Dealing with the Weather

giftieetcetera Posts: 96 Member
I don't belong to a gym since every time I did, I never went. :( I workout by jogging in my neighborhood, working out at parks, or doing Netflix or library DVDs at home.

How do you handle the Louisiana summer? I've been working after the afternoon showers, when possible, and bringing water, but it's so hot and wet? Any tricks or things I'm not thinking of?


  • Mhaney
    Mhaney Posts: 467 Member
    There's not much you can do other than what you're already doing if you don't go to a gym. I don't have a gym but I go to taekwondo twice a week and it's still hot as heck in that room when we walk in to start class. I love using netflix workouts because after doing taekwondo for a while, my body got used to it and I had no progress, but throw in a pilates DVD in between classes and it works like a charm.
  • SouthernCountryGirl
    SouthernCountryGirl Posts: 195 Member
    What you're doing sounds great, especially the water. I'm like you, I get out and walk or run when the showers pass over or just before they blow in lol. I also do the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred using my laptop, you can find it for free online. Now that is a workout, in a major way, and can be done at home. Or you could consider yoga maybe? YouTube has lots of videos or Netflix I've heard. I have a gym membership but don't always have the 'get up and drive there' mentality so I do a lot of my workouts from home. Louisiana just gets hot, plain and simple, and humid ugh
  • Jaymazing
    Jaymazing Posts: 32 Member
    I'm NOT a morning person, so when I need to get in a walk or jog I wait until just before sundown. It's ever so slightly cooler that way.
  • andyxbear
    andyxbear Posts: 269 Member
    I usually just work out indoors at home. I have a treadmill that I'm trying to use more often and I have a few weights (3 lbs & 5 lbs). I also have a several workout DVDs. I sometimes like to look at workout videos online. There are lots of free ones out there.

    Fall is soon approaching and I am SO EXCITED! This means my hubby and I can get outdoors and take long walks in the local parks! :D