Not to muddy the waters....

Hi, all! This may sound drastic and crazy, but I have been off all of my MS medications since December 2011. (For family planning purposes I was instructed to quit 3-4 months prior to trying.) I've been eating a plant-based diet since January 2012, giving up all dairy, eggs, etc. (I was vegetarian prior to this switch). I will tell you all, I have not had a single MS symptom since, and I was told I had aggressive MS, based on MRIs and symptom progression! I would simply encourage all of you to learn more about MS and nutrition, especially as discussed by Dr. McDougall....I think it all makes sense, and I believe I'm a living testament to this way of eating. My best to you all!!! -- his homepage -- his MS page -- his take on MS medications


  • ruststar
    ruststar Posts: 489 Member
    I've been off MS medication for 6 years without any symptoms, and I'm not eating a plant based diet.It's part of the relapsing remitting nature of MS.
  • Sinisi2012
    Sinisi2012 Posts: 333 Member
    I've been off MS medication for 6 years without any symptoms, and I'm not eating a plant based diet.It's part of the relapsing remitting nature of MS.

    I went through a time when I stopped taking my meds and had no worsening of any symptoms and I have friends with MS who do not take any meds ever. It is just the nature of the beast. You just do not know with MS, that is the tough part. Someone asked me why I went back on and it is because I felt I tempted fate enough and decided that I would rather take them and not need them than need them and not have taken them.
    Of course eating healthy is always a good idea for anyone, not just people with MS or any other illness, however I personally could never give up my meat or dairy :)
    Best of luck to you!
  • CheeksAJB
    Perhaps it is the nature of RRMS, but I would encourage some investigation of Dr. McDougall's theories (a student of Dr. Swank, who had the famous "MS diet.") I do know there seems to have been a direct correlation between my symptoms being painfully obvious WHILE I was on dairy and numerous medications, versus their complete disappearance when I've removed both animal products and medications from my daily intake. I guess it's all up to how I choose to live my life....

    I would also suggest the China Study....a great read and an incredible eye opener.

    Bottom line, I hope you all have a wonderful day!!!
  • sugarlips1980
    sugarlips1980 Posts: 361 Member
    I agree that you can't read too much into symptoms appearing and disappearing and the diet you're following in the short term as yes, that is the nature of the MS beast. However, the evidence of the impact of diet and lifestyle on MS is overwhelming in the long term. It surprises me how many people with MS are not exploring these diets, taking vitamin d etc. Personally, George Jelinek's book makes so much sense to me, he's a doctor with MS who has thoroughly scoured the medical literature and presents an overall recovery programme. He's been relapse free or about 13 years.