End of Day 1

svesemenja Posts: 67 Member
so, its almost 10 pm here..
today it was so hot.. OMG!! i dont believe how hot it was... usually i work out at 6pm, but today at 6:30 it was 35 Celsius.. that was just too much.. I did my 30D, 13th day.. yay.. and i had 2 my fans blowing at me.. I know its not good, but i had to.. and in the open gym, with only 1 big fan, was just too much...
so i went to buy running shorts.. yay.. its so pretty... gray with yellow.. and i bought the matching shirt.. so for tomorrow i am having a new set for gym.. yay.. ;)

it was a good day.. finally i am eating as much protein as needed.. i am always under, and i didnt find in any stores here that protein powder.. but i had a lot of chicken breast today.. haha...

even i didnt go to gym, as every day, it was overall a good day!!


  • JennyDuffy
    JennyDuffy Posts: 45 Member
    Well i had a lovely day walking around Chatsworth, feeling like I was in Pride and Prejudice! But without a Mr Darcy to sweep me off my feet! haha! Burnt off a good 300 odd cals.

    Did well eating within clas and even made room for a Magnum icecream!

    I was going to go for a run this evening, but was so tired after day trip, lay down to rest eyes and woke up 2 hours later! whoops!
  • mandypizzle
    mandypizzle Posts: 633 Member
    It's only 1:41 pm here but so far so good! I started Insanity yesterday. Today was the first real workout and it was KILLER! Eating is great so far! :)
  • Rebeccawks
    Rebeccawks Posts: 61 Member
    Today I've been pretty good. I woke up earlier than normal (by about 2 hours) so my entire eating clock is off. :( I had breakfast at 6 am (normally 8 am) and was hungry by 9:30. Haven't eaten anything that wasn't planned except for a black coffee with Splenda. Now it is 5:12pm, (I had lunch at 1pm) and I feel like munching. Seriously. Like chewing on something for the sake of chewing since I'm not actually hungry. We have an emergency patient today so my planned 6pm workout is moved until at least 8pm (including when I can have dinner) so it is going to be REALLY tough not eating all the snacks we have here. But I will survive. 189 lbs here I come!!!!

    On a lighter note: Tomorrow I have off so it gets to be a double workout day!!!!!!! WOot Woot!

  • KateL1969
    KateL1969 Posts: 98 Member
    Its so inspiring to hear what you are all doing and what you struggle with. 30 day shred and Insanity sound very popular - and I must do some exercise to Buffy some time as Sarah Michelle Gellar is a great role model for fitness. Becky, let us know what you plan for your double workout tomorrow as I could do with some new ideas. Having a liason with Mr Darcy would be good too but that can wait until I've got rid of these love-handles - should burn more than 300 calories eh Jenny?!

    I have done more exercise than I planned to so was easily able to finish the day below my 1200 calories. I feel a renewed sense of motivation so thank you to everyone. I also watched Super Size Vs Super Skinny and The Secret Eaters tonight and those programmes always help stop evening snacking! Onwards and upwards! Kate.
  • GrammaBonnie
    GrammaBonnie Posts: 232 Member
    Yesterday I began my day with situps. Five weeks ago, when I started a situp challenge, I could only do 6. Yesterday, I did 83 situps, broken down into five sets, with 23 in my final set, (3 more than the program asks for!). I still feel it today! Tomorrow my program breaks it down to eight sets, for a total of 86.

    After that, we took all four grandkids to the amusement park near our home. We spent about 9 hours together, with a 2-hour break for dinner at our home. At various points during the day, I was skipping holding someone one's hand, and, at one point, I did a little burst of all-out running. We had a blast, but it was a long, tiring day.

    Today was a struggle for me.

    I saved what little energy I had for my physical therapy session at the end of the day, but then my therapist was ill, so it was cancelled late afternoon. I will confess: I couldn't find it in me to do anything else.

    Tomorrow is a new day! My daughter, with her fiance and their daughter, moved in with us July 21. Tomorrow we will start to organize the garage for a HUGE garage sale on Saturday! AND I will eat the right number of calories, and drink enough water. I will do my sit-ups, and I will go to PT. And I will check in with you!
  • Changemyfate
    Changemyfate Posts: 25 Member
    Hello from Michigan. Great to hear from all of you! I'm starting to get back on track - started today with my walk & did manage to keep out of the goodies - not that there are any here, but I always seem to find something. Tomorrow my morning walk will be substituted with my air climber & possibly a video before I start my new job. I'll be on my feet for five hours tomorrow & my walking buddie will be expecting a jaunt tomorrow night too. So, lots of activity tomorrow - that should help & the evening walk should help me stay out of the kitchen. Looking forward to getting back down to where I was before vacation as soon as possible!
  • nikihampton
    nikihampton Posts: 62 Member
    Love all the positive days out there! I had a great one too. Was worried about stress eating earlier, but I worked through it. I am even at the bottom end of my calories and with my run and workout done I have a good gap for loss.

    Overall, a fabulous day! Working at home is really tough for me food wise, but my hubby being an at home parent is great for me run/workout wise.

    Have a great night, everyone!
  • dwyadygwyad
    dwyadygwyad Posts: 46 Member
    I felt like I was in control of my eating today. I made good choices and am going to bed without rumination for a change, which is nice.

    I intend to lose 5 lbs in the next four weeks. I've given up on the every day weighing, will do so on Sundays as suggested.

    My focus eating real food without a lot of sugar. I am visualizing myself at the end of 4 weeks feeling lighter overall as I sit, move, am. I feel happy just thinking about it.

    We really need way less food than we tell ourselves we do, don't we?!

  • dvelocity
    dvelocity Posts: 309 Member
    My day ended pretty much as planned. I feel good about my day.
  • Balance79
    Balance79 Posts: 86 Member
    Yesterday, I started the day out well with exercising and eating clean! Did wonderfully all day until after dinner & I craved chocolate. So, I did indulge.

    However, Today is the start of a new day, new journey - a clean one! I will eat clean today!

    I'm see myself weighing 125 on 9/11/12!