


  • Hello, I just joined the group!

    My name is Johnelle
    I'm 26 years YOUNG (:P)
    I'm 5'2
    My highest was 247lbs
    I'm currently 193.6lbs
    My goal is to be 130 lb by this time next year.

    I have high blood pressure, diabetes, and asthma. I've gotten my asthma under control. I am hoping to get the other two in check really soon. My weight definitely contributes to my poor state of health at this time..I am taking steps towards getting healthy and getting in shape. I have a daughter that I absolutely love and adore, she is my world. I am doing what I must to increase my chances of living a long and healthy life with and for her as well as myself :)

    I wish the best of luck to all of you!
  • LindaJWan
    LindaJWan Posts: 60 Member
    Hello Everyone!

    My name is Linda
    I am 42 years old
    Highest weight (besides pregnancy weight) 190
    Current weight 178
    Goal weight 135 (realistically 145-150)

    I just moved my 20 year old daughter and her dog into her first apartment. My 17 year old son is a very active Senior in HS. And my husband has a crazy busy work schedule. We own our own business and I do the bookwork and have been a stay at home mom. Now I am trying to find my purpose and passion. My husband is my best friend and is extremely supportive but doesn't understand depression or weight issues. I am determined that this next chapter of my life will look different for me. I have spent my whole life putting others first and now I want to know what it's like to do that for me. My husband and I will celebrate our 25th Anniversary June 2013 and I want so bad to not have my weight be an issue. Excited to be a part of this group and to make some awesome accountability partners and new friends.

    Have a great day!
  • RheneeB
    RheneeB Posts: 461 Member
    Hey there, my name is Rhenee' and I am:

    Soon to be 48 (very soon...too soon!)
    Highest Weight: 184
    Current Weight: 163.2
    Goal Weight: 130
    Reason for wanting to lose weight: I have several; some are serious and some are silly but the bottom line is that I am just ready to feel good about myself. I feel so frumpy right now and feel like my body doesn't fit my mind (if that makes any sense).

    Looking forward to being part of this group and part of everyone's successes!!!
  • khein33
    khein33 Posts: 20
    Nice to meet everyone!! Looking forward toall of our goals and motivating each other on the way!! Please feel free to add as a friend if you'd like! :flowerforyou:
  • Leslieheindel
    Leslieheindel Posts: 21 Member
    My name is Leslie.
    i am only 5'4"
    Current weight is 190
    goal is 150.

    i am going to Portugal next year and would like to look good on the beach. Also, I need ot lose some of this weight so I can be healthy!!!
  • My name is Ashley.
    I'm 18 y/o
    I'm 5'7
    My highest weight was 210.
    My ultimate goal weight is 140-160.
    I weight 106 right now
    My main reason for getting healthy is so i can feel confident in my own skin, and walk into school feeling great, and not worry about what others think about me. & also so i can wear the clothing that i want too. & just over all to be healthy.
  • britthughes06
    britthughes06 Posts: 5 Member
    My name is Brittany.
    I'm 24 years old.
    Height- 5'5"
    I'm at my highest weight ever right now which is 217.5.
    My overall goal weight is 135.
    My goal for 2/2013 is 187 (I would love to lose 30 pounds by February).
    I have struggled with my weight for awhile now and am finally putting my foot down and making the decision to get healthy. My husband and I want to have children soon and I want to be at a healthier weight before we do that. I would love to make some friends on here so we can support and encourage one another. Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • shaleasymphony
    shaleasymphony Posts: 172 Member
    Hi everyone!
    I'm Shalea, 21 y/o
    SW 250
    CW 246
    GW 130
    Goal for summer: 170 (by june) about 2 pounds a week but if I get at least to 200 I'll be happy
  • nishaz
    nishaz Posts: 1
    Thanks for starting this group. Just in time... and the name is so appropriate for where i am right now.

    My highest weight: 232
    Current weight: 222
    Goal weight: 150 or less
    Age: 41
    Height: 5'7"
  • msmay1
    msmay1 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi my name is Marva
    My highest weight is 200pds
    I am 48 yrs
    My current weight is 191
    My goal is 130
    I have high blood pressure and family history of diabetes. I ant to lose weight to feel
    Good' get off medication, and to look marvelous.
  • mkeen77
    mkeen77 Posts: 32
    Hello all!

    I just joined MFP and I am really excited! I really look forward to tracking everything and seeing everyone else exercising and meeting their goals!

