KnitChick89 Posts: 56 Member
My name is Brittany. I'm 22 and my username on Ravelry is Dynkz89, if you want to add me :)
I'm curious if there are any other Ravelers out here on MFP!

I've been knitting for 2 years on and off, but right now, I can't seem to put my needles down! I've crocheted a couple of things, but I'm not the greatest at it, so I don't do it often. I am married and have 2 beautiful children! My oldest is 2 and my youngest is a month old, so I'm trying to lose my baby weight I've accumulated after my 2nd child :)

Let's see, I love Knit Picks yarn and needles! Their Nickel-Plated interchangeables were my very first needles I'd ever used and owned and I just went ahead and bought the whole set before I'd even learned to knit and I fell in love with them from the beginning and still only use their needles!


  • skatters
    skatters Posts: 48
    I am here!! I am here!! Love ravelry! I am also a member of crochetville. I use the "skatters" nickname at both places. I mainly crochet blankets and edge fleece for Project Linus. I have crochet A.D.D. - so I like fast projects! I just recently finished my Lucy Bag (Attic 24) and need to get pictures of it up on rav.

    I am 36, single mother of 2. 100+ lbs over weight. I had reality smack me in the face at the doctor's office the other day - I hit 302 lbs. The highest ever. Time for a change!!
  • suziblues2000
    suziblues2000 Posts: 515 Member
    I'm suziblues2000 on Ravelry

    HI! I've been on Ravelry for a long time! Over 5 years (or longer). Same with MFP, been on here a long time too. I joined MFP a couple years ago, lost 40 lbs, gained it back : \ Now here I am again! This time I know how careful I have to be. It's so easy to gain weight and so hard to lose it!

    But I have 2 kids, both of them grown up with kids of their own. Matter of fact I have 5 grand children! My daughter has a little boy, 4 and a little girl, 3 and my son has two little boys: 4 and 1 plus a step son who is 13. I am totally in love with all my grand kids. They are a joy to be around and they sleep over every chance they get. They are so funny, and such a great source of entertainment for me, way better than TV! Plus, I am always knitting something for one of them. I just finished knitting a pair of Monster Pants for Jessi, my little grand daughter. She loves them! And before that I knit a Mario Brother's pillow for her brother.

    I could go on and on about my grandkids!

    Happy to see some people on here from Rav. Put me as a friend if you want.
  • clariangel
    clariangel Posts: 156 Member
    I'm clariangel on ravelry!

    I love to crochet. I sometimes have ADD with it like someone else said because i just want a fast and easy project. But i'm working on an afghan and a iPad sleeve right now. I love seeing other people's projects, so feel free to friend me if ya want!

    I'm not much of a snacker, but I have found that crocheting is a good way to distract yourself from snacking or overeating. By keeping my hands busy, I'm not too worried about my stomach. :)
  • jcpmoore
    jcpmoore Posts: 796 Member
    Ha! I'd know that Ravelry icon anywhere! What a great idea! I'm jenna3 on Ravelry! Okay, I'll stop shouting now. lol I'm a crocheter first, knitter second. Only because my mind works that way and it took a hook for me to figure out needles. ;) I haven't been on Rav much lately, due to lack of time taking care of my kids and picking up after my too-busy husband, but those are the breaks right?

    I'm currently working on a knitted afghan that my kids helped pick out, which I really need to go ahead and finish. lol It's been suspended for a month while I finish other things.
  • heyjudev13
    heyjudev13 Posts: 8 Member
    I'm JudeV on Ravelry.
    I'm a teacher and wish I had more time to knit. I used to knit and crochet sporadically. Then my husband became ill and passed away. (That's a life changer!) I found myself knitting in waiting rooms and by his bedside and realized that I needed to challenge myself to knit and crochet things besides baby blankets and dishcloths. I taught myself how to knit socks and then became rather obsessed by it. As far as wt. loss... I'm a yo-yo dieter and tired of doing that. I know it's unhealthy. When my husband became ill, I worked to find high calorie foods that he could handle because he was becoming so thin. Long story short: I gained while he lost. I've tried many diets and they work, for a while. I am finding that keeping track on myfitnesspal suits my schedule and makes sense. I'm eating less of course, but I'm also eating healthier because I've become more aware of the nutrients by looking at my daily summary. (That sounds like a commercial.) I've lost 10 pounds in 29 days
  • suziblues2000
    suziblues2000 Posts: 515 Member
    Hi JudeV on Ravelry, just want to send my condolences re your beloved husband. I am so happy to see some Ravelry people on here though!

