Less IS More!



  • malibootie
    malibootie Posts: 614 Member
    Hey guys! It's weigh in day! Please let me know the following:

    Weight today-
    If you completed the daily challenges this week-
    How many of the 4 days you completed the water challenge!

    Even if you you didn't get through all of it, you all did amazing! The first week is always hard as you start to retrain your body. Enjoy the day off, and get excited for next week!

  • shelleycolton
    shelleycolton Posts: 400 Member
    Wed 8/1 - 10 Mins Body Workout - DONE and 30mins of Yoga , Drank 100oz h2o. Great Day Totally Motivated
    Thur 8/2 - Arms workout - DONE. Got to drink 2 more glasses to get to target 100oz today (no problem)
    Fri 8/3 - Legs - DONE. Water DONE!!! YIPPE Found the water thing much easier today, will drink more like 120oz today
    Sat 8/4 - Abs - couldn't get through all of it, i really struggled doing the normal plank let alone the alternate arms. Water DONE
    Sun 8/5 - Gutted STS :angry: , I haven't done so much exercise for absolutely ages and my thighs are so sore and achy. With all the water too I thought yeah a great weigh in.
  • pleytem
    pleytem Posts: 79 Member
    Wed 8/1 - completed my exercise , drank 100 oz h20
    Thur 8/2 - completed exercise drank 100 h20
    Fri 8/3 - completed exercise drank h20
    Sat 8/4 - completed exercise drank my 100oz h2o
    Sun 8/5 -You will not believe it TOM hahahaha ...No weight loss errr :( But after drinking 400oz h2o in the last 4 days I am not surprised Looks like next week we should kill it ....
  • shelleycolton
    shelleycolton Posts: 400 Member
    Thanks a huge coincidence so many of us TOM :noway: :noway: :noway:
  • pleytem
    pleytem Posts: 79 Member
    We were meant to be on this team I guess :) I am thinking next week we will all drop the 100 oz water weight hahaha :) I hope there is a big bouns for weight loss nest week ...just sayin' :happy:
  • lclowe0808
    lclowe0808 Posts: 62 Member
    I hate doing planks....there....I just thought I would say it!

    I haven't felt good all day. Went down to Lake Andrea to get in a workout on the bike and swimming, it was very breezy and cool so the thought of getting into the lake didn't sit well with me, my tummy was upset so I didn't feel like riding the bike, so I pulled up a chair under a tree and watched the wind surfers having fun!

    So I rested today. Today was just a difficult day from the moment I got up. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.

    I did manage to get my measurements (don't anyone laugh)...LOL

    Waist: 38
    Bust: 40
    Hips: 45
    R Arm: 12
    L Arm: 12
    R Thigh: 22
    L Thigh: 23

    I hope they go down!

    Hugz to all!
  • malibootie
    malibootie Posts: 614 Member
    Ok ladies, here is what we are going to attach and crush this week:

    "Weekly challenge - FRUITS ANd VEGGIES!! We are supposed to get 5 Fruits and Veggies a day. You can earn 1 point per 5 F/ V that your team consumes. This is for a FULL serving not a partial serving. When you report back to your captain how many fruits and veggies you had you must also list what you had. --- Captains please enter in the total number earned and the sheet will figure out the math for you. If you only enter 1 point for each 5 you will not get your full points. You must add the total daily. You can get unlimited points based off of how many fruits and veggies your team earns. (1 point per 5 consumed)
    Monday - arms (10 min video)


    Tuesday - legs
    Wednesday - full body
    Thursday - abs
    Friday - arms
    Saturday - legs"
  • malibootie
    malibootie Posts: 614 Member
    Sarge, I can't wait until I am your measurements too! So don't worry, no laughing here. We all know how hard it is to start, work, and then maintain this lifestyle.

    For the record, here is the weekly info I will need on Sundays from each of you:
    Weight on Sunday am
    Whether you completed your daily challenges
    Whether you completed your weekly challenge and any other info related to it (ie- exactly how many servings of fruits and veggies this week)

    I won't need measurements again until the end of the month.
  • pleytem
    pleytem Posts: 79 Member
    Thanks for posting early I am planning on going to the gym in the morning... So it looks like I will be a fruitarian this week I think that's what it's called when someone only eats fruits & veggies LOL..Thank god we don't have the water challenge this week ....Here's to an *kitten* kicking week ladies :bigsmile:
  • shelleycolton
    shelleycolton Posts: 400 Member
    Morning, How are you all? Fruit and Veggies Challenge, any help you have on what counts a portion because that will be where i'd get stuck. Loving fruit at the moment all the berries are yummy, i have been eating about a punnet of strawberries and raspberries a day, so now i have the excuse to have somemore. I think i'll try to have a few veggie meals, cause i'm always over on my protein. On another note, I'm going try on with the water thing but not the 3litres, ive decided i'm a 2.5 litres girl so will stick to a target of 8 glasses a day. So as part of the challenge do they post our scores because it would be really cool to see how we've done or is it at the end of the challenge? New to this.

