What do You Miss the Most?



  • possibri
    possibri Posts: 158 Member
    I've only been officially gf for a week (but have been semi-gf for about 3 months) and I can definitely relate to the OP — I want some cheesy, greasy restaurant-made pizza! The gf mix is good, but it's definitely not the same.

    I also crave garlic bread... and thinking I could remedy this with some of Julian Bakery Carb Zero bread I was seriously disappointed in the taste of the bread. I'm also trying to keep dairy low, so cheesy "bread" alternatives aren't really an option at this point, but I'm hoping eventually I'll be able to have the occasional cheesy treat. =]

    oh yeah, and like other's have said, sandwiches (especially from Subway), any sort of sandwich.... especially on sourdough. NOM
  • Jesstruhan
    Jesstruhan Posts: 331 Member
    I miss rustic bread loaves and real panini sandwiches. :-( I just want a REAL sandwich with REALLY GOOD bread!!
  • shar140
    shar140 Posts: 1,158 Member
    A real sandwich on good bread (or just good bread in general!) and just last night I realized I missed cheerios with blueberries. I also don't drink milk due to issues with it.
  • alykhan
    alykhan Posts: 1 Member
    1. Pizza (any kind!)
    2. Basic brown bread sandwich
    3. Waffles
    4. Cheerios (used to live on them)

    I've tried GF bread and not a fan as it has tons of "other" ingredients. I've made GF waffles with rice flour and they were awsome but I do miss having a Belgian waffle.