


  • Hi there, just entered my info. When entering be careful it looks like your on the line underneath you but your actually on the line you need to be on, unless it was just my computer..LOL.

    Good luck to everyone in this awesome challenge!!!:happy:
  • bkw2010
    bkw2010 Posts: 16 Member
    I'm on the spreadsheet! I will put in my current weight on Sept. 1st after I weigh-in. :) Thanks for all the work you put into this spreadsheet and in setting up this challenge. I know it's going to be a big help to me.
  • horsepullerlovesme
    horsepullerlovesme Posts: 228 Member
    i weigh in on sat will add current weight than!!!!!
  • stingap
    stingap Posts: 20 Member
    Thank you for the spreadsheet. I added myself, and i'm a little shy, but is it only me counting in kg?
    I'll try to convert then.
  • FelicityEliza36
    FelicityEliza36 Posts: 252 Member
    I loooove the spread sheet~! Thank you so much for starting this group - itll give me the motivation I need :)
  • Still unable to get in. I've tried from my work computer, home and my phone and it just won't open. Keeps saying "oops".
  • HotDolphinMama
    HotDolphinMama Posts: 82 Member
    I have tried for two days! #1) THere isn't even a link when i look at it. Just the address listed below whick I keep trying to put in the address line & send it there but no such luck!


    Very Very frustrating. I thought maybe it was because I was on my work computer, but tried it last night at home and got the same results. UGH!
  • Moxie42
    Moxie42 Posts: 1,400 Member
    Maybe try using a different browser? I've been able to open it in Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Chrome but maybe it doesn't work with other browsers like Safari? Idk, just a thought...

    Not sure what you mean by sending it to an address line. I assume you're copying and pasting it into a browser like any URL but if not, try that.

    Hope this helps! :)
  • thompsoj05
    thompsoj05 Posts: 86 Member
    Just opened the spreadsheet and all the names are gone from the weight page except one. The challenges page still looks all right.:huh:
  • pixtotts
    pixtotts Posts: 552 Member
    added myself to challenge page... will do the weight one when i get my new scales...
    love the group picture by the way !
  • herbalkitty
    herbalkitty Posts: 185 Member
    And the start date seems wrong too :frown:
  • thompsoj05
    thompsoj05 Posts: 86 Member
    And the start date seems wrong too :frown:

    I noticed that too. And the end date:huh:
  • thompsoj05
    thompsoj05 Posts: 86 Member
    Just opened the spreadsheet and all the names are gone from the weight page except one. The challenges page still looks all right.:huh:

    It is funny but the one name on the page isn't part of the group as far as i could see when I look through the members list.
  • busymomma97
    busymomma97 Posts: 75 Member
    I just noticed that as well. I wonder if we need to re-enter our names. I will just wait and see if it is a kink and the names just disappeared for a bit.
  • helenld1
    helenld1 Posts: 233 Member
    Am I being a bit dense? There's only 4 names showing in it when I open it and that includes the line "example person"? :laugh:

    The reason I ask is someone earlier said they were number 51 or something like that.

    I don't want to overwrite any one's data that's all.

    In saying that, awesome spreadsheet :)

    Challenges tab seems to have about 50 names on it but not the weight one....hmmm. I'll check back tomorrow morning to see if its me (which no doubt it is!)
  • I went to add my info to the sheet, but only see 3 names... Am I seeing something wrong? Does someone know how to fix this? I don't want to mess anyone's info up. Thanks!
  • usernamekelly1
    usernamekelly1 Posts: 1,941 Member
    I went and looked through the revisions and revised to when it seemed that everyone got deleted, I've added in the people who have added them selves since this (only 3 that weren't on)

    All normal again!
  • geonbaeLeilee
    geonbaeLeilee Posts: 606 Member
    I had to add myself again. :(
  • tifalva
    tifalva Posts: 220 Member
    I added my name and goal weight. I will weigh myself on the 1st and add it in then :)
  • Are we weighing in every week or every two weeks, the spreadsheet shows every two weeks. :smile: