k.. this week is my first week of doing it, wish me luck!!
    I am open for ideas that may help. I know my body is nothing what is used to be and things are alot harder but I wont give up. I am too young and have to much to do still. If you need a friend feel free to add me. I need all the motivation I can get!!!!
  • jessah3
    jessah3 Posts: 6 Member
    hi guys! my name is Jessica and i am undergoing treatments for thyroid cancer..had a thyroidectemy in june and started radiation treatment done for a while but have to go back for more treatment in 3 month in hopes that the cancer will be gone...i didnt understand how ive gained so much weight as i work out regularly and eat good...found the answer and though im not happy with the results so far, im ready to get back on track and really try to lose weight..story of my life lately lol...anyways im glad there is this board!
  • I am just done my Chemo treatments this summer and have been given a clean bill of health from My Doctor:) I had hodgkins lymphoma and had to go for chemo every two weeks for the last 6 months. And in that six months i have gone down three sizes to back up three sizes. Trying to get back into things has been a real balancing act- Trying to push my self but still let my body heal. I keep telling my family I feel like a 65 year old. It has been a Journey this year and not all bad but trying to appritiate my body is just another step in my journey:)
    I would love to have some support and be a support on MFP if anyone wants to be friends:)
  • Great to see a group like this. I recently had a laryngectomy and can't speak (waiting for a prosthetic voicebox). It was well-advanced and I'm trying to improve my prognosis, which I understand can be done with dedication and radical lifestyle changes. In my case, I've learned that tumors thrive on sugar so I need to find ways to increase nutrition and calorie intake without using sugar.