


  • hellokathy
    hellokathy Posts: 540 Member
    I only have the right side of my lower lip pierced. Getting it done didn't hurt at all but I was 17 and didn't really choose a good guy to do it so he placed it way too low. Looks a bit stupid with the big ring now. I've been thinking about getting snake bites but don't want to get another hole that's placed too low and if they did it closer to the lip, it'd look stupid, so...no snake bites for me. :(

    Also, I had to get it redone because I went without it for a couple years and that definitely hurt. Yikes!

    I used to stretch my lobes, too, but only got to 6mm before I got bored with it.
  • pixpix101
    pixpix101 Posts: 3 Member
    I know i'm a bit late but i thought i'd share :)
    I have lobes, helix, what is technically a snug but the placement is slightly odd (hurt the most as it went through a LOT of cartilage), lip, septum, navel, reverse navel. not a lot really, but i'm adding to them gradually. I'm thinking about getting my nipples pierced, but i'm not too sure ... have to wait and see! :)
  • the only things i've pierced were my tongue and my septum. the tongue wasnt bad but the septum was extremely painful. it was so painful i was in a daze for the rest of the day.
  • I've had a dermal in my cheek, labret, ears five times, and my nipples. Nipps hurt the most, but it was the lip piercing that weirded me out because I could hear it crunch through the fibers. Overall they are not that bad though.

    Also did a suspension wtih 4 8g hooks. Talk about intense!
  • I have my ears pierced 2 in each, my nose, and my bellybutton. I really want to get my nipple pierced but will have to wait until after summer because I hear they can take months to heal and I want to go to the beach heaps! I am also scared though because they are so sensitive it will probably hurt like a *****!

    Anyone who has had their nipple pierced, how long did it take to heal completely? And in comparison to a tattoo does it hurt as much? I have had a rib tattoo done which was the most painful thing I have ever endured, but I probably wouldn't do it again it hurt that bad!

    Edit: Oh cool! MFP stars out swearing, my bad! I'll be polite from now on :) haha
  • Oh, in my earlier post I forgot to add what hurt most: seriously, my labia majora piercings.

    They were the most painful thing I've ever had... After 17 other piercings, a scarification, lots of various BDSM play, a car accident, and 7 surgeries.

    The initial piercing really hurt, but was over fast... Then half an hour later they started swelling and hurting in an aching way. That lasted about 2-3 weeks. Pain..
  • babecon
    babecon Posts: 136 Member
    With earlobes, nose, tongue and belly button pierced and a small tattoo on my ankle, the most painful was definitely getting the top of my ear done. Every enthusiastic hug made me wana tear my ear off for weeks, ended up just taking it out!
  • I did mine myself with a sterile needle offline lol
  • anie8989
    anie8989 Posts: 50 Member
    Hey everyone thought I'd join in the conversation!

    I have three piercings in each my ear lobes, but lately I haven't wore my third because my ears get too infected, even having had them pierced for 10 years plus. So ei can't wear anything besides real silver/ gold or hypoallergenic.

    I also have my industrial, forward, cartlidge, nose and Tragus pierced. My Tagus was definitely the one that hurt the most. I have really small ears so I guess because of the small space, putting in the jewelry was the hardest part.

    I'd love to have my tongue pierced, but it's kind of pointless now since I work in a professional atmosphere and technically I have too many piercings for what they allow, but they don't say anything. My parents never let me get anything other than my lobes done before my 18tth birthday, so my plan was to get g,y tongue pierced after I graduated high school, but I quit the job I was working at, and then the new one didn't allow it, so it just never came around. I'm still thinking of more in my ear, but who knows.
  • hi! I have lobes stretched to 10mm, lobes pierced a second time above, two on the side of my left ear and two up the top of my right ear. I also have a smilie piecing which I love so much. Had it for a few years now. It hurt more than the others, but still not very much. I'm hoping to get more, one on each side of my nose and a septum! But I'm scared, plus I don't have the money at the moment.

    I love piercings, I was happy to find this group today and read about people's mods!
  • theinsanityofme
    theinsanityofme Posts: 44 Member
    One of my rewards for weight loss will be a nipple piercing. Wanted it done for so long!
  • jules525
    jules525 Posts: 1 Member
    at the moment i've got just ears: two left lobe, one right lobe, and an orbital in the right ear. i'm in the process of stretching my left lobe piercings. only at 16g and 14g so far and haven't decided yet if the lopsidedness will be too weird. used to have a navel one but it didn't heal well so i took it out. i might get it redone as a reward when i hit my goal. the 2nd hole for the orbital was the most painful (the piercer practically sat on my head to make sure i wouldn't move). i definitely want to get some dermals soon but haven't decided where.
  • I have a Madonna or Monroe...whatever you want to call it. It didn't hurt, and it healed completely within three weeks.
  • I've had my collarbones done twice, sterum done twice, my lobes have two holes in each (one set stretched to 0g), my septum done twice, my lower lip pierced three times, a HCH, and a christina.

    The worst pain for me were my lobes and my lip, and I would still get my lip pierced again.