Just started. Is anyone else still here?

CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
I'm on week 2. Is there anyone else still doing this?


  • Sweigartk
    Sweigartk Posts: 6 Member
    I have cardio tomorrow then day off and then start week three ;) Are you enjoying so far?
  • I am on week 2..today is cardio day! So far, I have lost 6 lbs with Jillian, and loving the motivation! How are yall doing?
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    I'm on week 3. I love it so far, though I'm sure that I'll be eating my words in a couple of weeks when I move on to the next phase.
  • Just started also. Day 2.
  • stang_girl88
    stang_girl88 Posts: 234 Member
    Restarted on Monday. My second time around. I love it! I took a break in between and did some Beach Body workouts, but I always come back to Jillian :)
  • I started last week and had to take a few day break when we went out of town. So I started from the begining today and can't wait to see how it goes :)
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    I was about half way through, but had to stop for a while. I think that I am going to start again this week.
  • Ydelma123
    Ydelma123 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello everyone. I just started this program today!!! I enjoyed the workout and didn't find it that difficult. I've done the 30 day shred (about a year ago, just started exercising again) and thought that was way harder than this.

    I hope to stay committed and complete this to go on to INSANITY.