


  • bradphil87
    bradphil87 Posts: 617 Member
    Hi I'm brad.

    I'm 6'1
    My highest weight was 288 lbs
    My current weight is 201 lbs
    My goal weight is 180 lbs

    I want to get in shape because I want to look good. I feel kinda bad saying it, but it's for pretty vain reasons. I have no health issues, but there is no doubt that I was headed in that direction if I hadn't have made this change when I did.
  • ashleyminus30
    ashleyminus30 Posts: 29 Member
    My name is Ashley.
    I'm 26 years old.
    I'm 5'1
    My highest weight was 155.
    My ultimate goal weight is 115.

    I want to get in shape for many reasons. 1. I'm newly engaged and want to look my absolute best on my wedding day. 2. I've always struggled with weight loss and really want to make the change for good. 3. My family has a history of heart disease, and I need to change my diet and exercise routine now.
  • kr1ssy23
    kr1ssy23 Posts: 270 Member
    Nice to meet all of you. Feel free to add me. Im always looking for more friends and support :)
  • hbm616
    hbm616 Posts: 377 Member
    My name is Hannah
    I'm 23 y/o
    I'm 5' 10"
    highest weight= 299
    current weight ~187
    tentative goal =170
    ultimate goal= 160
    So I guess I only have 27 lbs to lose....but that is close enough to 30, right1?!? =]

    ETA: this group is perfect for me because my birthday is in June and I will be graduating from nursing school around that time so I would love to be healthy and fit by that time!
  • riikka12
    riikka12 Posts: 33 Member
    Hello guys, my name is Erika
    Highest weight: 196 (that's when i decided to make some changes)
    Current weight: 188.5
    Goal Weight: 125
  • gomisskellygo
    gomisskellygo Posts: 635 Member
    My name is JC
    I'm 35 YO
    I'm 5'4"
    My highest was 217 lb
    I'm 174 lb now
    My goal is 140 lb by June of next year.

    I am a mom to two wonderful kids, a son 11, and a daughter 5. My husband has promised a 2-week Hawiaan vacation once I am back in shape. However, I have been on this path way before he promised that! I am currently dealing with a knee injury and have a MRI scheduled for next week. I hope it doesn't slow me down.

    I work full-time, go to school at night, and both of my kids are active in sports. Mostly track, basketball, and soccer. I am busy:)

    Thank you for starting this group!
    I am looking forward to interacting with all of you!
  • curvygirl77
    curvygirl77 Posts: 769 Member

    Thanks for adding to the group. I want to get in shape so I can feel good about myself again. When I was smaller I was so much more active and outgoing. I don't want to spend the rest of my life being unhappy with myself so I am determined to do something about it.

    SW 173
    CW 164
    GW 135
    UGW 125
  • Bgirl72
    Bgirl72 Posts: 25 Member
    HI I am bgirl72 (Lisa) I have been on the heavy side all of my life and recently hit a milestone of turning 40 on June 1st!!!!!!! I have given myself 1 year to battle obesity FOREVER (and win this time)!!!!, so this June 1 2013 is the perfect ending date!

    I Currently weigh 262 (8/23/12)
    Goal 180 ( Ill regroup and "re-goal) once I hit this weight
    I started last week on insanity and I quietly love it.

    I need accountability partners on this Journey and I am glad to be here
    I am an emotional eater, learning for the first time how to direct my emotions away from food and more towards the Lord.
    I am 5'7"
  • Marilyn2405
    Marilyn2405 Posts: 6 Member
    Hello everyone I am Marilyn. I am 5'9", 25 years old and single with no children. I am on here to find that healthy strong body I used to have while playing college softball. I had 2 knee surgeries and I gained almost 90 pounds over a 5 year span. I am a private softball instructor to over 20 girls and I am a personal hitting and pitching coach for 2 different teams. I want to be a good role model for all of these girls that I work with. I was an exercise science major in college so I have a great interest in health and fitness! I decided that I am no longer using my knee injury as an excuse and I am going to get back to feeling good about myself again.
    My highest Weight= 235
    Current Weight= 219
    Ultimate Goal Weight= 145 (however I am focusing on short term goals up until I lose the first 50 pounds and then going from there) :)

    Anyone feel free to friend me as I am new to this site and only have 1 friend right now.... I feel accountability and support is huge to get through some of the tough times.

    Good Luck Everyone!!
  • deanna348
    Options name is Deanna
    i am 43 or 44 ( i never remember and am too tired to do the math)
    i am 5'7
    my sw was 213 lbs
    my current weight is 199 lbs
    my goal weight is 135 lbs

    i am a mother of three, wife to one, and friend to many...
    i love life and want to be here to enjoy it
    so its time to change...
  • Skinny_Bella
    Skinny_Bella Posts: 43 Member
    (hopefully nobody minds me joining? I've noticed some people saying they were invited to the group, and I kind of just barged in, haha :tongue: ) Anyways...

    Hi guys!! My name's Bella.
    I'm 19, 5'4, and weigh 198lbs. My highest ever was 205, and my goal weight for now is about 130. We'll see when I get around there.

