October Bride!

Hey there,
I´m getting married in october (27) and I still have a full 20 lbs to loose :(
I huff and puff on my crosstrainer (almost) every night for 1h plus i do weights, diet and I am very concerned about upperbody toning :(
I have an amazing strapless gown...and two ugly armpit bulges that go with it...!!!
Help anyone...???


  • magerz18
    magerz18 Posts: 29 Member
    It sounds like you are doing all the right things :) and plus you still have plenty of time to lose 20 lbs! I'm getting married October 28 and I still have about 35 + lbs to lose. I dont know if you go to a gym, but I know at my gym they offer 'scultping' classes for arms/legs. If not, maybe try an at home worjout dvd that is targeted to arms. Good Luck!!!!
  • amyanne78
    amyanne78 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm getting married October 20th and still want to lose 30lbs! It's going to be tough, but we can do it! :) There's a group of Jillian Michael's 30 day shred that is starting July 1st if you want a boost on your workout. I plan to mix that in with my gym time. Good luck!
  • I'm getting married Oct. 6th and have about 20 to lose as well. I have trouble staying motivated. I tend to beat myself up and really get down on myself. I'm using my dress as well as my long term goals to stay motivated.
  • magerz18
    magerz18 Posts: 29 Member
    I'm here for any motivation!! I'm also using my dress as motivation :)
  • pling1448
    pling1448 Posts: 2
    YAY sounds like I´m in good company!!!
    Anyone who wants to add me...I´ll be happy to share motivation :D
  • melodiac1
    melodiac1 Posts: 11 Member
    I am also getting married on October 20th! I also have 30 lbs I would like to lose by then! Have u found your dress yet?
  • FordGal40
    FordGal40 Posts: 58
    I'm getting married Oct. 6th and have about 20 to lose as well. I have trouble staying motivated. I tend to beat myself up and really get down on myself. I'm using my dress as well as my long term goals to stay motivated.

    We are identical! I am getting married October 6th as well & would like to lose 20 pounds (if I can!) I also have trouble staying motivated and beat myself up whenever I eat anything (even if its low-fat crackers).
    I would like to lose enough this month before my dress fitting on August 9th because the gal at the dress shop already used the line "We can let this out" when I first tried my dress on & I just don't want that to happen, I want my dress to fit through my mid-section without alterations, I will already need alterations because I'm too small up top compared to what my dress is.

    Good luck on your weight loss mission! Maybe we can motivate each other!
  • I'm also getting married October 27th. I'd like to lose about 15 lbs (or 10). I find that I like working out at home rather than joining a gym - there are no excuses while sitting on the couch. I just started doing Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred (it's on youtube) and so far I really like it! (I'm on day 4)
  • Libby0891
    Libby0891 Posts: 70 Member
    Hi October brides! I'm getting married on October 13th, and I'm trying to lose about 15-20 lbs. I tend to lose weight really slowly, so I'm not sure if this is a feasible goal for me, but I'm going to buckle down and do my best.

    We're only three months out from our weddings! That's crazy. How are you guys feeling? I'm nervous about getting all the small stuff done. My fiance and I are having a simple wedding, but the to-do list still feels overwhelming.
  • mfoutch86
    mfoutch86 Posts: 87
    I can't believe we are at the 3 month mark. It seems like just yesterday we were at 10 months away! I did most of my planning within 2 weeks of being engaged, but I'm starting to feel pressure from all the little details. I'm nervous about not meeting my goals... 12 lbs away still!
  • FordGal40
    FordGal40 Posts: 58
    Hey Ladies!

    Only 2.5 months left until the beginning of October! Are we ready?? I think I have most of the bigger stuff figured out, now its on to small details & music...how's everyone else doing?
  • ACrookston
    ACrookston Posts: 15
    I'm getting married October 20th also!! Woo, October Brides :) Ideally, I would like to lose 35 pounds before my wedding. I definitely need to get more serious about it. I have shamefully purchased a dress in a size that doesn't fit so I am out of a wedding dress if I don't do it.

    Burpees are a great way to get your heart rate up and if you add in a push up it will help tone your arms and chest too. Good luck!
  • brandiv528
    brandiv528 Posts: 4 Member
    Wow lots of October weddings, congrats everyone! I'm getting married Friday, October 12th (destination wedding).
  • superfitconball
    superfitconball Posts: 46 Member
    I'm not getting married till November, but I've got 20 pounds to lose for that too.
    I'm turning up the weights this month to build a base of muscle tone, then adding cardio next month to burn some fat.

