Where are you from or what team do you play for.

I am from southern Ohio. My team is out of Athens Ohio, we are the Appalachian Hell Betties. Hell Yeah Hell Betties!:devil:


  • Hello, I'm from Berwick, PA and the team I play for is Susquehanna Valley Derby Vixens out of Williamsport, PA! :bigsmile:
  • CChandler81
    CChandler81 Posts: 100 Member
    I'm from Oklahoma City, Ok. I've been playing on Oklahoma City Roller Derby's B-Team, the Lightning Broads since March. Haven't gotten much bouts in though b/c of knee/foot problems which affected my attendance. Hence why I'm here- to lose weight and build up some strength so I'm not plagued with injury next season.
  • Hi

    I play for the Dolly Rockit Rollers in Leicester UK. I have been skating for nearly 2 years now :)
  • Flux_Decapitator
    Flux_Decapitator Posts: 12 Member
    I skate for South Sea Roller Derby in Melbourne, Australia and my team is The Cutthroat Charmers - my first bout is in October :)
  • Wasabi sexy peeps. This is Yolanda (Yo Juana Kissme) from the Golden State Roller Girls in Dublin, California. So very stoked to be a part of this group.
  • Welcome ladies. Sounds like we are from all over. My team is a new team. We are an apprentice league this year, but next year we'll be official. I've been skating just about a year. I said it in another post, but my derby name is Hellblazer.
  • I skate for Oklahoma Victory Dolls Roller Derby's All Star Squad. My first new girl practice was in January of 2009 and my first bout was June of 2009. I was a bench warmer in 2009 and 2010. When I got on to MFP the beginning of 2011, my skating skills got 10 million times better and I have been a starter for the All Stars last year and this year. I love MFP because it makes me and my teammates accountable and we can creep on each other and bust each other out when we start to slack.

    I see there is a fellow Okie on here! Yay!

    and btw...thank you for the invite to this sweet group :)
  • MerryKhaos
    MerryKhaos Posts: 34 Member
    Hey all! I'm from Central Pennsylvania ... I just transferred onto the Dutchland Derby Rollers of Lancaster <3
  • MerryKhaos! I have a teammate that transferred over there recently. Her name is Salt N. Decker. She's awesome.
  • Ms_Pixie
    Ms_Pixie Posts: 148 Member
    Ahoy-hoy! I'm Pixie O'Horror from Sydney Roller Derby League in Australia.
  • SkateboardFi
    SkateboardFi Posts: 1,322 Member
    i have recently moved back home to new orleans, la and am awaiting the tryouts for the big easy rollergirls!
  • i have recently moved back home to new orleans, la and am awaiting the tryouts for the big easy rollergirls!

    I love BERG! We traveled to NOLA in 2010 and they were some awesome hostesses.
  • i play for rocky mountain and have been playing about 2.5 years. i am on a leave of absence until december, and need to get my butt back in shape before getting back on the track!!

    -sunny d. struction
  • I've *almost* completed fresh meat at Dunedin Derby in New Zealand. Just have to shave about 3 seconds off my 25 in 5.
  • Three seconds is nothing (and everything!). You can do that I'm sure. That's awsome. Good luck :wink:
  • CChandler81
    CChandler81 Posts: 100 Member
    I skate for Oklahoma Victory Dolls Roller Derby's All Star Squad. My first new girl practice was in January of 2009 and my first bout was June of 2009. I was a bench warmer in 2009 and 2010. When I got on to MFP the beginning of 2011, my skating skills got 10 million times better and I have been a starter for the All Stars last year and this year. I love MFP because it makes me and my teammates accountable and we can creep on each other and bust each other out when we start to slack.

    I see there is a fellow Okie on here! Yay!

    and btw...thank you for the invite to this sweet group :)
    Hey lady! I haven't met you personally yet but know who you are (gah that sounds creeperish!). Awesome that you ladies have such a great support system going through mfp. And you are so correct that this has helped with skating. I've lost 20lbs since the tail end of our season and felt like I've improved a bunch since by being in better shape. My goal is to no longer be a bench warmer next season:-D
  • Charm City Roller Girls in Baltimore, MD. Just coming of a 6-7 month leave thanks to a severe ankle dislocation and broken fib. Healed up pretty good and got a lot of my flexibility back when they removed hardware. Time to get back in shape. It's so hard because I was in such good shape when I got hurt, that it is a headgame to get back on skates and struggle and everything hurt. My lower back screams after just a few laps, and I can't keep up like I used to.
  • rcharlee
    rcharlee Posts: 182 Member
    I'm Randi, and I'm a Crash Test Hunnie with North Texas Derby Revolution. I've only been skating heavily for almost 3 weeks, and currently on the training team.
  • twilightlvr79
    twilightlvr79 Posts: 130 Member
    I'm Linda and I am in the freshmeat training class for Little City Rollergirls. This is only our second week so I am just starting this journey but I am already having such a blast and I always look forward to practice. Plus the workout is amazing! The muscle pain isn't so fun but, no pain, no gain right?
  • I am from Western Kentucky and I play for the West Kentucky Rockin' Rollers. I broke my ankle and started skating again in August and needed some help tracking my progress and what I eat. I fell off the band wagon for a little while but I am going to give it a shot again, really I just am still working in strength and balance.DERBY LOVE!!