What is the point exactly?



  • JanieJack
    JanieJack Posts: 3,831 Member
    See the other girls are saying that it doesn't happen to them.

    Uh.... that's because most of us aren't lucky/hot enough to get 2 bfs in a row like that. Now stop beating yourself up and go wait wrapped up in your blankie with some hot tea and a chic flic until TOM passes.

  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    See the other girls are saying that it doesn't happen to them.

    Uh.... that's because most of us aren't lucky/hot enough to get 2 bfs in a row like that. Now stop beating yourself up and go wait wrapped up in your blankie with some hot tea and a chic flic until TOM passes.

  • jenbit
    jenbit Posts: 4,289 Member
    See the other girls are saying that it doesn't happen to them.

    Uh.... that's because most of us aren't lucky/hot enough to get 2 bfs in a row like that. Now stop beating yourself up and go wait wrapped up in your blankie with some hot tea and a chic flic until TOM passes.


    LOL I may not have had a BF yet this year but I have been very busy :bigsmile: if it makes you feel better. Your dating style is your dating stlye and theres no reason to feel bad about it. How are you ever supposed to find the right guy if you dont date hmmm:huh: Just relax and enjoy

    Oh and for TOM dont forget your chocolate and something salty it will make you feel better
  • pa_jorg
    pa_jorg Posts: 4,404 Member
    This is more the "when do I put a label on it stage." So you will have more boyfriends then some people because you like to put the label on early in the relationship.


    And for me personally, I've only been dating a few months and I find out so much from each new person and situation I encounter that it is still really a learning experience as to who I might find out there... So not only has the 'right' person not come along yet, but I don't think I'd be ready for a label if they did.
  • DavetheHYNIC
    DavetheHYNIC Posts: 318 Member
    First of all, I will announce I'm pms'y so I'm an emotional roller coaster today.

    I've been thinking... The whole exclusive vs serious relationship talk in another thread provoked the question.. "what exactly is the point?" I guess I'm feeling a bit high due to my Midol kicking in and I'm doing some deep thinking.

    As you all know I had a bf a while back- (Stupid) Smiley. I got completely wrapped up in him, we spoke BIG words for such little time. I ate it all up! I was very hurt at the end due to how fast he dropped me, just as fast as he had picked me.. Maybe faster.

    I learned a lot. I am determined to never let myself get so invested without truly knowing the guy. I read the baggage reclaim blog (great stuff!) and she talks about how people don't change, they unfold. So I'm going with that and running. Before I invest myself emotionally, I will watch the person unfold and see if we truly have a shot.

    I have a bf again. We seem to be compatible in many ways. Our personalities are very similar (I can be my real goofy self with him and he is even goofier, he laughs at my jokes, we play pranks, we are both active, he dances, we like a lot of same music, we are both very open minded, and many more). It hit me today. So far in 2012 I have had 2 bf's and lots and lots of dates. What is the point? How many Bfs will I have? Am I just bouncing from bf to bf? Is that what I'm supposed to do?

    Dating as a 33 yr old is different. When I was 19, I dated as a romantic looking for my knight in shining armor. Now I'm looking for a partner, lover and best friend. I'm not sure if I'll get married again but I think I'd like to. But in order to get there, I have to date men. So what if Hulk and I break up? In 3 months I'll have another bf??

    I'm not a person that is afraid to be alone. I'm dating Hulk because I like him, we have fun and I see potential BUT I'm not planning our future. I'm just having fun and maybe it'll lead to a serious thing, who knows.

    Okay I'm rambling. Does anybody else feel this way?? I'm not complaining, just thinking.

    I really don't understand this post or what your asking but damn you gotta nother boyfriend already that was FAST!!
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    Well we are still very fresh. And the last "bf" only lasted 2 months and we broke up in the very beginning of June. I assume if it had been a longer relationship, I would probably have waited, even just to date.

    Regardless, I'm happy with my choice of being with Hulky. He's pretty cool. :smokin:
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    The point is to do what makes you happy, so long as that doesn't infringe on the rights of others.

    Life is choices, so pick the things that make it worthwhile and if other people judge you try to put their morals on you, well that's their business and no concern of yours. If you are happy and somehow end up with 4 boyfriends in a year that's your business, isn't it?
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    meh the point is that this is all just one more vein in getting to know who you are. :)
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    I think it was Annie who consoled me after my last break up by saying she had many 2-3 month relationships that didn't go any further.

    Is this 'Annie' bird, me?? :laugh:

    Yeah, I said that. I've had loads of 2-3 months relationships over the last 10 years!!! And a few more longer one's - 6mths to 1year.

