New to MFP

Hey, everyone!

I'm new here, I just joined. I'm 35 years old, and I'm not the typical type 1, as I am very large (currently sitting at 129kg or 284.4lbs). So, I begin my weight loss journey to help improve my life. My A1C's are always great, and apparently all the blood tests come back good, my blood pressure is fine, however, I cant move around really comfortably, I'm frequently out of breath, and find it hard to walk any distance, and of course my main goal, I would like to have another baby at 36, but refuse to before I'm completely healthy for the little one.

So, I'm here to join others with Type 1, especially other pumpers, share in your experiences, and gain your guidance and support. =)

-edited to add pumpers.


  • Amber82479
    Amber82479 Posts: 629 Member
    Hi there and welcome to MFP :) I've been Type 1 since I was 10 (I'm 32 now). Feel free to add me! I love having fellow diabetics here who are on the same journey and really understand what a challenge it is to lose weight on diabetes. You CAN do this!
  • MegRenzelmann
    MegRenzelmann Posts: 13 Member
    Hi there and welcome! I have been Type 1 since 9 years old (I'm 26 now). I have been on the pump for about a year and a half and LOVE IT! Feel free to add me - it's definitely nice having a support system when trying to lose weight :)
  • joshgrobanfan
    Hello. I am new too. I am 52 and diagnosed as Type 1 at 23. I am an over 200 lbs. I am here to keep track of my food intake. Diets have never worked for me. Constantly changed insulin dosage is frustrating.

    I'm excited to find people who understand the difficulties of being a diabetic and trying to loose weight.

    P.S. I realized I don't have a current picture of me due to I have been avoiding the camera lately. I'll work on that.

  • stephaniep12345mfp
    stephaniep12345mfp Posts: 116 Member
    Hi and welcome! I'm a T1, too, so feel free to add me. I was diagnosed at 24 (unusual for a T1, I know), am 43 now and have been on a pump for about 10 years. We definitely have our own set of challenges, but it's been so great to connect with other T1s here for help and support. :)
  • vickicutshall
    vickicutshall Posts: 25 Member
    I'm 53 and have had T1 since I was 10 years old. I'm a pumper and have no significant complications either except gaining some weight while I've been in grad school the last several years ! Since I got diabetes in the 60's, having children wasn't a good option for my husband and me later on. My career as a peds nurse and diabetes camp counselor made this all work out fine. I'm always excited for young ladies who are now having babies and can manage blood sugars for a healthy pregnancy. You are so wise to work on being the best you can be before getting pregnant. Be of good courage and take your time.
  • Crumleygirl
    Crumleygirl Posts: 86 Member
    HI everyone,
    I was diagnosed at 16 with type 1 diabetes. I like people who are type 1 and also diagnosed past roughly 15. I'm on the omnipod pump and have been for a year now. I love diabetic friends so feel free to add me.
  • cntrykami
    cntrykami Posts: 5 Member
    Hi! I'm new to MFP too! I found the site with the encouragement of my endo. I've been a T1 most of my life and have always been "heavy". I now find myself beyond "heavy" and needing to loose about 100 pounds. God, how awful that sounds! I glad that I have finally started to look at the discussion boards. Feel free to friend me, I'm also looking for support of those that understand that losing weight as a T1 is sooooo different than the "normal" person and even different than a T2. Good luck on your journey! - Shannon
  • FurryLittleBunny
    FurryLittleBunny Posts: 27 Member
    Hey there my fellow type 1's....just sent a bunch of you a "friend requst" that says, "Type 1 here. :)."

    I've been a type 1 since age 8 (now 41). Love having new MFP1 friends. :)

    -- Bunny