Day 11, August 24, Friday

svesemenja Posts: 67 Member
So yesterday was very bad for me.. i got my period, so i was in very bad mood.. also, i have so much work right now, that it just collapsed on me yesterday. i didnt do a lot of my work, i didnt go to gym, and i ate very little. i didnt eat unhealthy food, but i just consumed too few calories.. at the end of the day i was really hungry and went out to buy something, and they put chili in my food, even i said no chili. i took few bites and it was so spicy hot, that i started to cry.. at the end i was so upset about everything, that i just went to sleep. and i couldnt.. i didnt feel asleep until 4 am.. and toss and turned. i remember last time when i looked at the clock it was 4 something.. god.. and i woke up at 8.. i had so little sleep, i feel so tired, exhausted..

i cant wait this day to pass, so i can organize myself.


  • dwyadygwyad
    dwyadygwyad Posts: 46 Member
    svesmenja, Sorry you had such a bad night. When sleep is off, everything is off. I was up at 3 am yesterday morning and took a tylenol PM at around 4- Normally doesn't affect me but I was dragging the entire day yesterday and it was no fun. The good news is you'll be tired tonight!

    As I noted, we've had some good news lately so we've been taken out to dinner and drinks a few times this week. Ive gone over in my calories but still seem to be losing, which is great.

    Need to remind myself that even if I eat 1500 calories, it's still less than I normally eat and will eventually also cause a loss, just a slower loss. I didnt get to the weight I did by eating 1500 calories, it was more like 2000, if not more. Actually, maybe I don't want to know!

    Anyway, going to my parents for the weekend. Always difficult to eat well there, but I'll just focus on the portions.

    So grateful for this group, even though I haven't been on for a few days. Have a great day everyone.

  • haasgirl
    haasgirl Posts: 55
    Hello! I am so happy its Friday! I'm feeling really good. I've put my mind to it this week and i'm finally on a roll. My plan is to keep it up this weekend.

    svesmenja, sorry to hear you had such a rough night. I completely understand the sleep deprivation and what it does to you. Hopefully you can make it through your day and get home and have a good nights rest.

    Thanks to the group this is really helping me be accountable.

  • JennyDuffy
    JennyDuffy Posts: 45 Member
    Hello everyone!

    I'm back from my vacation! had an amazing time!... but oh so much food!!!! Determind to get back to where I left off though.

    This time next week i will have shed at least half of whatever i've put back on in portugal! salads and healthy eating is my new routine! Hoping to go for a run later if not too jet lagged!

    Hope everyone has been doing well!

    Jenny x
  • dvelocity
    dvelocity Posts: 309 Member
    Yesterday was a good on plan day.

    Today is Week 2 Weigh In for the Biggest Loser competition at work. Last week I weighed 241.2 and this week 239.8. Down 1.4. (Fully clothed with Jeans on weight) That is probably not good as far as the competition goes. I care, but I don't. What I care bout more is focusing on me and what is good for me. I need to lose weight and I am. I need to focus on healthier habits and I am.

    My husbands birthday is Monday. That means this whole weekend is going to be about him. I need to let him have his cake and eat it to, while trying to maintain that I am important. I do not have to consume what he consumes. I am very fearful about eating out multiple times, going out drinking with friends.

    I can do this!!

    Edit - Apparently -1.4 only got me into 25th place of 31 particpants in the Biggest Loser at Work Challenge. We had people lose 4% of the weight this week. I was nowhere close to that.

  • AmyJKSaunders
    AmyJKSaunders Posts: 39 Member
    Good day, all! I'm sorry to hear about your day, Svesmenja. The good thing is that every day is a new day with fresh possibilities. So, just be thankful that it's over and hopefully have a better day today! :happy:

    I had another great day yesterday. I have been within my calorie limit for three days in a row and am expecting a weight loss at my weigh in next week. I have also exercised for at least 40 minutes a day the last four days. So, I am feeling pretty good. It is definitely all about finding time for yourself and putting yourself first during that time every day.

    Have a great Day 11 and a great weekend!
  • Rebeccawks
    Rebeccawks Posts: 61 Member
    I'm sorry to hear that you had a rough night Svesmenja! I experienced something similar last week and it totally threw off my routine. :( Like others posted, it did make me exhausted the next night, so I slept like a baby and my schedule was back on track.

    Today has been great. Work is meh, like always, but as for my personal weight loss/fitness journey, life couldn't be better!!!

    I have been in a slump for about 3 months after losing 30 of my last 50 lbs. :( Then I joined this group, got my period (after not having it for 3 months due to low cals :( ) and everything kind of clicked. :) After visiting my parents 2 weekends ago, I came back and weighed 203. I joined this group at about 199. I've been exercising and weight training like I haven't in months and this morning I met my 4 week goal: 189.2!!!!!!!!!!

    I broke out of the 190s!!! I'm sure I will fluctuate around this number for a bit, considering how much dropped recently, but I can't tell you guys how happy I am to see progress. I know, in some part, I have all you wonderful people to thank!

    Today is going to be a wonderful day! Regardless of what happens, I want to continue to see progress so: Goal for today and this weekend: stay under/within my calorie goals and exercising at least 1 hr/day (35-45 minutes of jogging included)

    Happy 11th day everyone :)

    We can do this!
  • going2befit4ever
    going2befit4ever Posts: 225 Member
    congratulations Rebecca on reaching your goal so pleased for you I seem to have stalled again lack of sleep and some stress will do that to ya

    hope everyone has a great weekend its party time (2 to go to) but hopefully I'll be good
  • nikihampton
    nikihampton Posts: 62 Member
    Yesterday was over my calorie target, but logged everything even the bad stuff which is good. This morning my first breakfast was unsatisfactory so eating something small and creates a larger breakfast than normal. I'll just skip my morning snack. Today and tomorrow are rest days to prep for the race. Tomorrow is supposed to be a carb up day and I am going to let myself eat a cheeseburger after the race, but then back on track Monday. I will have a couple of days of not running for recovery after the race, so will need to make sure I'm back on track. Hoping to still show a loss on Monday and it needs to be a good one to get back on track for my goal.
  • greeniam
    greeniam Posts: 11 Member
    Hello, all! I weighed 157 yesterday, then had kinda a bad night last night. I went over my calories by almost 400, then this morning, my stomach is killing me. I don't know why I keep putting myself through this torture. Today is gonna be a good day.

    Talk to you all later!
  • dvelocity
    dvelocity Posts: 309 Member
    Congratulations Rebecca - that is a great loss.

    Nikki - I can't wait to hear about your race this weekend. I am sure you are going to do great and have a fun time doing it.
  • sexy_RN88
    sexy_RN88 Posts: 58 Member
    Happy Friday everyone! :)

    So sorry to hear about your rough night last night, Svesmenja. I bet today will be loads better--sending good energy your way!

    Congrats Rebecca! You're doing great! :)

    Good luck on your race, Nikki--let us know how it goes!

    Off to the medical supply store for a few things I need, then it's right back home to study my bum off! Looking forward to having tonight's exam behind me soon!
  • cmecme
    cmecme Posts: 227 Member
    Happy Friday!!!

    To all who are struggling-just stick with it. What's the alternative. If you give up you certainly wont be more healthy or lose or even stay the same in the next 4 weeks : )

    For all who are doing well-congrats. The inspiration is amazing.

    I had a bad day yesterday but today was TOM -so at least some of it can be explained.

    I want to be in the 170s so badly i can taste it. With rebecca's victory it wants me to get there even fast - 2 pounds to go......

    Have a great weekend everyone
