Acidic Foods Make Me Hungry

My suspicions have been confirmed. Acidic foods and drinks make me feel hungry. They cause that gnawing in the pit of my stomach.

This week my husband is out of town so I decided to eat like the first week after my VSG. So I’m doing just protein shakes and half cup servings of soups that have been pureed smooth. For three days, it’s been great. I’m eating next to nothing. My stomach feels great. I’m not hungry. I’m amazed. I thought I’d be starving, but I’m not.

Then last night, I got a terrible salt craving…I had the same thing happen after surgery. The nutrientist said back then that my diet had cut the sodium and I should eat something salty to get my levels back up. So last night I ate my favorite salty thing, lemons with salt. It’s something from my childhood; I know it’s odd and bad for my teeth, but I love lemons with lots of salt. I juiced a couple of lemons and drank my salty brew last night.

Dah ta dah dah…. I’m hungry as can be today. My stomach feels like an empty pit. And I’m so hungry I could chew my own arm!! I’ve been chewing Tums all morning to get my acid back down and I’m starting to feel better.

Conclusion my friends, acid=hungry. I was never one of those lucky VSGers who stopped feeling hungry after surgery. When I found out many doctors prescribe an acid reducer after a VSG, I started taking one. Because I was still drinking my water with lemon, drinking Crystal Lite which has a lot of citric acid, eating my tomatoes and cucumbers with vinegar, my hunger got better but didn’t vanish with an acid reducer.

This week I started drinking my water with a slice of fresh ginger. Ginger is known to be good from stomach trouble like nausea. I haven’t had any acidic foods like tomatoes, citrus fruit or vinegar this week. Until the lemon juice last night, my hunger was gone.

There is one acidic thing I will not give up, coffee! Sorry Stomach, you will have to suffer with that one. lol


  • actg95
    actg95 Posts: 85 Member
    Hang in there! I haven't noticed it making me hungry, but then, my stomach doesn't seem to tolerate citrus acid as well. I used to LOVE tea (unsweetened add splenda) with lemon - but can't do it anymore. It hurts my tummy and I notice I get really gassy, which is odd.
  • grisaille12
    I crave salty foods and the one thing I would love most of all to eat would be Ruffles potato chips with French onion dip - I used to have such a sweet tooth but after months of sweet protein drinks I have no desire anything sweet. And chocolate which used to be a huge staple in my life just doesn't appeal. But I tried chips and dips and felt so bad I think it will be a long time until I try that again. :sick: