afraid of insanity

hi there !! I'm doing p90x 2 week 3-4 time trying :sad: but is getting so bored is too long for me and i have not lose any weight i feel frustrated, but i know Rome was not build in a day .. i hear insanity is only 40 min instead 1hr and some .. and you can see results faster but I'm kind of afraid of it sounds weird but it is I'm not a athlete and I'm not sure if I'll be able to do it . any recommendation please :flowerforyou: thanks


  • islaybower
    islaybower Posts: 57
    I am in no way an athlete, but I have done 30 Day Shred a couple of times and was up to Level 3 in Ripped (and I run a few times a week, but not hard), and fancied a change from Jillian. I'm finding Insanity tough, but not so tough that I feel I'm never ever going to be able to keep up with the people in it. I can imagine that by the end of month one I'll be pretty much completing the workout alongside them rather than having to catch my breath in the middle of some sections.

    Although it's called insanity, I've found it a really really well thought out, sensible interval training system. They are obsessed with form over speed, and with stopping if you need it. Give it a try!
  • svioleta
    svioleta Posts: 21 Member
    Hello! I am finishing up my first week of p90X. I did a round of Insanity in January and really liked it. It was really difficult but I'm glad I did it. After finishing a round of p90X I'm going to do the Insanity/p90X hybrid.

    With Insanity in the beginning it was disappointing because I wasn't losing any weight at all, but you start seeing a lot of difference in month 2. Good luck.
  • TiffanyS19
    TiffanyS19 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm in week 3 of Insanity. Don't let it intimidate you! I was never an athlete and can do the workouts. I think of it as a boot camp style workout. It's a very good program and well paced. On average the videos are like this for the 1st month: warm up first (9 minutes), stretch second (4 minutes), cardio workout (20 minutes) third, and stretch last (4 minutes).

    You can do it! Even the people in the videos stop and take breaks!
  • fitQueenbeast
    hi there !! I'm doing p90x 2 week 3-4 time trying :sad: but is getting so bored is too long for me and i have not lose any weight i feel frustrated, but i know Rome was not build in a day .. i hear insanity is only 40 min instead 1hr and some .. and you can see results faster but I'm kind of afraid of it sounds weird but it is I'm not a athlete and I'm not sure if I'll be able to do it . any recommendation please :flowerforyou: thanks

    I just finished Insanity two days ago. I was afraid of it at first. Then I put my game face on and hit it. Im still re-working 2-3 sets til the end of this month and then Im requesting my tshirt.

    Just to clarify misinformation: Insanity sets run anywhere from 23 minutes to 60 minutes. Month 2 is where the results really kick in but ONLY if you are dedicated and give it your all. It is extremely intense and high-impact and well-worth the effort. I saw results in month one, too.

    If you REALLY want to lose weight and meet your goals you NEED to stick with a program for the duration. Additionally, nutrition will play a BIG role with Insanity, too. Gotta eat right or working out wont mean much.

  • alexis831
    alexis831 Posts: 469 Member
    I am very athletic....I switched over to insanity after 3 weeks because the plyo, kenpo, and yoga were too easy and TOO LONG and I needed a good cardio workout that actually pushed me. If you aren't progressing don't keep doing the same things change them! After Insanity becomes easy I plan on doing a p90x and insanity hybrid. So then I can do cardio from insanity 3x a week and weights from p90x 3x a week. Good mix in my opinion for me!

    Check out craigslist. I got p90x and insanity sealed at 60.00 a piece. I found one guy who was going to sell me both sealed at 100 total... however I had already bought p90x.