Tips on Preparing for VSG Surgery

Hi all!

A "Newbie" to myfitnesspal, it was recommended by my surgeon as a tool to prepare for surgery and to make transition a littler easier afterwards. I'm looking to have VSG surgery sometime in August I have two of my three clearances and my consultation is tomorrow with my surgeon. Any tips from those who are post op are welcomed! Thanks a bunch!


  • dznygrl70
    dznygrl70 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi there! I had my VSG on 4/9. Anything you need to know, just holler! MFP has been a fantastic tool for me, as has the Vertical Sleeve Talk forum. I suggest joining and reading both.

    There's so much to tell you but it would help if you have specific questions that I could (hopefully) answer.

    A few tips off the top of my head:

    1. Don't buy a lot of "post op" food. You'll be able to eat so little that one can of soup will last several meals. Plus your tastes might change - there are foods I loved before that I can't even stomach the smell of now.
    2. Start testing protein shakes to find one you like - but again, don't buy too much as post op you may decide you don't like that flavor any more. I cannot do whey based proteins so it took me quite a while to find soy or other protein shakes that I liked.
    3. Get one of these: It can take several hours to get a protein shake down at first, and the contents will settle.
  • SCSleeve2012
    SCSleeve2012 Posts: 76 Member
    I had the sleeve done on 4/18/2012, I weighed 202 at surgery and I have lost 39 lbs since. It has been a struggle (mostly mental) but been well worth it.. No matter which surgery you have, it will not be easy. It is only a tool and will require you to learn how to eat all over again. You will have to exercise a good bit. I was good with diets but any time I stopped I would again the weight back and always said if I should only tape my mouth shut.... lol So here I am with the closest thing to that. I could have done any weight loss surgery I wanted. My doctor said it was up to me, didn't matter to him except he didn't want me to do the lap band. He takes out more than he puts in. He said I would get about the same results out of either the VSG or the by-pass. So before you make up your mind talk to your doctor and see which one he says is good for you. Hope all this helps and good luck!! You can friend me and look at what I eat and how I exercie if you like. scsleeve2012
  • IrishFanVSG
    IrishFanVSG Posts: 16 Member
    VSG is the best thing I ever did. I had no problem loosing weight but I always felt deprived and cranky. Living post VSG, I am satisfied and don't feel like I'm missing anything. I started at 282 and I am now 176. I only wished I did it years ago. It's an adjustment but so worth all the rewards. MFP has been great...all my friends are VSGers and are there to answer questions, give advice, and cheer me on.
  • HMD7703
    HMD7703 Posts: 761 Member
    Hey there!

    6/6/11 265 to 164. Happy as pie :P

    I love MFP for tracking my food but my real support came from VST ( There are a few people on MFP that can be very rude about any type of WLS.

    - it will get hard. You might cry (a lot). Smelling food, watching my family or friends eat was so hard. But here I am, one year later and so very happy. Keep your eye on the goal. It might seem really hard at first but you will be ok.
    - Sugar Free pops! Stock up now! They were my saving grace. Especially the fudge SF pops! I ate maybe 6 a day. Nothing else would go down as easily.
    - take your meds! Dont wait for the pain to find you! Chase it off before it starts. Vitamins too!
    - Once you are cleared to exercise (walk) - do it! I was losing and not moving. My skin was not retracting. Moving will help keep the muscle while losing fast.
    - You are not alone. Nope. Never! - I felt so alone at times. Turn to your VSGers on MFP or VST! Let them motivate you! They have been there.

  • cbferriss
    cbferriss Posts: 122
    My tips are be prepared to buy new underwear faster than you might think. Your other clothes can be worn baggy or belted but loose underwear is a bad idea.

    Secondly, be prepared for weird cravings. I craved salt for awhile and I"ve never been a salt person.

    If your doctor doesn't prescribe an acid reducer, ask him to. Mine didn't and I needed one. Kept getting a nawing feeling that I thought was hunger.

    Fourth, blending your favorite soup until until it's completely smooth is better than creamed soups, no matter how it looks after.

    Buy one of those trays that let you make your own popsicles. Make some out of low cal sport drinks.

    Talk a flax seed oil supplement. If you can't swallow the big gel caps, puncture them and squirt. It will help with skin and hair loss.

    I had my surger 1 year ago this Friday. I was so excited.
  • Lol, love the underwear suggestion! I was thinking of post op foods and thought Popsicles would be a nice one to have, I also love soup, so those are the first two items on my list. Congrats on your surgiversary! Do you YouTube? If so, could you forward your link? I love it and think this a great tool also, just trying to get use to MFP as I navigate my way around. Thanks for the tips they are very helpful. What are you number and starting weight? You look fantastic, keep up the great work!

    My YouTube channel
  • Wow, you look great! Thanks for the tips. I'm hoping MFP will become easier as I go along, so much support already!
    Thanks a bunch!
  • HMD7703
    HMD7703 Posts: 761 Member
    My tips are be prepared to buy new underwear faster than you might think. Your other clothes can be worn baggy or belted but loose underwear is a bad idea.

    LOL I forgot about this one!! My undies were like a parachute!~ It was laughable. I remember about 3 months post op wearing a too-big pair of dress slacks to work and my undies sliding right now my hips. I had to go in the ladies room and take them off. Pants can be belted, undies, not so much hahaha!~!