    Age: 24
    Highest Weight: 220ish (?)
    Starting Weight: 212
    Current Weight: 207
    Goal Weight: 150 (will re-evaluate then)

    I would just love to be healthier! :)

    Friend me!
  • shm1289
    shm1289 Posts: 102 Member
    I'm Stephanie.
    I'm 22.
    My highest weight was 202.
    My starting weight with MFP was 193
    My current weight is 175.5
    My goal weight is 150 but I might change that once I get closer to it
    I've always struggled with my weight and have never had any problems starting a diet or exercising, it's sticking with it that's been tough. I've always fallen off the wagon once I started to lose around 10 pounds but this time I'm determined to stick with it by making this a lifestyle and making changes I can live with in the long run.
  • mkm9279
    mkm9279 Posts: 44
    Hi, my name is Mellisa. I have three beautiful children. In 2007 before my wedding I weighed in at 212 pounds. I was determined to lose the weight and I did I made it down to 143 pounds. I kept most of it off only creeping up to 163 after I quit smoking.( it's been 4 yrs now :-) ) anyways I got pregnant in dec 2010 and have an amazing almost 1 yr old baby boy. Well I gain a lot of weight. I went up to 221 pounds. I lost the first 30 pounds within the first week. I guess water weight. The rest has been a slow process. I am looking forward to making next summer my best body ever summer!

    Sw: 189.5
    Cw 171
    Gw 135

    I already am starting to feel better! Thank you for all in this group! The support of MFP is just amazing!
  • mkm9279
    mkm9279 Posts: 44

    Hi, my name is Mellisa. I have three beautiful children. In 2007 before my wedding I weighed in at 212 pounds. I was determined to lose the weight and I did I made it down to 143 pounds. I kept most of it off only creeping up to 163 after I quit smoking.( it's been 4 yrs now :-) ) anyways I got pregnant in dec 2010 and have an amazing almost 1 yr old baby boy. Well I gain a lot of weight. I went up to 221 pounds. I lost the first 30 pounds within the first 6 weeksI guess water weight. The rest has been a slow process. I am looking forward to making next summer my best body ever summer!

    Sw: 189.5
    Cw 171
    Gw 135

    I already am starting to feel better! Thank you for all in this group! The support of MFP is just amazing!
  • melmel321
    melmel321 Posts: 3 Member
    hello name is Mel
    highest weight 270
    current weight 185
    goal weight 145
    ideal weight 125
    height 5'2
  • Hi everyone, I'm new to MFP (only joined on Wednesday)

    My names Rebecca
    I'm 21
    I'm 5'2
    I'm currently at the highest weight I've ever been which is why I'm trying to stick with this diet this time. I started on Wednesday at 238lbs and I'm now 233lbs
    My ultimate goal weight is 110lbs ish

    I want to be happy and be able to just go in a shop and buy something with out trying it on. I'm also going on a girls holiday next August so this groups perfect. I don't want to feel like the beached whale next to my skinny friends!

    Feel free to add me on here, I'm always looking for new friends and people to support and be supported back!
  • hello-
    name is Mitzi
    Gw-by summer 2013 195

    im ready to be fit and healthy. move with ease and not fill like a busted can of biscuits in clothes.
    im tired of being the heaviest person in a group.
    time to change my habits.
    im also trying to quit smoking as well, going on 2 weeks :)
  • OnMyWeigh464
    OnMyWeigh464 Posts: 447 Member
    My name is Shawna.
    I'm 36
    I'm 5'8"
    My highest weight was 293
    My ultimate goal weight is 150
    I was diagnosed with PCOS a few months ago which has made losing very difficult. I have to put in 150% effort which some days I just don't HAVE 150% (the PCOS also zaps energy)
    One of the reasons I want to get rid of this weight is to get rid of the PCOS and just feel better in general.
    I hate the phrase "to lose weight" becaus losing something signifies that you want to find it again and I don't want to find my pounds again...I want to GET RID OF THE WEIGHT hehe
  • allybally6
    allybally6 Posts: 142 Member
    Hi I'm Alex.
    I'm 23
    Highest Weight was 171....
    Ultimate goal is 135.

    My wedding is labor day next year. So I'd love to feel pretty on my wedding day and heading into my marriage :)
  • Hi my real name is Chris.

    I'm 37, 5' 11" and I currently weigh 246lbs. It would be fantastic if I can get to 215 and stay there.

    My highest weight was something above 260lbs ( I quit looking at the scale). I feel better at 246 and anticipate feeling even better at 215.