Less IS More!



  • shelleycolton
    shelleycolton Posts: 400 Member
    Hi Everyone, Hope you're all having a lovely weekend, its lovely sunny and hot in the UK (surprisingly). Today I have played tennis, I won all 3 matches and served much better than last week (no double faults) and just done my leg exercises, wow i have a sweat, i have realised i don't have much balance. So fruit and veggie will be pretty low (sorry).

    Melon and Grape = 4 (a huge pack but very refreezing)
    Tomato = 1

    I'm sticking to the Vodka and Diet Coke no wine tonight.:drinker:

    Shel xx
  • shelleycolton
    shelleycolton Posts: 400 Member
    Hi Ladies, It's weigh in day! Please let me know the following:

    Weight today-
    If you completed the daily challenges this week-
    How many of the Fruit and Veggies portions you had for the week!

    I managed to lose which i'm pleased, the hard work is paying off. I didn't manage not to drink wine last night so i had a blow out night and lunch today but i'm back to little miss strict.

    Hope you have a lovely sunday. Take care xx
  • pleytem
    pleytem Posts: 79 Member
    Ok crappy week for me sorry I will do my part this going forward...

    mon 5 f/V yes exercised
    tues 4 F/V yes exercised
    wed 4 F/V yes exercised
    thurs 6 F/V no exercise
    fri 1 F/V yes exercised
    sat 1 F/V yes exercised

    Total 21 fruits & vegs 5 days exercise

    Weight 237 for a loss of 2 lbs :) I don't know how hahahaa.........
  • shelleycolton
    shelleycolton Posts: 400 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Thanks Pleyem, great loss for the week, i think you did well especially what was on your plate last week.

    So heres the challenge for the week

    Week Challenge:
    Sodium.... Stay under your sodium for this week. Your team can earn 1 point for each day you are under. That means each person can earn 6 points and every team can earn an extra 30 points in this team challenge.

    Oh and the exercise for Monday.....

    Monday - 8/13 - legs
    Tabata video (4 min workout) do twice if you are advanced

  • pleytem
    pleytem Posts: 79 Member
    Thanks... I changed my diary so I can see my sodium intake and then I went back to see how I normally do on sodium. Looks like I won't have a problem with this weeks challenge well the sodium part hahaha...
    Have a great day everyone
  • lclowe0808
    lclowe0808 Posts: 62 Member
    Weight = 167.4 on 8/12

    I got my veggies in (attribute that to the loss)

    I was doing different exercises than posted....I will do better this week
  • pleytem
    pleytem Posts: 79 Member
    I saw the exercises for tomorrow so I thought I'd post I am sure Shelly will be posting in the AM but with time difference I figured might help....Looks like a killer

    Tuesday - 8/14 - hardCORE
    You can break these up into reasonable sets for yourself. Please keep them as one workout though.

    Start with this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_DfuU3TSsFM

    55 crunches/sit ups
    30 right oblique crunches
    30 left oblique crunches
    40 bicycle crunches
    40 bridge
  • shelleycolton
    shelleycolton Posts: 400 Member
    Oh thank you Pleytem, this looks super tough!!!!
  • lclowe0808
    lclowe0808 Posts: 62 Member
    Did the exercises for Monday/Tuesday. Where DO they find all these cool exercises.

    Hope everyone is having a great week.

  • pleytem
    pleytem Posts: 79 Member
    I didn't see wednesday exercises posted so I went to find them here they are-

    Happy Hump Day!
    Surprise work of the day is a free choice day You earn your team points by completing 30 mins of any type of exercise. Only catch is cooking and cleaning don't count.

    Have fun awesome day everyone !!
  • pleytem
    pleytem Posts: 79 Member
    Good Morning everyone not sure where Shelly is I hope she is ok ....maybe I will message her later & check on her Anyway I hope everyone is doing well with the Sodium Challenge... The exercise of the day is ....

