Protein Bars

Sweetsys Posts: 78 Member
What kind of protein bars do you use? One member said she made hers but I'm not that industrious. I have tried the Quest bars and they are ok, but don't love them plus hard to find. Any other suggestions appreciated.


  • Pandorian
    Pandorian Posts: 2,055 MFP Moderator
    Check the labels on "all" of them, find one that has both ingredients you can handle and isn't overloaded with sugar. I see so many "commercially made" bars that have more sugar than they do protein. Same as protein "drinks" in the beverage coolers... more carbs than protein... that might make it a meal replacement but doesn't qualify as a protein shake for me.

    I don't use them because I don't do well with many artificial sweeteners and I'm not eating something that tastes like utter crap just to meet a macro target when I can toss whey protein into whatever I'm making and get a boost... mashed potatoes, pancakes from scratch etc.
  • sugarbeans
    sugarbeans Posts: 676 Member
    I use an ultrameal bar if I have to or if I'm hiking for the day and can't bring food. I get them from my naturopathic doctor, I tend to be like Pandorian I try to just add whey protein to baking and stuff or have more greek yogurt.

    I would definitely read the labels of all, sometimes Costco will have samples of different protein bars you could try and see if you like those.
  • Sweetsys
    Sweetsys Posts: 78 Member
    Thanks to both of you for the info. Going to GNC today to look. Taking the Quest bar with me to see what they have.
  • luis1984
    luis1984 Posts: 15 Member
    Why don't you try protein shakes, just make sure they don't have more than five grams of carbs per serving and no more than three grams of sugars. Those work better than protein bars and you don't eat all the chemicals