    Have a great day Shel x :flowerforyou:
  • malibootie
    malibootie Posts: 614 Member
    I am new too and now sure how she does it at the end, but I have access to our team's spreadsheet so at the end I can send to you if you want. It will have all of our weekly changes in weight, daily challenges and weekly challenge as well as beginning and ending measurements (if you wanted to supply them).

    As for portions- I can't even begin to tell you because I don't know how they are measured in England. I would recommend looking it up online. If you can't, I'll try and do it for you later today.

    NOTE: the challenge this week includes listing EACH of the veggie/fruit portions you are eating!
  • shelleycolton
    shelleycolton Posts: 400 Member
    Hi, thanks for the quick reply, i've gone the NHS website here and found this useful document, its all printed out so this is what i'll be using to guide my portion, i'll list them too.


    Shel x
  • pleytem
    pleytem Posts: 79 Member
    Shel that's a great chart I am going to use that as well thanks :smile:
  • malibootie
    malibootie Posts: 614 Member
    RUH ROH!!!! I, your captain, have failed you. Well, really, I didn't fail YOU, I failed ME. Ok, I didn't so much FAIL as SLIP! There was a birthday party for my boss today and yes, I had a piece of cake. OH SNAP! Sooo... not only will I be doing the daily challenge today, but I will ALSO be doing my C25K- even if it's raining. I know that my body does really well the first week back into a program but then it levels off (as it should to be healthy) and I don't want to sabotage it further.

    My original goal was to lose 5 lbs this month and I think it's definitely possible. But I have to remember that I can put a pound or two back on SOOO easily- AND I'm going to the beach for vacation next week, so let's not forget to factor that in. Ok, vent over.

  • malibootie
    malibootie Posts: 614 Member
    NOTE! Belinda just posted this on her wall:

    "This morning we took Bentley in for his 2 month check-up and found out that he has an inguinal hernia and has to have surgery...needless to say today hasn't been a great day and I will not be updating any of my challenges until tomorrow."

    Since I know Shelley is 6 hours ahead of me, I wanted to make sure she knew that these updates won't be up until probably closer to mid-day tomorrow GMT.
  • shelleycolton
    shelleycolton Posts: 400 Member
    Thanks Malliorie, Hows everyone?

    Wow my arms burn!
    Heres Mondays progress:-

    Workout complete with 2kg dumbbells. So I ate 10 portions of fruit; here goes
    375g of Grapes and Melon = 3
    Spring onions & 1/2 Onion = 1
    Courgette 1 whole = 2
    Yellow Pepper = 2
    Medium Tomato = 1
    Portobello Mushroom (large) = 1

    Have a great day, i'm off to bed.

    Night Shel x:smile:
  • pleytem
    pleytem Posts: 79 Member
    Arms will be sore tomorrow

    According to the USDA here are my servings:

    Sunkist - Tropical Fruit 1/2 c
    365 - Turkish Apricots (Dried), 5 pieces
    Banana 1
    Spring Mix Lettuce, 1 cup
    Mandrin Oranges, 1/2 c

    So that's 5 servings
  • shelleycolton
    shelleycolton Posts: 400 Member
    Just seen this, I think someone else has posted the exercises. What is a Bear Walk? I have nooo idea. More lunges owww my thighs will burn burn burn.

    Tuesday - 8/07 - Legs

    2 minute Bear Walk
    100 Jumping Jacks
    50 Squats
    50 Lunges
    50 Calf Raises
  • malibootie
    malibootie Posts: 614 Member
    I went over in calories yesterday- but by about 40 calories, so I figure that's perfectly fine. Here were my fruits and veggies:

    romaine lettuce: 5 cups
    carrots: 1 serving
    asparagus: 2 servings
    strawberries: 2 servings

    Shelly, as for the bear walk, I think it is when you put your hands on the ground in front of you and walk on all fours- but with your butt in the air and your knees pretty much straight. Not crawling on all fours. Considering that I'm 5'10" and short waisted- which means my legs are the length of someone 6', this should be OODLES of fun. Yes, that was sarcasm!

    Oh- and I completed my arms but didn't have any 3lb weights so I used the 5lbs the whole time. I can barely lift my arms to put them on the desk and type this message.

  • pleytem
    pleytem Posts: 79 Member
    LOL I only have 5 lb weights too