    One year later, I still find that I am buying new ones more often. :)

    Definitely an NSV
  • Buzzyi
    Buzzyi Posts: 17 Member
    I am three weeks out. I would say get yourself a small firm pillow, it saved me when I had to get up and walk in the hospital- felt SOOO much better having it pressed to my tummy. Some surgeons give you one, mine didn't. Also pack ear plugs and an eye mask- hospitals are busy and noisy and people keep switching lights on and off so I used those to get some sleep. Low sodium broth was heavenly as were SF popsicles and cinnamon tea. Anise tea helped with gas. A few days out I started diluting clear isopure with crystal light lemonade - not everyone likes it but I found it OK and it helped get a bit of protein in early on. I still maintain that is why I've healed so rapidly.That and WALKING. I walked like a demon in the hospital.
    Good luck!
  • Congrats! Thanks for the reminder of the eye mask and earplugs, I use both now but would have forgotten for the hospital. What Isopure?
  • charlami
    charlami Posts: 31
    Congrats! Thanks for the reminder of the eye mask and earplugs, I use both now but would have forgotten for the hospital. What Isopure?

    Isopure Zero Carb is a ready to drink clear protein drink that comes in fruit flavors. It can be found at GNC or Vitamin Shoppe in the retail market. I buy mine online at lucky vitamin. My surgeon also sells it at his little supplement store.

    The grape is pretty decent. Also the orange. Your tase buds change so much tho who knows what you will like.
  • Obreezes
    Obreezes Posts: 35
    Definately find the protein shake that works best for you. It's an important source of protein.

    I think the most important thing is to get your head straight before surgery. Remember, it's a TOOL and will not lose the weight for you (after a certain point). Once you are over the surgery and feeling your old self, those nasty old habits will try to sneak back in. Having your head in the right place will help you best deal with those challenges.

    Good luck to you!
  • cbferriss
    cbferriss Posts: 122
    I have posted a few videos. Here is a link to my first.

    I subscribe to the following. Some are better than others but are worth a watch.

    Bariatric(Witch with a B)
    kappachulo (****My favorite**** )
    Kellawanda (***a little preachy but informative*** )
  • cbferriss
    cbferriss Posts: 122

    LOL I forgot about this one!! My undies were like a parachute!~ It was laughable. I remember about 3 months post op wearing a too-big pair of dress slacks to work and my undies sliding right now my hips. I had to go in the ladies room and take them off. Pants can be belted, undies, not so much hahaha!~!

    One year later, I still find that I am buying new ones more often. :)

    Definitely an NSV

    lol This is why I mentioned it. I had the same thing happen at work. They were around my thighs under my dress pants.
  • specialemy
    specialemy Posts: 141 Member
    Oh gosh...I totally forgot about the underwear...LOL! Yes, most definitely get a couple of sizes smaller. Parachute undies are so not sexy. Also, allow yourself time to heal after your surgery. A lot of folks I discover seem to be in a hurry to get back to work, which I can understand for many reasons, but defintely use the post-op time to get walking (slowly at first) and to try and get your eating routine in place. And yes, is also another great forum for VS Gers =)
  • My surgery is next Thursday 8-9-12. My first goal is to toss the parachute panties!
  • Happy surgery day! I pray all went well and you a speedy recovery. I'm waiting to hear from insurance for approval, hope to be on the other side soon!
  • clblew
    clblew Posts: 30
    Hi everyone! I'm not new to reading discussion groups, but have not always been an active poster. Your replies to kolnitaVRWorl have been great as I had the same question! I'm just waiting to see the pre-op nutritionist then will be scheduling sleeve surgery. Looking to schedule during the holidays as that works best with my work schedule (I generally have about 2 weeks off through that time). I have made many nutritional/exercise/behavior changes so far (I'm down 40.5 since starting back in June). MFP has been a great tool and better than the other tracker I was using (I wish I would have started using it even earlier).
    My question comes with the nutrition part. I was glad to see the posts about tastes changing. What might you suggest I can start to do now that will help with post op eating? Should I focus on "more creative" ways to incorporate protein? Should I try to eat lower calorie meals or work toward reducing my daily calories to a certain point? I generally average around 1000-1200 calories now.
    Thank you in advance for any advice! Congrats to all of you on your weight loss successes!
  • SamanthaH10
    SamanthaH10 Posts: 72 Member
    For the first few months, calories don't matter. Even now, 8 months out, I don't pay too much attention to calories. Post-op, it will be rather difficult to get 1000 calories in. I rarely do it now.

    The main focus should be on protein and fluid...especially fluid! Drinking will seem like a chore, but sip constantly to avoid dehydration. I know many people who have ended back in the hospital because of dehydration! Protein is very important. It will help with hair loss and with muscle repair. Find one a few you like and also check out websites like The World According to Eggface for creative and delicious recipes for protein shakes. Her website is a plethora of information, even though she had a different surgery. She has recipes for every post-op stage and all of the ones I tried were rather tasty!

    Things that helped me with post-op eating are buying smaller plates, using baby silverware to make sure I wasn't putting too big of a bite in my mouth, and buying a blender/food processor/juicer com. Don't go too crazy buying food/protein because a lot of it might go to waste; I know mine did!

    Hope this helped!
  • clblew
    clblew Posts: 30
    Thanks!!! I ordered a "variety pack" for a protein drink (like kool aid not a shake) to see if I liked any of them. I never thought about tastes changing after surgery, but it does make sense. I checked out the World According to Eggface website. What an amazing amount of information!