    PS: I wish MyFitnessPal had the little choices Ravelry has because I'd check on your "love" button.
  • heyjudev13
    heyjudev13 Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you to suziblues2000 for the thoughtful words. Ravelry and knitting helped me to cope when times were at their toughest. Now I am ready to "reinvent" myself by getting my wt. to a manageable level so that just living my life will be easier without dragging extra pounds around. Besides, I love to buy and wear nice clothes and when I'm at my heaviest... shopping is not fun and digging through my closet for something that looks nice is so hard when all I see is "fat" in the mirror. I have been able to get rid of some baggy things and dig out some of the next size down... that is a good feeling. Myfitnesspal has helped me get started in the right direction without having to make payments or go to meetings.

    I have several projects started. Some knit and some crochet. I kind of get caught up in the season and then go on to the next thing. I think I'm more than a little like a ADHD personality when it comes to needlework. I made some ducks for Easter and then I have several not done... I made some scarves for winter and some of those are not done. I've got a good start on a sweater for my DL and I gave up on a sweater for a granddaughter because she outgrew it before I finished it. I have make dishcloths for friends but the ones in my drawer are falling apart due to age and use. So maybe I'll start one for me. And oh, I found the cutest directions for a little duck that can morph into a bunny.... and ....there is a pair of socks to finish... and I have lots of sock yarn in my stash.... oh and these papers that need checking... well tomorrow is another day!!!! Time to go to bed.

    i hope you all have a nice creative week. I "get" to drive many miles on Friday to help my son and family move into a new house... I think I'm the designated baby-sitter and I'm sure my car will haul a load or two from one house to the other... if I don't get lost. I live in a small town. He lives in a city. Of course I will take my knitting bag. (should take papers to check:)

    P.S. There are some really pretty shawls to knit that would look nice on a slim person... but they look granny-ish on a heavy person... see there's more incentive. (Yeah, I'm a "granny" but I don't want to totally look the part.)
  • Angelabdc
    Angelabdc Posts: 4 Member
    Waves hello. I'm Angelabdc on Ravelry. From Glasgow in Scotland. Wanting to lose about 40lbs (and possibly more) this is a fantastic tool which I hope will get me there. My LYS serves home made cake. Just one of my many issues.
  • divinebird
    divinebird Posts: 81 Member
    H-hi...this is my first post here on MFP. I was so happy to find people from Ravelry! I'm divinebird on there as well. I'm a knitter and spinner. It's nice to see people who can hear 'spinning' and think yarn before they think of stationary bikes! ;)

    I have a really aggressive goal to reach and it feels nice to have some support from my yarny peeps!

  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,182 Member
    Hi! I am Sandyhook on Ravelry. Was nice to find a Rav group here. I have set a goal of 60 pounds but if I lost 70 I wouldnt be disappointed. LOL!

    Major crocheter....minor knitter. I am working on a lacey cardigan right now....bout 80% finished. I always have a few other projects going at the same time....mostly afghans.

    Sure need support in my quest for fitness.....will reciprocate. LETS HELP EACH OTHER!
  • Hi everyone! I'm IntuitiveArtist on Ravelry! Nice to meet you all:)
  • divinebird
    divinebird Posts: 81 Member
    Hi guys! :D *waves at the people below my post*
  • casi_ann
    casi_ann Posts: 423 Member
    Hi I'm Cheryl, AKA nursecheryl on ravelry, just like on here. I have belonged to ravelry for 4 1/2 years. I know how to crochet, but enjoy the clickity clack of my knitting needles best. My favorite thing to knit is socks, but i also enjoy mittens, gloves, hats, sweaters and anything else i can think of. I even have made a sweater but it ended up being a little small on me so I guess I'll be able to lose it when i get to my goal weight :). I love knitting and crocheting but love to sew and quilt even more. I even belong to a sewing online community. There are so many on line communities to join for every interest, it is great.
  • triskaidekaphile13
    triskaidekaphile13 Posts: 92 Member
    Hello. I'm triskaidekaphile on Ravelry but that name was taken here. I lost five stone and have kept it off for several years so it's time to work again towards a new target of getting my BMI from obese to normal (I went from morbidly obese to obese with the five stone lost). I'm using TargetWeight Pro, MFP and if I stick to my steps (on a FitBug pedometer) I'm going to buy a FitBit at the end of July to use with them both. I love Wii Fit and walking and learnt to cycle two years ago.

