Get to know you quiz



  • jaywalker2309
    Hullo people

    1. Where were you born?
    Scarborough, North Yorkshire, county of the olympic champions (couldnt resist it sorry heh)

    2. Where do you live at the moment?
    Epsom, Surrey

    3. Where else have you lived?
    Oh dear god too many to list, but includes, Scarborough, Leamington Spa, Rugby, Rutland, Peterborough, Grantham all over really

    4. What is your current occupation?
    Mastering Manager / Licensing Coordinator @ Square Enix

    What is your dream occupation?
    Kinda doing what i always wanted to do.. Altho Aston Martin `test` driver would be up there i guess.

    5. Tell us any 5 things about yourself :)
    -I am really into my movies, and the trivia behind them (bores the hell outta people am sure)
    -I play the drums, well i would ACTUALLY play them if i had my kit back, but down side of flat is space limited :( so i just tap and drum on any surface (annoys the hell outta people am DEFINITELY sure)
    -I prefer rugby to that other `ball` sport
    -I was nicknamed `Motormouth` as a child, due to speaking at a rate most humans just ignored ;) nothing has really changed much since
    -I have more online friends then real friends, but hey i wouldnt be on here otherwise ;)
  • clairegreen1974
    clairegreen1974 Posts: 121 Member
    1. Where were you born?

    Darwen in Lancashire

    2. Where do you live at the moment?

    Still in Darwen, but lived in Blackburn (next town along home of Blackburn Rovers) in my childhood

    3. Where else have you lived?

    Just here - haven't managed to escape - yet!

    4. What is your current occupation? What is your dream occupation?

    I work in Forensics, but i am on the brink of leaving, I also run my own Corsetry making business which is kinda my dream... ultimately i'd be stinking rich and just be able to potter around making corsets with no pressure!

    5. Tell us any 5 things about yourself :)

    I have a 'fair bit' of tattoo work, and more in the future.
    I am very artistic and creative and can turn my hand to most things (but im rubbish at maths)
    I have a love of Vintage, 20's to 50's fashion, and Victorian/Steampunk
    I have a large collection of decorative and ceremonial swords and daggers (i dont 'do' dollies, pot pourri and scatter cushions!)
    I want to get back into Burlesque Dancing when im fit again :)
  • Kellymarieprior
    1. Where were you born?

    Dublin, IRELAND :)

    2. Where do you live at the moment?
    The Isle of Sheppey, U.K. (Just off the Kent coast)

    3. Where else have you lived?

    (La Manga, Spain... but only for 3 months!!!)

    4. What is your current occupation?

    Teaching Assistant/ Literacy and Numeracy Tutor

    What is your dream occupation?


    5. Tell us any 5 things about yourself :)

    I am bisexual

    I have a BA in English and am currently studying for an MA in Creative Writing

    I play guitar and like to write my own songs

    I am obsessed with cats, my cat Pandora is my everything

    I love tattoos and piercings :)
  • LilacDaffodil
    LilacDaffodil Posts: 148 Member
    1. Where were you born? Newmarket, Suffolk
    2. Where do you live at the moment? Truro, Cornwall
    3. Where else have you lived? Haverhill, Baythorn End, Slough, Maidenhead, Cheltenham
    4. What is your current occupation? What is your dream occupation? Data Analyst, Kept woman!
    5. Tell us any 5 things about yourself :) Never married, 1 son of 17, crazy cat lady, vegetarian for 32 years, still waiting to turn into a 'grown up'
  • vickycollo
    vickycollo Posts: 16 Member
    Hi Everyone! I was thinking that we don't really know much about each other (well most of us) so thought since I am bored and injured on this chilly Sunday morning I would create a little quiz that we can copy and paste and fill in the answers for ourselves :)

    1. Where were you born?
    2. Where do you live at the moment?
    3. Where else have you lived?
    4. What is your current occupation? What is your dream occupation?
    5. Tell us any 5 things about yourself :)

    That's all, trying to keep it short and sweet for now. :flowerforyou:

    1. Allentown, PA, USA
    2. Doncaster, South Yorkshire
    3. Tampa, FL; Cuernavaca, Mexico
    4. Secondary School Teacher; My hobby is soapmaking and I'd love to have my own handmade soap company. Not as big as Lush, but enough so I could earn a living.
    5. I'm 43. I have 2 kids. My big fitness goal is to run a marathon before I'm 50. My husband and I spent a grand total of 9 days together before we decided to get married - that was 17 years ago and we're still going strong. I am a total foodie and I love to cook.
  • coppercat25
    coppercat25 Posts: 54 Member
    1. Where were you born?
    Kettering, Northamptonshire UK
    3. Where else have you lived?
    Northampton, Newcastle-upon-Tyne and now Milton Keynes!
    4. What is your current occupation? What is your dream occupation?
    Current: receptionist/administrator and dream, well i just want to be a wife and mum, kinda traditional here!
    5. Tell us any 5 things about yourself :)

