Newbie here

Hi, my name is Debbie. I am a grandmother of two lovely little girls and have been on a journey of discovery over the last 3 or so years. I initially went gluten free on the advise of my naturopath. It initially seemed to help with some of my digestive issues. It has been a journey of trial and error. I also found that I could not tolerate dairy as well, so I took that out of my diet and more issues cleared up. The more I cleared up my diet the more things I uncovered that was wrong with me. I find now I can no longer tolerate raw vegetables, but if I use raw veggies in a green smoothie I can tolerate it. Weird. I went back on gluten about 6 months ago to be able to be tested for celiacs but I became too sick to continue, so now I am back to being gluten free. Now I am at the point where I need to lose the weight. I have been so focused on finding out what is wrong that I have not worried about the weight. Now Its time to deal with that. I have a lot to lose and am looking forward to some great advise from you all how I can manage this part of the journey.

Thanks for listening to my rant.


  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    I am grain free, dairy free, and have a number of other allergies/intolerances. I also have a difficult time with raw vegetables, and have cut most of them out in the last couple of months. Much easier on my tummy if I microwave them for a minute, or roast them, or whatever. Carrots in particular give me terrible cramps if I have more than one small serving. I do still have salads; lettuce and tomatoes are pretty easy on my tummy, cukes/zukes, some peppers, but carrots, crucifers, etc. really need to be cooked for me.
  • lisaj84
    lisaj84 Posts: 1
    Wow Debbie,
    your story seems so similar to mine. I am 35 and I was having terrible problems with my health and then my gallbladder ruptured. After that it was even worse. I was finally diagnosed with Celiacs in April and have been gluten free since then. Diary occasionally gives me problems, but I cannot eat raw vegetables either. I too am trying to lose weight and be healthy. Going gluten free is not easy, but physically I feel so much better. Best of luck. Lisa
  • kjvgirl
    kjvgirl Posts: 10
    Thanks ladies, knowing one is not alone makes all the difference. Thanks again
  • Maintain4Life
    I've been gluten, egg, and dairy free for 3 years. Diagnosed with celiac disease and egg and dairy allergies. It's the holy triad of celiacs. I don't have a problem with raw veggies...I would be so sad if I did, so that must be even harder. Fortunately, I live in Seattle which is awesome for gluten-avoiding people. There's even a gluten-free, vegan bakery near my office...

    I lost a lot of weight initially upon getting my diagnosis because the options were so limited. But as I said, it's been much harder since the bakery moved.

    I lost 53 pounds from April '11 to April '12 (weight watchers). I'm now trying to lose my last 10 pounds. I think that having all of these intolerances/allergies makes losing weight a lot easier because when bad food is around me, chances are I CAN'T eat it. And you NEVER have people say, "Oh, one bite won't hurt your diet." Whereas we all know that one bite of something can hurt us physically.

    Of course, if you're like me, my other problem is creeping portion sizes. That's why I MUST count calories. Probably for the rest of my life....
  • dovek11
    dovek11 Posts: 94 Member
    HI!!!! Welcome!!!!

    When I went gluten free I couldn't tolerate raw vegetables either. It was just too much for my digestive system to handle. I never tried juicing, but have read that raw vegetables be tolerated better, since the small intestine is messed up and cannot break them down its self. They are already in little bits, so your system isn't having to work hard to do that. Makes sense.

    You are braver than I. I didn't get the official blood tested diagnosis and never will. I will NEVER go back to eating gluten. I need no medical test to tell me what my body already did! (and my medical history from birth tells all the odd illnesses I have suffered were at the hands of being and undiagnosed Celiac)
    "The more I cleaned up my diet, the more I found wrong with me" ME TOO! I also cannot have corn, soy, or dairy in any form. That really limits my food choices! As well as medications and supplements, since corn and soy in some form is in nearly everything!

    Before figuring out the gluten and other intolerances, I couldn't lose an ounce no matter what I did.
    I began losing 'weight', when I figured out all the things I was reacting to, and got them out of my diet. You may want to look into that yourself if you can't lose. There may be more bothering you, than you think.

    I have to say, much of my weight loss I do not think was fat, but fluid and inflammation. I had 'leaky gut' from the gluten damage. I knew my stomach was bloated and full of inflammation, but it never occurred to me that I was carrying fluid until I began to lose it.

    It hasn't come off fast, but steady. 1-2 lbs a week. I now have a flat deflated flabby stomach! If I get contaminated, like a month ago I tried a calcium supplement..... I will gain 5 lb overnight and it takes a week for that weight to go away along with the reaction symptoms. Thats how I know much of my weight has been inflammation fluid. It may be you carry fluid too!

    I can now tolerate raw veggies after 7 months. I am also grain free. I never substituted with gluten free products, but just went to a clean, no processed foods diet. I am never hungry. I have to remind myself to eat. I use MFP to log my food to make sure I get enough calories. I found when I began in early July I was only living on about 800 calories. When I increased that to 1200-1500 I began losing weight. I think I wasn't eating enough for my body to be strong enough to begin healing. When I gave myself more fuel, the body was able to work at getting me better.
    I also chill a gallon of water and drink every day. This is on top of my morning coffee. I know I have had enough water when my jug is empty every night. I do believe it has helped to flush away yucky stuff in me.

    I searched the net and found my way of eating is called the Keto Diet. It seems to have worked for me. I love having no digestive issues, or other body pain. I am regaining my strength also.
    I am a firm supporter of rebounding also. The mini trampoline. A gentle bounce helps stimulate our lymph nodes and every cell in our body. It is very therapeutic to our body! You can read the NASA studies on the net. Its PROVEN to be good for our health.
    You don't have to get crazy, just a gentle bounce without your feet leaving the mat is enough. For those of us who cannot Zumba or do cardio, it gives you a mild cardio workout without further stressing our body. And I must say, I cannot get on it without a smirk on my face. I feel like a little kid again. Its just FUN! (I have yet to say that about any other exercise! LOL) A few sessions a few minutes every day really helped me. After a month I realized I was comfy on it finally and I spend an hour or more on now.

    You may want to have your thyroid checked also. I haven't yet, but thyroid troubles can go along with our troubles!

    I agree that food is not a temptation for me. There is nothing that would taste so yummy that would be worth feeling so crappy for.
    You are SO not alone! Reading around this site, I wonder how many others should be here with us, and they just don't know it yet!

    Good luck!