    I'm a knitter and have taught myself to crochet. I usually have a pair of socks on the go - at the moment they're tabi socks to wear with Birkenstocks - but also enjoy knitting bigger items. I'm in Leamington Spa in the UK where I live with my lovely wife.

    Losing the five stone transformed my life and I went from a UK28 to a UK18/20 but I'm a classic apple with a high diabetes risk hence this effort. Let's hope MFP is just what I need to get going again. I'm loving the barcode scanning!
  • I am shoeprincess on Rav. I love to knit and crochet but knit better. I am homeschooling mom and am trying to lose weight be more healthy.
  • daoc1972
    daoc1972 Posts: 92 Member
    Waves hello. I'm Angelabdc on Ravelry. From Glasgow in Scotland. Wanting to lose about 40lbs (and possibly more) this is a fantastic tool which I hope will get me there. My LYS serves home made cake. Just one of my many issues.

    Tell them to start serving yarn cakes occasionally :laugh:
  • SaraSmileAZ
    SaraSmileAZ Posts: 1 Member
    My name is Sara, SaraSmileAZ on Ravelry. I love to crochet and learn new stitches and patterns. I will push to learn it til I master it. Too bad I can't use that same mentality with loosing weight. I'm 50 years old and weigh in at like 345 which I 'm not happy with. I worked hard to loose weight a few years back and got to 301, then I got sick and lost my momentum and the weight slowly came back on. I'm not working anymore, I'm also slowly turning immobile. I can't seem to walk or stand up much or for very long. Have a pinched sciatica nerve that plays hell with my lower left half. Dr told me to work out in water. I don't have a pool, don't have access to one. I don't eat a lot of sweets...I don't care for chocolate (yeah, I'm weird) My weakness is potatoes, BBQ ribs & chicken thighs, We are pretty poor (we don't have to pay for our internet) so we eat the cheapest foods available (meaning they are fat and high in junk) Hot dogs, 73% fat hamburger, Legs and thighs, pinto beans, eggs, cheap wheat bread, rice and taters. That's about what our diet consists of at this time. UGH.
  • cactus1219
    cactus1219 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello fellow Ravelers
    IntrovertedKnits here, I am glad to have fellow crafters. I am a 25 year old former grad student turned full time writer. I usually have more WIPs on the needles than I would care to admit. I have been seriously knitting since 2010, but learned back in 2005 (hiatus during college.) I recently (march 2012) learned hand spinning and have only one spinning wheel (nicknamed Beatrice.) I am still learning when it comes to spinning, knitting and working on losing weight. My biggest downfall are sweets, in the form of candy and baked goodies. I am hoping to work my way back to a healthy weight and make positive changes to continue to live healthy.
  • Espresso345
    Espresso345 Posts: 42 Member
    I'm Espresso345 on Rav, too. I was doing SparkPeople with folks from the Sanguine Gryphon group but the group hasn't been very active, and I'm recommitting to my exercise plan - my employer started a wellness program, so suddenly, I'm on a couple of different sites.

    Mostly trying to lose the perimenopausal pudge I've gained in the last 5 years. Doing a modified low-carb diet and lots of stairmaster/treadmill work, since we have a small gym in our apartment building, which makes it very convenient.
  • bluelooper
    bluelooper Posts: 1 Member
    Hello, I'm bluelooper on ravelry too. Been a ravelry member for a while, crocheter mainly but relearned how to knit while on maternity leave to make some stuff for little one. Now am knitting and crochet - tastic, time permitting with a little baby to feed, change, feed, change, feed, bath, change...!!
    Joined MFP to lose the baby weight - haha! there's a theme emerging here. Got about 10kg to shed ideally, though we'll start with 'some' and see how it goes. Breastfeeding so I'm not doing anything drastic, just logging what I eat to make me more mindful of what I eat, and my main aim is to get outside with small person every day. good to see other ravelers here!