    And then upping the intensity of my cardio closer to the wedding and upping the reps for my weights for some more intense fat burning.
    I've been reading up and it and that's what body builders do closer to their competitions to get that shrink wrapped look. I won't ever come close to that sort of look, but that's what I'm going to work towards and hope they can see some muscle tone through the fat when I'm in my strapless gown.
  • purebrittany
    purebrittany Posts: 6 Member
    We're planning a little intimate wedding for ourselves with only about 10 guests, and I can't wait! I've got 10-15 lbs left to lose and I know I've been slacking lately. Last month, I was doing a great mix of cardio, strength training, and yoga and I lost 9 lbs quick. Since I've been slacking, I've only lost 1. I think because it was a mix for my body, it was so successful. Now, to just get motivated again...
  • Wow ladies, we are getting super close! How is everybody doing? I'm very motivated at the moment, although frustrated because the scale isn't budging an ounce. I pick up my wedding dress on the 18th, pretty anxious about that! It better fit! I want to see everybodies dress pics! Hope we can all make our goals!
  • mrsgoodwine
    mrsgoodwine Posts: 468 Member
    I'm getting married on October 27 as well. I have about 12 pounds to lose. I have been busting my butt on exercise and watching what I eat. I feel like I' ve got my years against me. I am 51 and it's just not coming off like it use to - I feel like I have to work twice as hard to see a little improvement.
  • rstreek
    rstreek Posts: 1
    Hi there - October the 13th is my date. I lost 7lbs at the start of the year and have got stuck- 7lbs to go. Bought a size 10 dress in the sales in Jan and I am a size 11 right now. Nothing to it to let out on the dress so I am going to have to get smaller! My wish is to be held accountable by this community because I am going to post my weight every Friday here :-) I will read your posts and be motivated by all you lovely other October brides!! Rach
  • Hey everyone! I am getting married the 1st weekend of November. I have been on a 1200 calorie diet for two weeks now. I have lost 6 lbs so far. I am 5'10" and started out at 195. I am down to 189. I would love to be at 175 by November, but my BMI puts me around 165-170. I hold my weight very well, I don't bulge or pooch anywhere, but being a little bit thinner and healthier would be great.

    My wonderful husband to be is also dieting. He would like to lose quite a bit more weight than myself. He started drinking the Visalus shakes, hopefully they will work for him because they are pretty pricey.

    We just started working out together. It really helps to have him push me and me push him. What we started doing was Elliptical training and kettle bell. We worked out at home, so it is very comfortable for us. What we have been doing is he will do the first two rounds of kettle bell while i elliptical and then i will do the last round of kettle bell and the cool down while he elliptical trains.

    I am hoping to start the 30 day shred this evening.

    I can usually squeeze some sexy time before or after the workout, you know, to burn some extra calories.

    We also have been snacking on protein balls. 1 cp honey, 1 cp peanut butter, 1 cp rice krispies, 1 cp oats, ball them up and freeze them for an hour. they are super easy to make and really good! especially for a healthy protein packed snack.

    Also!! This is GREAT! We aren't the healthiest of eaters and we are trying to get my soon to be step daughter to eat healthier ( she is a 2 yr old mac and cheese maniac) So i started putting baby food in many of my recipes. I know BABY FOOD! YUCk! but if you put a tablespoon or so in any of your foods they make the foods more nutritious. I have found the squash and sweet potatoes really take on the taste of whatever food you cook. I put some sweet potatoes in spaghetti, and some squash in taco meat, and nobody noticed until my fiance saw the baby food jar in the fridge. I added some squash to the protein ball recipe above.

    Hope some of these tricks may have helped some of you. with all of your super goals i feel like i should try and push myself to lose maybe a bit more than 10-15. we will see! Good Luck EVERYONE!
  • vyunik
    vyunik Posts: 1
    Hi everyone, I'm new to the groups even though I've used MFP last year and found it quite educational :)

    I'm getting married 22 October in Fiji (destination wedding)! I'm 175cm tall and 70 kgs right now (154 lbs) and I would like to be 64kgs or less (140 lbs) by the wedding day.

    It helps that I'm naturally active and am into working out, but it would be good to stay in touch with like-minded people and motivate each other.

    Feel free to add me!