Genre writing or literature?

nina4w Posts: 126 Member
edited October 2024 in Social Groups
Do you like to write in genre or do you fancy the literature approach?

Personally, I like to do both. Mainly, I like to write genre while trying to break genre "rules". In literature, I often try to make my works humorous though, I think I still need work on balancing drama in comedy as I can get into extremes.


  • glittermouse
    glittermouse Posts: 582 Member
    I lean towards literature, but for the first time, I'm dabbling a bit in fantasy . . . ^^
  • I have only done lit in my brief short story career, but I am a big fan of genre. I would love to write a mystery some day or even scifi. I just started reading Stephen King's On Writing, and it reinforces my love for him and my respect for popular fiction writers who really know their stuff. I finished my MFA in writing last year, and while I adored my program, I found myself whispering when it came to genre. My generally down to earth program could be a little snobby at times.
  • thedreamhazer
    thedreamhazer Posts: 1,156 Member
    I don't think there should be so much separation between the two. I've read some spectacular fantasy and sci-fi, and I've read some really cruddy "literature".

    Right now, though, I'll admit that the novel I'm working on is purely genre writing. It's a YA fantasy novel ... and it sure as ehck isn't trying to be literature. Truth be told, that's made it a lot more fun to write.

    The novel I wrote last year was prospective sci-fi, but it was in the literature vein like prospective sci-fis tend to be. It was a great challenge, but depressing and not nearly as much fun.

    (As a side note, I usually consider myself more of a poetry writer than a novel writer.)
  • Pandahead
    Pandahead Posts: 50 Member
    I'm a genre writer. I've read plenty of great lit--and some not-so-great. Same with genre (for my reading). I love to play around with prose in short stories--break rules and such--but that's probably due to my poetry background. I enjoy penning fantastical, strange, horrifying or futuristic things.
  • FemaleWriter
    FemaleWriter Posts: 9 Member
    Genre writing. My favorite genre is speculative fiction (a mix of fantasy, horror, paranormal, romance, and science fiction).
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