Is it too late to join here?

Jamie11579 Posts: 2 Member
Have two kids a 4 year old daughter and 8 month old son...had 50 pounds to lose...lost 10 in the beginning of year but just stopped dieting (surprisingly did not put the 10 pounds back on). I REALLY need to lose. I have 40 pounds to go to get to pre-pregnancy weight but think I will be happy with a 30 pound loss. I joined my fitness pal last week and have been really just trying to monitor what I am eating. Starting after the long weekend I need to get very serious!!! Look forward to meeting you ladies.


  • ASchaffer23
    ASchaffer23 Posts: 42 Member
    Welcome! Not to late to join! I wish you the best of luck with your weight loss. It can be hard at times being so busy w/ our kids, but it you stick to it, and don't beat yourself up if you don't meet every goal you set for yourself, the weight will come off. Please post your highs and lows of this journey, we can all be motivation for each other. :)
  • hannaheddo
    hannaheddo Posts: 8 Member
    Hi :) I have an 11 month old daughter, finding that by keeping check o what I eat on here helps me to keep my eating under control!! hope we can all help each other x