    Thursday 8/16 arms
    Everything should be broken up into 3 sets of 10

    Standing Bicep Curls: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=av7-8igSXTs
    Shoulder Press: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B-aVuyhvLHU&feature=relmfu
    Tricep Extension: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nRiJVZDpdL0&feature=relmfu
    Pec/chest Fly: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JmXSO_EqNeY
    Push ups (you can modify these to be on your knees or against a wall)

    Good luck everyone have a great day :)
  • shelleycolton
    shelleycolton Posts: 400 Member
    Hi everyone, i'm fine, have been logging with my iphone just got to a computer, i'm doing well with the sodium challenge but not the exercise as I fell down the stairs earlier in the week and now my foot is swollen and hurts, my arms are okay tho. Food will be difficult tonight as i'm off to a restaurant in York, a nice weekend away.:flowerforyou:
  • pleytem
    pleytem Posts: 79 Member
    Oh no Shelly sorry to hear :frown: I hope you are feeling better... Enjoy yourself this weekend relax & take time to heal We will be here holding down the fort hahaha...

    Here are the exercises for today

    Friday - 8/17 circuit training (24 mins)

    This will workout will have 2 different sets of workouts that we will do for 12 min each.
    How it works: Do all of the exercises in circut for 45 seconds with 15 seconds rest. Repeat circut A two more times. Rest for 1 minute. Do circut B three times.

    Circut A
    Push ups
    High knees
    Elbow planks to extended arm plank

    Circut B
    Mountain climber
    Wall sit
    Fast feet
  • shelleycolton
    shelleycolton Posts: 400 Member

    I'm back after my trip away, so i put on 2lbs this week, but its not a surprise with me not manage to exercise only golf and a bit of walking. Next week, I'll be on top form.

    Let me know how you did with your exercises, sodium and your weight, thanks. Shelley
  • malibootie
    malibootie Posts: 614 Member
    LADIES!! I'm back! I had a pretty good time, but it was not terribly relaxing. It was my brother, my mother, and my 3 year old niece- sooo, I didn't get to sleep in at all and I was on alert watching for possible 3 year old issues all week. Still, it was the beach and warm.

    I didn't do great with the daily or weekly challenge, but I did continue my C25K and managed to only gain back 0.6 lbs over the week. Not too bad!

    It's Sunday, so let's weigh in and I can update the spreadsheet.

    And this next week we are going to rock it out!

  • shelleycolton
    shelleycolton Posts: 400 Member
    Hi Mallorie, welcome back!

    Found this this morning.

    This exercise looks better than some of them last week, more achievable for me anyway. I think i may struggle with the drinking calories because doesnt that mean i can't have milk? Need help, its my only source of calcium!:embarassed:

    Muffin top Monday

    Follow the specifics listed in this link. http://www.fitsugar.com/Exercises-Get-Rid-Muffin-Top-2251180
    Side bends
    Standing twist
    Jack knife

    Weekly challenge - do not drink your calories! You can earn 2 points per day for not drinking calories at all. That means each person can earn 12 points for the week for their team.
  • lclowe0808
    lclowe0808 Posts: 62 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I managed to up my fruits and veggies last week and completed all the exercise challenges. My current weight is 164.2. I'm working with a new trainer/dietician and that coupled with my fitbit is helping me know how much exercise or type of eating I need to do to be able to lose weight. I'm so stoked!

    Next Sunday is my Tri and it's supposed to rain...so i'm not impressed with that. I hope the forecast changes between now and then.

    Hugs to All...GO TEAM!

    Linda Lu
  • lclowe0808
    lclowe0808 Posts: 62 Member
    I'm confused about the not drinking your calories. I agree that I can't give up the milk (and I use fat free) because I am post-bariatric and I need the protein. I don't drink lots of it, but have it atleast once per day. Other than that, my liquids are calorie free (I don't think water has calories).

    Hey Capt....any advice on this one?

    Linda lu
  • shelleycolton
    shelleycolton Posts: 400 Member
    Oh i agree my milk that i drink is skimmed too. Just done the workout those jacknives are evil, managed to get to the 40 Yay, feel like I'm back on track. Also did rumba on the wii, no pain in my ankle. yay Hope you are all having a lovely day!
  • malibootie
    malibootie Posts: 614 Member
    I think for this one it's pretty straight forward: 2 points a day for not drinking anything with calories. Milk has calories, and I think that's just how it is this week. But don't worry- while yes, this whole month is a "challenge" I am looking at it as not just the team, but how I can use these daily and weekly challenges to continue my nutrition and exercise goals, and continue to lose the weight and tone up.

    For me, even if our team is last, as long as we are doing it we WIN!