    I've struggled with a lot of things in my life due to my weight. I found it hard to make friends, and meet new people because I was embarrassed about myself, and the way I looked. In all honesty, I hated myself. I was never overly obese as a kid, but I was chubby. I guess I got lucky with having the fat evenly proportioned over my body. Regardless, I still got made fun of all through school, and I put myself into a kind of shell. I feel like I've missed out on a lot of things due to me being so insecure about myself. So now it's time for a change. I'm ready to be the person I know I can be. Be fit, healthy, and happy with myself. It's time to let the person inside me, the REAL me, burst out and shine :smile: (kind of sounds a little corny, haha).
    I'm going to school for my dream job(s?) in September 2013, and I'm going to have to be in tip top shape in order to go anywhere in my career (woot for becoming either a hockey reporter, or sports caster(specializing in hockey) hahaha).

    My plan for this whole thing is to of course completely change my eating habits. They aren't overly bad now, but they could be better. Can't afford to go to a gym(broke university kid with a horse, and dog), so I'll be working out from home, doing DVDs. I'm starting out with P90X and Jillian Micheals 30 Day Shred, and once done the 30DS, I've got her Ripped in 30 DVD. After P90X, I'd really like to give Insanity a try. And...I guess I'll just go on from this point once I get there?

    I feel like I'm rambling at this point, so I'll end this.
    Anybody feel free to add me! The more motivation, the better :bigsmile:
  • mistymom3
    Hi I'm Robyn! I'm a mom of 3. I am 28 years old, 5'4 and currently at 230lbs.
    My current goal is to get under the 200's and my ultimate goal is to be 160 :)
  • Laddiegirl
    Laddiegirl Posts: 382 Member
    Hi, I'm Dawn. I'm 32, seriously dating a great guy and no children. I've been heavy since I was a teen with my highest weight ever being 221 lbs in Jan of 09. I worked hard, lost 33lbs but then lost my track and let some difficult times and then a bad knee injury take over my health and my life. As a result I gained 23 of those lbs back. July 1, 2012 I decided to take control of both things and knew that finally losing all the weight and getting to a healthy body would be a major part of that. I want to be a healthy, active person who has self confidance and loves who I see in the mirror. My BF and I are also starting to talk about marriage and planning a family and I want to be fit and healthy for when those things happen!

    My highest weight (in Jan 09): 221
    Starting weight for MFP: 211
    Current weight: 199
    Goal weight: 150-140 lbs

    Add me if you'd like more supportive friends!
  • jillyb21
    I am Jill a stay at home mom of 5, ages 7 down to 6 months, just turned 29 yesterday!!!
    my starting weight was 229
    my current weight is 209
    I am 5'3" tall
    and would like to get down to about 150 pounds, just to be healthy and comfortable in my own skin, I also want my kids to know that they dont have to follow this not so glorious trend my family tend to pass along!
  • mdelappe
    mdelappe Posts: 36 Member
    Hi My name is Myla.
    I live in Lynden, Wa, but will be moving to Fairhaven in Bellingham, WA
    I am 50 this year (EEK)
    I am 5'5"
    My highest weight was 220
    My current weight is 200
    My goal weight is 150.

    This will be a great group to keep me on track!
  • Lizajane42
    Lizajane42 Posts: 133 Member
    Hi! I'm Elizabeth. I am excited to see a lot of people around my height with somewhat similar ultimate goals. I often see ladies my height (5'4") aiming for much lower numbers than I am and end up questioning my own goals, so it is affirming to see others who have their eyes set on a similar prize!

    I am 31
    SW: 238
    CW: 193
    GW: 150

    At 150 I want to reassess and decide if I need to aim lower or not. Those who I have told I still have 45 lbs to lose have told me that seems like too much based on the way my body looks now. I am certain that this isn't too much at all, but instead hope that it is Enough! If at 150 I think I can do more and look/feel better, I will aim for 138 because a nice even 100lbs lost will sound lovely!
  • jeninfl
    jeninfl Posts: 20 Member
    I'm Jen. I'm 37, 5'8".
    Highest weight: 238
    Current weight: 213.5
    Goal Weight: 150
  • HellySuccess
    HellySuccess Posts: 39 Member
    Hi All! I'm Helen, and I'm 56. I live in Victoria BC Canada.

    I'm 5'9"
    Started MFP in late June at 225.
    Currently 216, highest weight, last December, was 245 (shudder!)
    Goal 160 - doable by June 2013? With your support, you bet!!!
  • Elena_K75
    Elena_K75 Posts: 17 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I am Elena from Cyprus, an island in the mediterranean sea if you don't know where it is. So i am here to lose 20 kg (44lbs) with your help and support.
    I am 5'6'', 36 years old and currently weighing 194 lbs. My goal is to go down to 150 lbs.

    nice to meet you all :)
  • Roxymama29
    Hi everyone,

    I'm Brittany and am from Vancouver, Washington. I am the mother of four very active boys and I want to be able to keep up with them. I have seem to have children every two years and thankful that I am now done with pregnancies and can work on getting my body back in shape. I tend to put most people ahead of mysel which leaves little time for me. I'm inspired to make changes because I want to feel good. I'm so tired of being out of shape and miserable. So many positive changes have happened this year and I can't wait to see what happens next.
    My current weight is 200
    My goal weight is 120