Day 3, and looking for some support!

Liteach Posts: 4 Member
Hi guys, I'm the quintessential yoyo dieter - having lost between 50-100 pounds several times, and each time gaining more weight. This time I'm trying to lose weight outside of an official diet - I'd like to do it slowly, and I'd like to quit obsessing about food and my weight. I can use some buddies who are working on the same things as I am.


  • You can add me as a friend. I just started here in July too. I need to lose around 50 pounds. Like you I have been a yo-yo dieter having lost weight before and then gained it all back plus more. I retired a year ago and for the last 5 years of employment, I worked nights.............that really messed up my metabolism and I gained 10 pounds a year over those 5 years. Now that I have a normal sleep cycle again, I am working toward losing the extra weight.
  • TimeWillTell2
    TimeWillTell2 Posts: 126 Member
    I have never really been a dieter. I start eating healthy and then fall off the wagon. I have steadily been gaining weight over the last ten years. Now I am up to 214 lbs (heaviest 228). I look in the mirror and can't believe I have let myself get this heavy and out of shape. So, please add me - I can use the inspiration and will glady help you too! My goal is to lose 30 lbs by Christmas. Wish me luck!
  • Liteach
    Liteach Posts: 4 Member
    I definitely wish you luck. I'm so hopeful that this support group will help us all!
  • VogtAndrea
    VogtAndrea Posts: 236
    We're all guilty of yo-yo dieting. Most of us have tried a huge chunk of the fad diets that are out there.
    This time around we can all hope that we've found the motivation that will help us to take off the weight we want to lose and keep it off. I know that for me this isn't a case of dieting. It's a case of changing lifestyles for the rest of my life. I don't have the luxury of failure this time around so I'm doing it right.
    A realistic goal and realistic steps to get there. No fad diets. Its just a case of setting a level of calories that would allow me to lose ONE pound a week, figuring out what I couldn't allow in my fridge and cupboards for the first while, and getting real with healthy choices. Eat what you want but limit it to smaller portions and leave out the unhealthy stuff. OH Yeah.... try to stop right around that level of calories that will allow you to reach that goal.
    Between that and finding something that you ENJOY doing that qualifies as exercise and sticking to it will help you get the results you are wanting.
    And when you need a little motivational help, there are a whole lot of us out there that are in the same boat and trying to reach similar goals who are happy to give you a pat on the back when you're doing well, commiserate with you when you fail, and encourage you too.
  • marsellient
    marsellient Posts: 591 Member
    VogtAndrea, you've described exactly what I am trying to do as well. So far, so good. I have found recently that getting the exercise in helps me make better food choices and strangely saw an article in the paper about just that this morning. I have decided that so long as the scale moves in the right direction, however slowly, I don't care how long it takes to get to goal (as yet undetermined). We are going to do this!
  • VogtAndrea
    VogtAndrea Posts: 236
    I told a friend today that I'm looking at more than 150 weeks to lose the weight that I want to lose because I'm realistic. In fact, it's likely to take more like 175 weeks... and we all don't have to think too far to know that's about 3 and a half years. I also need another year and a bit to prove to myself that I can keep it off and not go too far.
    At least, that's the plan.
    When I started, I worked out a goal of one pound per week. In order to manage that I actually have to work at a pound and a half and plan my exercise for an hour and a half 5 days a week at the swimming pool at the rec centre here plus walk on my days off. I do take one day and not walk or a day and not swim if I'm really hurting.
    Getting old means that you hurt alot and along the way you've hurt things or worn things out. I've got a bulging disk, a hip that's wearing out, arthritis everywhere... Yup, I'm OLD. But I'm not going to quit either. When the pain gets too bad I'll take a day off and painkiller up so I can tell if it's just too much exercise or if I need to have the doctor check me out.
    BUT.... I"M NOT GIVING UP either.
  • pauliehope
    pauliehope Posts: 9 Member
    Feel free to add me as a friend - I've been on MFP since February and LOVE it .. the support is great :)
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Welcome! I'm 60 this year, a bit older than y'all but in the same situation. Yo-yo lose gain more lose some gain more right up to 185 pounds. I'm 160 now and not watching the scale, started heavy lifting using New Rules of Lifting for Women and wow I feel great (wearing size 12 pants for the first time in 25 years).

    I also eat low-carb, finding it easier for me in the long run and realizing that my biggest problem was carb control - ice cream, breads, french fries - all were my downfall over the years. I'm so much happier this way, I have plenty of energy and all my medical #s are perfect!

    Add me if you want, I'lll be here for a long time!
  • VogtAndrea
    VogtAndrea Posts: 236
    You're very welcome to add me as a friend here.
  • aussiestargazer
    aussiestargazer Posts: 98 Member

    I would be happy if some folks would also add me as a friend as I am new hear and finding it hard - I am trying to avoid getting back into the yoyo situation. I am 54 with about 45-50 kg to lose.