    Sometimes I get despondent that I'm not finding the 'keeper', and sometimes I enjoy meeting new people and just living in the moment. Since my last internet 'freak zone' disasters, I've taken a break this year from even trying. Apart from if I 'hook' up with ex lovers! :bigsmile:

    Anyway, some people find the 'one' straight away, and others (like me) don't! You never know if the Hulk will be him. Why worry about it?? 2 b/f's or 8 b/fs in a year., Does it really matter?? Nobody is counting. Or would you rather settle on someONE, get married and be divorced again in 10 years, just so as you can justify having sex with only one person?? I guess its the sex part that you're feeling guilty about??

    IMHO Life is way too short to worry about how many sexual partners you have in life. That's one regret I won't have on my death bed :wink: :flowerforyou: I believe if God didnt want us to have sex, he wouldnt have made it feel so nice!!! :bigsmile:

    But sorry if I've digressed up the wrong tree........ :wink:
  • SweetBasil35
    SweetBasil35 Posts: 126 Member
    Have you heard Adele's song "Chasing Pavements?" I listened to it (literally) a dozen times last night. It's a song about exactly where you are right now... I'm in a similar place. I don't know about you, but music always makes me feel better. If it's not too cheesy - here are some of the lyrics:

    I've made up my mind, don't need to think it over
    If I'm wrong I am right, don't need to look no further
    This ain't lust, I know this is love

    But if I tell the world, I'll never say enough
    'Cause it was not said to you
    And that's exactly what I need to do if I'd end up with you

    Should I give up or should I just keep chasing pavements
    Even if it leads nowhere?
    Or would it be a waste even if I knew my place
    Should I leave it there?
    Should I give up or should I just keep chasing pavements
    Even if it leads nowhere?

    I build myself up and fly around in circles
    Wait then as my heart drops and my back begins to tingle
    Finally could this be it?

    Should I give up or should I just keep chasing pavements
    Even if it leads nowhere?
    Or would it be a waste even if I knew my place
    Should I leave it there?
    Should I give up or should I just keep chasing pavements
    Even if it leads nowhere?
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    I love Chasing Pavements!! Good lyrics.

    Yes Anna, I was referring to you. It's not just the sex part (but it does come to mind). It's also wondering if too many Bfs will make me pessimistic in the long run that I don't have a problem getting a bf but moreso keeping one. Still, I'm nowhere near that point so no point in thinking that far ahead.
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    I love Chasing Pavements!! Good lyrics.

    Yes Anna, I was referring to you. It's not just the sex part (but it does come to mind). It's also wondering if too many Bfs will make me pessimistic in the long run that I don't have a problem getting a bf but moreso keeping one. Still, I'm nowhere near that point so no point in thinking that far ahead.

    Well, I'm 48 and lost count of my short term relationships now BUT I still have great optimism that I'll find the 'keeper' some day!! :bigsmile: Or I'll die trying :laugh:
  • oddyogi
    oddyogi Posts: 1,816 Member
    I think it was Annie who consoled me after my last break up by saying she had many 2-3 month relationships that didn't go any further.

    Is this 'Annie' bird, me?? :laugh:

    Yeah, I said that. I've had loads of 2-3 months relationships over the last 10 years!!! And a few more longer one's - 6mths to 1year.

    Sometimes I get despondent that I'm not finding the 'keeper', and sometimes I enjoy meeting new people and just living in the moment. Since my last internet 'freak zone' disasters, I've taken a break this year from even trying. Apart from if I 'hook' up with ex lovers! :bigsmile:

    Anyway, some people find the 'one' straight away, and others (like me) don't! You never know if the Hulk will be him. Why worry about it?? 2 b/f's or 8 b/fs in a year., Does it really matter?? Nobody is counting. Or would you rather settle on someONE, get married and be divorced again in 10 years, just so as you can justify having sex with only one person?? I guess its the sex part that you're feeling guilty about??

    IMHO Life is way too short to worry about how many sexual partners you have in life. That's one regret I won't have on my death bed :wink: :flowerforyou: I believe if God didnt want us to have sex, he wouldnt have made it feel so nice!!! :bigsmile:

    But sorry if I've digressed up the wrong tree........ :wink:

    I agree with my auntie!

    I think I'm in the same spot as you, girl. Even though I've been with Steve for about 4.5 months now, I'm uncertain about the seriousness of our relationship. Even though we have plans for November, and we've talked about staying together and doing a long distance relationship when he leaves in December, he still hasn't opened up to me that much emotionally. I've said I love you (and I do :blushing: ) and he hasn't said it yet, but that's okay. He's such a good soul, so kind, and fun to be around, so even if we're trudging along slowly in the emotional department that's okay. I know he plans on being with me, and I know I love him, and that's good enough for me. Right now I'm just trying to spend time with him whenever I can since I know we will eventually take the leap to long distance.. :sad:

    But then again, I know that if we did break up, I would be very sad for awhile but I would probably move on and be dating again within a few months. *shrugs*