LGBT Closed Facebook Fitness Group

jobrandes Posts: 136 Member

I'm looking to create an LGBT closed Facebook workout and fitness group. I don't think that there are enough people out there that are into health, nutrition and fitness that are also LGBT and I'd like to get us all together. The reason I want to do it on Facebook is because it is so versatile what with the computer, phone, tablet etc.

I am a free fitness coach, have lost over 100lbs in the past and love helping people reach their goals.

If I get some folks that are interested let me know and I'll go for it. I already have another group on Facebook with over 250 folks and it is amazing and people love it but I'd like to make this one LGBT specific.

What do you all think?



  • jeenuhpee
    jeenuhpee Posts: 5
    I think it sounds like a great idea. Congratulations on such an accomplishment!
  • jobrandes
    jobrandes Posts: 136 Member
    Thanks! I have the group created. It is a little baby group now but I'd love to get it rolling if you are interested.

    Feel free to add me on Facebook at and just mention that it is regarding the LGBT group so I know since I have my other really big group and I don't want to get them confused.

    Feel free to ask any friends too.

  • kathyms13
    kathyms13 Posts: 497 Member
    wow brill feel free to add me
  • jeenuhpee
    jeenuhpee Posts: 5
    awesome! will do it now! I'd love to hear "your story"
  • beccasue1130
    beccasue1130 Posts: 3 Member
    I like it!
  • KaseyWolf
    KaseyWolf Posts: 122 Member
    Me too. Since the Around the world challenge wound down, I need something to help pick me up and keep me motivated. I still want to go back and add up all my calories and figure out how many "miles" I went.

  • bhankiii
    bhankiii Posts: 217 Member
    I sent you a message on FB!
  • muggs1090
    muggs1090 Posts: 45 Member
    sounds like a good idea
  • sjiphone
    sjiphone Posts: 67 Member
    Sounds great. i just left you a message on FB.
  • jobrandes
    jobrandes Posts: 136 Member
    I think those of you who sent me a friend request so far I have in the group. If not let me know.
  • footdoc6
    footdoc6 Posts: 23 Member
    Just joined! Thanks for forming this group!
  • Emme727
    Emme727 Posts: 92 Member
    just sent you a friend request :) Thanks for forming the group!
  • countrycub1983
    countrycub1983 Posts: 77 Member
    love the sound of that! im on facebook as well.
  • courtniemarie
    courtniemarie Posts: 172 Member
    I’m really torn because this sounds like an awesome thing; however, I enjoy keeping my fitness schedule/routine/diets more private. I don’t know any of my friends on MFP personally and I like it that way – vice versa I don’t really talk about my fitness success/failures on FB. I almost thought about making a whole different profile to join your group because I really do think it’s a great idea. Good luck!
  • herstrawberri
    herstrawberri Posts: 347 Member
    I'm interested as well! I just send you a message on FB!
  • GeoffinAZ
    GeoffinAZ Posts: 11 Member
    Can't people just join the group without friending a bunch of people?

    Can you post the URL of the group?
  • Crys32
    Crys32 Posts: 99 Member
    Sounds like an awesome idea.

    I'm in :)
  • jobrandes
    jobrandes Posts: 136 Member
    Let me see if I can get the URL of the group so I can post here. IT is a closed group so no one will see what you post but let me look for the URL.
  • atomiclauren
    atomiclauren Posts: 689 Member
    I sent a request!