Working Out @ Home w/kids

kini324 Posts: 239 Member
I work out side the home full time, but have been home all week on vacation. It has been SO hard to work out this week! Holy cow! If I couldn't get a work out in at 5 AM, I had to wait until at least 9 PM and I don't like working out at home. II seem to do better when I have a packed day of work, day care drop off/pick up, and other mom duties!


  • lovekohl
    lovekohl Posts: 111 Member
    Yeah, it's a lot easier with a schedule. I only have one little guy so it's still pretty easy for me to corral him for a 30 min workout or throw him in the jogging stroller for a quick run. One week won't set you back, enjoy your time with your family!
  • dallen388
    I definitely feel your pain! The kids have been out of school since Tuesday for Hurricane Issac and don't go back til Tuesday...I haven't been outside to jog since!! I did however get to the gym and used the treadmill for almost 3 miles which I was very proud of personally...its a huge accomplishment for me. Since I have just been playing around with Turbo Fire when I put them down for a nap. I put them both in their beds at the same time. I am fortunate that they will take a nap on the same schedule. Maybe its because they are so close in age, i dunno.
  • mamalopez12
    mamalopez12 Posts: 27 Member
    My biggest problem is i dont hav a car and i am staying with my mom right now. its very hard to work out. mom is always gone and my baby needs attention all the time. there is no tredmill or anything. so when the weather is good, i take walks with the stroller.

    cant afford any of the vids right now either. i do what i can.
  • bowser625
    bowser625 Posts: 95 Member
    @mamalopez12 Look on YouTube for a lot of the videos. I have seen both Jillian Michaels videos and Leslie Sansone Walking videos on there. I try to wake up an hour before the kids wake up so I can workout and shower!

    Good luck!
  • skrakalaka
    skrakalaka Posts: 338 Member
    I work out at home to Jillian Michael's DVDs. Started with 30 Day Shred, now doing Body Revolution. Only 30 mins a day, my 3 year old is usually pretty good about staying downstairs watching a movie. Sometimes he comes up though and he cheers me on from the sidelines. When he was younger I worked out during nap time.
  • mum2afew
    mum2afew Posts: 10 Member
    I'm a SAHM of 4, and i've recently tried to start working out at home, and it is so so very hard. I have done it with them all awake watching, but it's a little creepy, and my oldest (6) asks so many questions abou it, and it's so frustrating lol. so i've resorted to either waking up with my DH very early in the morning, or doing it at night.

    I've been doing the 30 day shred, i thought i would see more LBS come off, but i can def feel myself getting so much stronger so quickly, it was shocked.

    Mamalopez12, you could probably get a work out dvd from the library too, but there are tons on youtube. :)
  • TiffanyNicole421
    TiffanyNicole421 Posts: 43 Member
    I have to wait until I get the kids to bed. I am at work at 6:45am and get off at 4pm. Then I am on kid duty until 8pm. It is so much easier to workout during the week because of our routines. The weekends throw me off schedule. I have to workout during nap time and pray my five year old can watch Thomas the Train for an hour while I get on the treadmill.
  • mycrazy8splus1
    mycrazy8splus1 Posts: 1,558 Member
    Denise Austin has a kids workout dvd that has a family workout section on it as well. If you can beeat 'em join 'em...or make them join you! ;)
  • henryandrewmom
    henryandrewmom Posts: 25 Member
    I have been taking my son walking with me outside - he loves going in the stroller, but as it gets colder, that isn't going to be an option. Sometimes I just put on a Kids CD and we dance together. That can really get you sweating! He loves when we have dance time together. Its easy after he goes to bed, but I don't always have the energy that late at night!
  • amylahminute
    amylahminute Posts: 613 Member
    I feel you, mama! So hard to find the time. If you have Netflix, they have lots of workout stuff on demand. Same if you're a Xfinity subscriber. You can get in a few workouts in front of the TV with the kids watching.

    Good luck!