How was everyone's weekend?

I got to spend some time with some great people, tried out a few new recipes, stayed in my calorie range, and did some type of exercise every day. Also fit into a pair of shorts that hadn't seen the light of day in a LONG time! Pretty cool stuff!


  • vgpeterson1984
    vgpeterson1984 Posts: 51 Member
    Nice and are doing it the right way!!
    My weekend was great...dranks LOTS of water and stayed really close to calories.
    I also got some yoga and elliptical done!

    Looking forward to a sucessful week and some great numbers on my Friday weigh in :)
  • cmecme
    cmecme Posts: 227 Member
    My weekend was GREAT too. Is it that I'm feeling better about myself that I'm so motivated?

    Saturday I got a huge list of "to do" around the house done. Painted a bathroom, cleaned the house, threw out much clutter, listed stuff for sale on e-bay!

    Sunday I ran week 7 day 2 of C25K and it felt awesome. I finally, finally look at the app and was SURPRISED about how much time had gone by - it was like i got lost. Its getting easier - unbelievable.

    Next week is family visit and a wedding - need to get mentally ready for all the temptations!
  • ccoester
    ccoester Posts: 43
    I snacked a bit on Sunday... which seems to be a theme for me... but I did it in moderation compared to the last few weeks. I was happy about that. Otherwise it was a great weekend!