Are you really ready to lose weight?

BWLWAjima Posts: 27 Member
Today's Inspiration | The truth may be that you are not ready to do what you know you need to do to lose weight. That is a hard truth, but it's better than lying to yourself. Sometimes we have to really face what is holding us back and what is keeping us from making the sacrifices we need to make.

-If you just can't seem to eat right, just can't make a commitment to working out. There is a why.
-If you really don't want to change. There is a why.
A why deep down in your heart and you can identify and face that why.

WE need to connect with our emotions, our soul, our spirit and find out WHY? What is the real reason? What are our justifications?

Do you really believe that you can lose weight or are you afraid of failure?
Do you really want to leave the sweets and treats alone, or are they like good friends who support you in bad times and you can't let them go?
Do you hate exercise? Why?
Are you afraid that you won't be the same you, that you'll change some how in a way that scares you?

Don't try to force yourself into a situation where you are committed for 3-4 days and then fall off the wagon and beat yourself up. To many of us do that over and's a perpetual cycle. If you're having a hard time changing your habits and doing what you need to do to lose weight, take some time to focus on the internal dialog that is going on within you. Then move forward and take action as you change your habits and your life.


  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    So true! Take it one day at a time.
  • Great post!
  • ksemien
    ksemien Posts: 133 Member
  • Yes, these statements are so true - thank you for the inspiration! I previously was not in a place mentally where I could lose weight because I was hiding the true me behind the weight. Sugary sweets were my best closet friends and I was eating them for comfort because I was unsatisfied with things in my life. Now, I am ready to do it! I want to live my life to the fullest - I am no longer afraid of showing who I really am and willing to do what needs to be done to change things in my life.
  • Yes I am ready I've been on this diet for three months and am down 27 pounds.
  • I really dont know what to say, I'm embarassed of how I have let myself go, I dont like the shape im in and i've been too lazy to change. Most people look at me and say i wish i was your size, but I know what I want to look like and this isnt it. Motivation? It isnt easy, i look at all of these fit people around me and they look so happy healthy and energized. Why can't I feel enthusiastic about exercise like they do? I'm excited about Sunday dinners, pasta and chocolate... not working out. ! It seems so easy, you eat right , excercise and you'll lose the weight, right? Someone please help me with some words of encouragement and things you've tried to help you lose weight and get healthy.