Inches but no pounds

fleur_charms Posts: 12 Member
I've been playing EA Sports Active 2 for ten days now - pretty intensely to be honest! I'll play for at least 40 mins a day but it sometimes tops over two hours. I also go on long walks and have an exercise bike that I use five times a week. As well as this I'm keeping my calories at around 1400-1500 a day and I very rarely eat back my exercise calories.

Did my second weigh in today since having Sports Active and I found I've actually gained two pounds :\ took my measurements and I've lost quite a few inches! And I've got to say I already see a noticeable difference in myself, the game really is great!

I just wondered if anyone else had found them self losing inches rather than pounds while working out with this game?


  • Jaccyber
    Jaccyber Posts: 620 Member
    Good evening fleur and welcome to the group.

    Having reached my 1 year anniversary of EA Sports Active 2 I have lost both lbs and inches going from 240 lbs to 196 lbs and from 47 inches to 39.5 inches. It has been and is still proving to be a wonderful program for fitness. For the last 4 months now I have hit a plateau as far as weight loss but am still sloooowly shedding inches.

    It sounds like you have a wonderful lineup of weekly exercise... Keep it up. 40 plus minutes of EA Sports is a great workout indeed.
  • skaville1976
    skaville1976 Posts: 52 Member
    I agree with what Jac said. The weight is holding steady but this week I tried on a pair of old jeans in a smaller waist size and guess what? They fitted!

    Keep going with the workouts and I'm sure you'll find lots of inspiration and encouragement from this group.
  • fleur_charms
    fleur_charms Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks, hopefully my pounds will catch up with my inches!

    I've just started the 30 day shred as well after hearing lots about it on here. I've got to say a lot of people on here say how hard it is but I didn't find it too much of a strain, probably because I'd been playing EA for a while!

    I'm sure I see a difference in my body already, clothes fit better, but we'll see!