    1. I'm getting married next year in february
    2. I am far too lazy!
    3. I love music, especially muse and elton john!
    4. My favourite foods are sushi, peanut butter and cheese
    5. I believe I've got a bit of a six sense about things
  • racemary
    racemary Posts: 52 Member
    This is really interesting. The group is as diverse as the UK :)
    1. Where were you born?
    Hamm, Germany
    2. Where do you live at the moment?
    Southampton, England
    3. Where else have you lived?
    Emsdetten, Münster (both Germany) and London, England
    4. What is your current occupation? What is your dream occupation?
    Until very recently I worked as a language teaching fellow for a university, it was a temporary position funded by the German government - at the time that was my dream job! Now it is professor in linguistics
    5. Tell us any 5 things about yourself :)
    1. I still don't know where I'm going to live or what I'm going to work from October onwards
    2. I'm a part-time PhD student
    3. I'm really into photography and I run an amateur photography group
    4. I also love diving and I have dived with sharks in Kenya
    5. Although I'm a linguist by profession I am actually dyslexic :D
  • clairyfairy247
    clairyfairy247 Posts: 425 Member
    1. Where were you born?
    Oxford, Oxfordshire
    2. Where do you live at the moment?
    Bicester, Oxfordshire
    3. Where else have you lived?
    Nowhere I'm afraid, just Bicester. I'm a small town girl. :smile:
    4. What is your current occupation? What is your dream occupation?
    Current: Administrative Assistant at University of Oxford
    Dream: I'd love to be a scientist. At least I work in a science department.
    5. Tell us any 5 things about yourself :)
    a) I'm going to Disneyland for my 21st in March :happy: too excited!! I'm a massive Disney fan!
    b) My favourite food is frankfurters.
    c) My favourite poem from when I was a kid is "The Owl and The P u s s ycat" by Edward Lear and I currently have a tattoo design ready and waiting to be done!
    d) I really hate carrots!! I'm a huge veggie fan but they are so disgusting....
    e) I'm a huge Christmas freak. House decked out like Santa's grotto every year, reigning Christmas pub quiz champion (3 years in a row) :heart:
  • clairegreen1974
    clairegreen1974 Posts: 121 Member
    oh dear... you cant even say a word like *****cat! :laugh:

    p u s s y c a t :tongue:
  • clairyfairy247
    clairyfairy247 Posts: 425 Member
    I know!! How irritating! I'm going to edit it!
  • clairyfairy247
    clairyfairy247 Posts: 425 Member
    THERE! :laugh:
  • TaylorsGranddad
    TaylorsGranddad Posts: 453 Member
    1. Where were you born?
    2. Where do you live at the moment?
    Morley (almost Leeds)
    3. Where else have you lived?
    Only lived in Leeds
    4. What is your current occupation? What is your dream occupation?
    Insurance broker & part time DJ - Full time DJ
    5. Tell us any 5 things about yourself :)
    1) 41 year old grandad
    2) Very recently seperated
    3) Falling off the diet wagon as we speak
    4) Love running
    5) Need a fresh start ASAP.

    Feel free to FR me I'm looking for friends my age who will support me on my new journey which wasn't planned, the diet one was.

  • diadojikohei
    diadojikohei Posts: 732 Member
    1. Where were you born?

    2. Where do you live at the moment?
    Reigate Surrey.

    3. Where else have you lived?
    Skelmersdale (Lancashire), Ambleside, (Lake District), Osnabruck (Germany), Dortmund (Germany), Hong Kong, Australia, Andover (Hampshire),

    4. What is your current occupation? Run a shop. Was a primary teacher.
    What is your dream occupation? Run a shop that makes money!

    5. Tell us any 5 things about yourself :)
    I sew all the time.
    I have 4 children.
    I role play.
    I used to be skinny now I'm not.
    I can't think of 5 things worth talking about!
  • sarahlou1045
    1. Where were you born?

