Welcome Welcome

Hello Ladies!

This group was created as a way to keep us all accountable to our health journey whatever it may be! On September 15th we will kick off our SEXY BACK 90 DAY CHALLENGE! I will post more details about that in a few days for now please introduce yourself on this thread so we can all get to know eachother!

My name is Karyn, I am a mom to two amazing kids! My daughter is 20 months and my son is 4 years old - we found out Jan 2011 that he had autism spectrum disorder and that was when I started to to ignore my health. Recently I lost 20 pounds and 10% body fat and have discovered an inner passion for cooking healthy food! I lack motivation to exercise sometimes but it is what I will be working on for my challenge!


  • healthyhelen50
    healthyhelen50 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi - my name is Helen Winter. I am not a mom but an "Auntie" to many many kids. I have tried many diets throughout my life. I have never had any that are successful over the long period of time. I am at the moment changing a lot of things in my life and succeeding. It is all about a lifestyle change and not a quick fix. After 5 years of knee injuries and limping I am finally getting back to exercisng. My goal for Sept 24 is to do the Grouse Grind here in Vancouver - first time ever. It is a mountain - natures staircase and it will not be easy BUT I am determined.

    I am slowly but surely dropping weight (I don't say lose as it implies I want it back - ahhh heck no!!!). More importantly I am dropping inches, getting active and feeling healthy. Love the support here and can't wait until my outside fits the inside sexy me :)
  • Hi Karyn
    Just joined the group. It's my very first few days with the site and am looking to find friends and support to achieve my goal.
    Looking forward to interacting!
    Best wishes
  • abeukema
    abeukema Posts: 7 Member
    Hi Ladies

    I'm Amy. I'm a mother of two wonderful boys (ages 3 1/2 and 1 1/2) and I work full time a speech pathologist, so I'm pretty busy (aren't we all?). I had done okay with my weight, diet and exercise until the past year and a half. My youngest son was born 4 months early and spent 7 1/2 months (239 days, not that I was counting!) in the hospital before finally coming home with lots of medical issues. During his stay in the hospital, I was pumping breast milk since he couldn't actually nurse and was put on a high fat diet because he had failure to thrive among many many other issues (he's the second baby every to survive what he went through ~ gotta brag a little about him..). During his hospital stay, I gained 30 pounds that now seem to be stuck to my hips, belly, and butt. Both of my children are doing well and we're finally able to get into a consistent routine so I"m hoping to be able to stick to a diet and exercise program. I've starting waking up at 4:30 to exercise before work which frees my time in between work and picking up at daycare for grocery shopping and meal prep. Hoping this plans works, that 4:30 wake up is rough!!

    Good luck to all during this challenge! I'm looking forward to getting to know you and supporting each other!!
  • prancingpixie99
    prancingpixie99 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi Guys :D
    I'm Rhonda, mom of a 10 month old girl and a 10 yr old stepdaughter. I am so tired of still wearing my maturity clothing and want to be healthier than I have ever actually been. I can't wait to get this challenge underway and its a great thing to have everyone's support.

    Good Luck Everyone!
  • danimo12
    danimo12 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi! I am Danielle and I am the mother of four children. I have been overweight most of my life. I have been trying to get my eating healthy act together, but haven't had much success. I am looking forward to this challenge!
  • Hi, I am Doyneta!
    I am not a mom but I am an auntie to quite a few, officially and not officially. I am a godmother to 2. And I am a pseudo step mom to my boyfriends 3 kids for the past 2 years. (we don't live together). 10 years ago, I had a back injury and due to not being able to move, I gained a lot of weight (approx 60 pounds) which stuck around for a long time. I tried many things but always slid backwards due to my back problems. There was a time when I never thought I would be able to put my own socks on, due to my back being so bad. In those days, the only activity I could do was walk. About 5 years ago, I saw a picture of myself that scared the crap out of me because I didn't realize how big I had gotten and how unhappy I looked. I made a resolution to do what I needed to do to fix that. Oddly enough, less than 2 months after than decision, my marriage officially fell apart. I kept going with my resolution while going through a painful divorce. Interestingly enough, after my divorce, my back felt tons better and I was able to lose weight easier than I had before. Within approximately 1.5 years, I lost about 30 pounds and about 5 dress sizes. Not only that, I was boxing and doing things I never thought I could do with my back. I had exceeded all my doctors expectations. Just over 2 years ago, I met my current boyfriend, fell in love, and got indulgent. I stopped working out regularly and ate more treats that I should. Within 1.5 years, I had gained back 25 pounds (he gained 15). That was last April. Since then, I have gotten my resolve back and since April, I have lost about 18 pounds and about 7 inches. I haven't done much physically in this time, as I have been having some shoulder and back issues. But I am determined to finally lose all that weight I had gained 10 years ago and get back to my original size...and be fit and healthy! And this time the weight is being banished for good! :-)
  • eazieske
    eazieske Posts: 212 Member
    Hello my name is Eunice, I am not a mom but i sure am ready to be one but i know i have to lose weight and get my body as healthy as much as possible i have diabetes and high blood pressure iam working out and trying to eat better i still need alot of help in that area but the workouts i have them down i am my own best friend i make sure i go to the gym every day or at least do as much as possible thank you
  • MsColeyCole
    MsColeyCole Posts: 5 Member
    Hey Everybody!

    I am not a mommy....I wish... But, I am an Auntie to many wonderful little kiddos. I chose this group because I really want to regain my sexy or whatever it was that I had before all of this weight decided to join the party. I am 31 and I have End Stage Renal Disease. I go to dialysis three times a week for three hours and fifteen minutes. So, on mondays, wednesdays and fridays I am a little drained but, I try to do a little something. I want to be a healthier individual and I want to maintain my active status on the transplant list. I have already been told that if I gain any more weight, I will be taken off the list. As soon as I heard that, I immediately went into action. It is a long road, a tough road, but I am trying and I am work in progress! When I first came to myfitnesspal, I was weighing 237 and I am down 10, so now I weigh 227. I am ready for the challenge, because I want to lose more! Wish me luck and lets motivate each other!
  • JWmovin4ward
    JWmovin4ward Posts: 179 Member
    Hi, Im Jodie, not a mum but am an Aunty & Godmother. I've lost 17kg/37lbs so far & am starting to tone up but due to a major change in my life just recently I really need to find me again & i think this challenge will go along way in helping with that.
  • Hi Ladies!

    My name is Dana and I'm a mother of two - a 5 year-old son and a 17 year-old stepdaughter (my husband was young when she was born - and I have no idea why I always have to say that!). I work full time and am also pursuing a masters degree, so life is hectic! I've tried Weight Watchers and it just wasn't a successful program for me. It was suggested by someone that I join the MFP community, and honestly I couldn't be happier! I'm starting to see results by actually being accountable for what and how I eat. I love to exercise - especially yoga (my favorite) and I'm starting to love running. I'm really looking forward to being part of the "sexy back challenge" and working/encouraging everyone to meet our goals!

    Cheers to us!!
  • eazieske
    eazieske Posts: 212 Member
    We should have started this challenge today right