Iron Woody Assisted Pull Up Progression

rebeccap13 Posts: 754 Member
I started CF in January doing ring rows during my baseline instead of pull ups and a green and blue band during the WODs (Iron Woody Bands, typ CF bands from Rogue). Tonight I just did a dead hang pull up with just a blue band. Does anyone know the progression of the Iron Woody bands? Rubber Bandit has theirs on their site but I can't find anything from Iron Woody.

This is what I commonly see in the gym:
Green + Blue
Green + Red
Green + Purple
Blue + Red
Blue + Purple
Red + Purple
No band

So back to what I actually want to ask, I am at a blue band now doing a strict pull up, anyone think there's a chance of me getting at least one unassisted strict pull up by the end of the year?


  • rebeccap13
    rebeccap13 Posts: 754 Member
  • cmay89
    cmay89 Posts: 337 Member
    I think that if you are persistent and are doing more than just one at a time that I could see it being highly possible for you to achieve... I'm on the blue band attempting bar muscle ups. I get very bruised, but haven't quite achieved it yet. But I'll be darned if I let this year pass without me getting it unassisted. If you are anywhere near as determined as I, you will get it by the end of the year
  • Shizzman
    Shizzman Posts: 527 Member
    Rebecca, I'm sure you can get it with in the year, you're close already!

    CMay, rock on about the muscle-ups. Those are on the list for at some point in the future.
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    I bought the iron woody brand bands - now I need to buy myself a pull up bar since my box refuses to allow them.

    I think Iron Woody's bands are a little more resistant than most of the others. I know I can do at least 3-4 pull ups with the green band, but when I tried 1 assisted with the green bands at my box (to be used ONLY for mobility work/flossing), I couldn't get one!

    but that doesn't answer your question... I'm with Max, you will get your pull up before the end of the year, just keep practicing, add doing negatives slowly lowering yourself to full arm extension. Hold your hanging chin up, & also practicing hanging from rings (arms bent to your shoulders, rings at your ears or just above your collar bones). HTH!
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    Yes, absolutely you will get it. You are close.

    The best piece of advice I've gotten, (I know you didn't really ask...) flex your feet and squeeze your glutes as you pull up. Make sure you are pulling in your lats and not shoulders. It takes a bit to get that feeling down but it REALLY helps. Oh, and do them all the time!

    My goal is a muscle up by the end of the year, but my shoulder is making that impossible. We are doing skill/mobility every week on them and I barely get to work them....

    Good luck!