    2. Where do you live at the moment?

    3. Where else have you lived?

    4. What is your current occupation? Admin / Service / general dogsbody for a heating and air con company

    What is your dream occupation? Teach primary school / run a stables

    5. Tell us any 5 things about yourself :)

    I love MotoGp
    I really like old V Dubs (and some new ones)
    Total foodie love cooking
    My dogs and OH are my life
    We're doing the house up to put on the market so we can move :)
  • louiseshaw88
    louiseshaw88 Posts: 132 Member
    1. Where were you born? Middlesbrough

    2. Where do you live at the moment? Ive come back to Middlesbrough

    3. Where else have you lived? Newcastle & Manchester

    4. What is your current occupation? Business Centre Admin/ PA To Directors

    What is your dream occupation? Wedding Planner or Wedding Dress Shop Owner

    5. Tell us any 5 things about yourself :)

    1. Im running my first ever half marathon in 4 weeks ! Great North Run 2012
    2. I own a limited edition 1 of a kind Mini Cooper
    3. I tend to live a champagne lifestyle on a cider bidget !
    4. I am a coffee addict
    5. I LOVE christmas !!
  • rfsatar
    rfsatar Posts: 599 Member
    1. Where were you born? Colchester, Essex (although we prefer to think of it as South Suffolk!)

    2. Where do you live at the moment? Richmond, Surrey

    3. Where else have you lived? Birmingham (Uni)

    4. What is your current occupation? Freelance Journalist...

    What is your dream occupation? Sports Writer is my ultimate dream.

    I took voluntary redundancy from an major IT corporation, but got snapped up by another company, but by then I had enrolled on a part time Journalism Diploma. While on the course, I was offered an IT Analyst and Writer role, so I ditched the new job and have been writing ever since (May 2012)

    5. Tell us any 5 things about yourself :)
    a) Used to be a 400m hurdler but stopped through injury and illness
    b) Play guitar and drums but not all at the same time
    c) Breed CDs, DVDs and BluRays... and I play a MMORPG called Eve Online
    d) I hate anything with more legs than I have or wings. All flappies and creepy crawlies, in fact.
    e) I am forever trying to modify recipes to use with my Remoska I bought before going freelance. It is my favourite kitchen toy at the moment!
  • nibblypig
    1. Where were you born? .. Carmarthenshire, South Wales.
    2. Where do you live at the moment? .. Surrey.
    3. Where else have you lived? .. Nottingham.
    4. What is your current occupation? PA but would love to make a tidy living being creative e.g. photography, jewellery
    5. Tell us any 5 things about yourself

    1) I've just had a barcode tattooed on the back of my neck (it reads 'cariad' which is 'love' in Welsh).
    2) I play double bass and mandolin.
    3) I am a silversmith in my spare time.
    4) I have a phobia of belly buttons and still take my teddy to bed to protect mine (!)
    5) I've got a hideous laugh.
  • LooptLou25
    LooptLou25 Posts: 193 Member
    1. Where were you born?
    Pembury, Kent

    2. Where do you live at the moment?
    Hastings, East Sussex

    3. Where else have you lived?
    Maidstone, Kent
    4. What is your current occupation? Production & Finance assistant (and receptionist) What is your dream occupation? To own a small shop selling my hand made cards, photo prints & gifts & artwork.

    5. Tell us any 5 things about yourself :)
    I'm short at 5'1, but have the reputation of being stubborn, once I get my teeth into something I don't let go!
    I passed stage 1 Sign Language at night school.
    I have a wonderful husband and 2 adorable cats (although 1 is a teenage delinquent - cat that is, not hubby)
    I have a phobia of spiders, but thankfully Toby (our 1 year old kitten) has learnt to "deal" with them.
    I love being by the sea, I find it relaxing & therapeutic.
  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    1. Where were you born? Colchester, Essex (although we prefer to think of it as South Suffolk!)
    As a resident of the noble and ancient town, I too like to think of it that way. :laugh:
  • Cliffy94
    Cliffy94 Posts: 1,265 Member
    1. Where were you born? Aston, Rotherham

    2. Where do you live at the moment? Still live in Aston :-) Sort of inbetween Rotherham and Sheffield

    3. Where else have you lived? Live in Aston all my life, albeit a brief spell when i worked and lived in the U.S. for 4 months.

    4. What is your current occupation? I currently work part time as a sports coach teaching children sports in schools.
    What is your dream occupation? To have my owb business with two elements. One would be working with sports teams and general members of the public writing nutrition/fitness plans for them (kind of already do this, but not as much as i would like) and the second element would be doing workshops and talks in schools and running accredited course for pupils aged 11-16 :-)

    5. Tell us any 5 things about yourself
    I play ice hockey and im heavily involved with the Sheffield Steelers ice hockey team, i love the sport!
    I like to unwind by playing guitar and hanging out with friends
    Im a qualified gym instructor, but hoping to do my personal trainer level 3 qualification, once i lose my beer gut :-/ want to look the part to play the part.
    Im a keen writer and write articles on ice hockey for a website, the Steelers matchnight programmes, and have had the occasional article in magazines and newspapers.
    Finally, i run an anti-bullying campaing and have done since about 17. Its something im so passionate about and i love helping people :-)