Motivation Angels

ridge1980 Posts: 46 Member
So today was my long run. I'm not sure what happened, but I was so dehydrated despite drinking TONS of water this week. Oh well, I got 14 miles in, even though I wanted 15 or 16. I did do a run last night which is something that I usually never do, so maybe that was it.

What I really want to say is how much I love other runners sometimes. I am in no way shape or form a petite runner. I weigh 176 and am only 5'2". A very fit woman ran past me when I was on mile 6 and we ran into each other again at my mile 12. I had just started walking an wasn't sure how much farther I could go and she ran past me patted me on the shoulder and told me I was doing a great job and that I could do it. It made me so happy and she was so nice about it, it literally helped me finish the last 2 miles. So thanks my runner angel! :)


  • natalie412
    natalie412 Posts: 1,039 Member
    That's awesome. I love seeing other runners when I am out - if just to wave and think we're in this together kind of thoughts!
  • MelisRunning
    MelisRunning Posts: 819 Member
    Kinda puts a spring in your step, doesn't it! Cool story!
  • PatsyFitzpatrick
    PatsyFitzpatrick Posts: 335 Member
    Great story and good run!
  • great story, love runners!
  • I agree that runners are very nice people generally! :) What a wonderful story and what a great run for you!! :)
  • bear2009
    bear2009 Posts: 3 Member
    The running community can be awesome!
    Glad you completed your long run
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,218 Member
    love that!

    this morning i was struggling to get past a hill on my way back and a couple of cyclist went by and were really nice and waving enthusiastically! hehe, made the hill seem easier.
  • Runners are the best! Always nice to see a smile or head nod when you think you've hit your limit and want to stop and walk!
  • smitchum
    smitchum Posts: 13 Member
    That's why I love race morning, all the happy runners buzzing about :) Good job!
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    That's great!

    I had a similar experience in my first half marathon last weekend. I was coming up to the top of the last hill (just about 20km) and was really struggling to keep going to the end, when a guy who was running the marathon gave me a firm pat on the shoulder and told me "keep going love, you're nearly at the end, you can do it". And he was right, I did, I ran down the hill as fast as I could without nose diving into the bitumen!
    It gave me such a boost when I was almost out of energy -I can only guess that he heard me puffing and panting up behind him and could tell I was almost done.

    Then I tried to pay it back when I was at the bottom of the hill, less than half a km from the end and saw a marathon runner limping and thumping his thighs, I just told him "you are so close to the finish now, you are nearly there". Poor bugger must have had major cramps but he made it too.

    I love runners!