
jadelise55 Posts: 3 Member
Looking for other sleevers! Was sleeved on 6/26/2012 and would love to share experiences with others.:wink:


  • VaingloriousVictoria
    VaingloriousVictoria Posts: 137 Member
    I was sleeved on 6/14. :) I keep my diary open and am always looking for support and encouragement.
  • crosa527
    crosa527 Posts: 35 Member
    I had the sleeve on 6/12/12. Feel free to add me, and welcome to the club!
  • cbferriss
    cbferriss Posts: 122
    Had mine July 13, 2011. Welcome.
  • twinmoonette
    twinmoonette Posts: 9 Member
    I had the sleeve on 3/21/2012 and is 5 months into it now. I am down 87 lbs as of this morning. I have done well with it. I have only gotten sick a couple of times due to eating too fast. I have learned to control the pace and take my time. I still cook for my family and have no problem with any of that. I am never hungry and could go all day without eating but know that I have to eat breakfast, lunch and dinner. I do snack on almonds, pretzels, fruit, and/or protein bars during the day.

    The only problem I am having is my hair has thinned considerably. I am taking 5000 IU of Biotin vitamins but it seems to be getting worst. I have started back on protein shakes to see if it will help. It really started falling between 3 and 5 mos post op. Its not coming out in handfuls-only falling more while brushing, washing and blow drying it. A few people told me that it will come back after 6 mos or a year post-op. I HOPE SO!!!

    Hope all of you do as well as I have. I am down 5 pants sizes and 3 shirt sizes. I have lost over 37 total inches off my body. My rings slide off my fingers now, my watch needs 6 links taken out of it---and for the first time in a VERY long time I can touch my middle finger and thumb together around my wrist as well as cross my legs and wrap a bath towel around me with extra to tuck in to hold it up!!! It's the little things that matter most!! Word of advice as people begin to ask you questions about you looking good and how you did it---If your biggest supportive person is with you--give them credit for all the support they have given you during the process, that way they don't feel left out!!!
  • SCSleeve2012
    SCSleeve2012 Posts: 76 Member
    I had mine on 4/18/2012 and have never looked back. You can add me if you like.
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    Had my sleeve July 21, 2011. Lost 120 so far and have about 100 to go. It's been an amazing year, and I'm so glad I did this. Best thing I ever did for myself. Feel free to send a friend request. I'm on almost every day and would love to have another person to support and get support from. This is a great group!
  • blueflame97
    blueflame97 Posts: 5 Member
    I was sleeved on June 25th. I have lost 42lbs so far. Add me as a friend if you would like. I'm new to this whole mfp thing! Kelley
  • swopely
    Hello Sleevers,
    I had my sleeve 3 years ago . I lost over 100 lbs then got stuck in a never-ending plateau still needing to lose another 160 lbs. My sleeve was done as part one of a possibly two part procedure due to my high BMI. I decided to stop with part one because my sleeve surgery was extremely hard on me. 3 years post op my weight began creeping up and I ended up gaining 30 - 40 lbs. Im back now at the Cleveland Clinic on a modified protein fast getting ready for a high risk gastric bypass surgery.
    My well meaning advice to all sleevers : do what your Bariatric surgeon tells you . Exercise as much as you are able , eat a healthy diet . The carbs slide down easy ....beware ! The sleeve is a great tool , it is helping me a lot with this very restrictive diet but it is not a guarantee that you won't gain your weight back. My nutritionist at the Cleveland Clinic said she had seen 5 people wanting revisions that week. I'm not trying to discourage people , the solve is a great tool. I just want to tell you my experience so you don't make the same mistakes.
  • debvoronkov
    debvoronkov Posts: 5 Member
    I am still waiting for a surgery date. Hopefully in the next couple of weeks. I could use some new friends too.
  • twinmoonette
    twinmoonette Posts: 9 Member
    Good luck--the waiting is the hard part....just remember it will all be worth it in the end!!:flowerforyou:
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    I am still waiting for a surgery date. Hopefully in the next couple of weeks. I could use some new friends too.

    Add me if you would like. Never too many friends or too much support,
  • rlsl2002
    rlsl2002 Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks for the info!!! I am about 8 weeks post op and down about 35 pounds. Gaining the weight back is my biggest fear ever. I try to make sure I eat all my protein daily and get my fluids in. Excercise is my biggest hurdle. I was doing it with a trainer about 5-6 days pre-op but trainers are expensive and so after surgery I have been going about 3 days a week on my own. I know I need to get in there more, but with the kids back in school I just need to get back into a rountine (hard to do sometimes)!
  • CanadianPanda
    I was sleeved July 21, 2012
  • CanadianPanda
    I was sleeved July 21, 2012
  • robin38821
    robin38821 Posts: 2 Member
    I was sleeved in Costa Rica on 6/29. Lost 48 lbs so far and I love my sleeve! Anyone can add me.