
I am one happy girl right now. I have been at a plateau for measurements and weight for quite awhile now. I started losing weight last year and have hit 2 big plateaus... this is one of them. However... NOT EVEN 2 WEEKS IN on Insanity yet...and I have lost 3.5" off my chest and .5" off my hips!!! That, my friends, is an official plateau break!!! My other measurements have remained the same as of now, but that is huge for me!!!

Also, took my daughter's measurements when I realized my progress, because I have already seen a difference in her as well. Her back is smoothing out and her sides of her waist are coming in and seriously showing curves. I want her to experience this elated feeling I am having too!!

Take measurements everyone... way better way to determine progress on month 1 :) I am pumped!!! Bring on the Insanity!


  • missanglang
    missanglang Posts: 22 Member
    i'm down 2 inches in my hips and 1 inch in my waist
  • rosarenee1
    rosarenee1 Posts: 271 Member
    Way to go guys!! I need to check measurements but think I'll wait until end of week 2.
  • strikermiz
    strikermiz Posts: 34 Member
    I think I will measure Saturday after I finish week 2. I am really curious so its killing me not to but, I will wait...sigh
  • Mbishop7684
    Mbishop7684 Posts: 171 Member
    I'm taking measurements at the allotted Fit Test times! Can't wait! I can already see a HUGE difference in my butt and hips. The distance between them and my waist is no longer a sharp awkward angle. I can also tell in how my undies are fitting believe it or not! Yay for Insanity!
  • heartsoulshannon
    heartsoulshannon Posts: 59 Member
    Two bad eating days for me (i need to start bringing my own food to my parent's house!) and two extra rest days because of my hurt foot have me with no measurement changes. I do, however, already notice my butt looking a bit perkier :) That's encouragement enough for me!
  • shgreenw
    shgreenw Posts: 194 Member
    I'm down between 3 and 4 inches on my waist. Sadly, I didn't take any other measurements. I wish I would have taken measurements on my thighs because my pants feel a bit looser there! I should have taken the advice to take "before" pictures and measurements.

    Here's on odd thing about me. My size 12 jeans were feeling tight so I decided that I wasn't going to try on my jeans again for a month. It's been almost 5 weeks and I have yet to try them on. I can get by with wearing a lot of capri pants, skirts, dresses, etc. I REALLY want to have that "OMG, MY PANTS ARE FALLING OFF" moment when I finally do put them on. Since I'm past that first month, I'm going to hold off on wearing jeans for as long as possible. :blushing:
  • heartsoulshannon
    heartsoulshannon Posts: 59 Member
    My waist is down about 1/2 an inch :)