Age Difference



  • MikeM53082
    MikeM53082 Posts: 1,199 Member

    If the person is looking into your age range to begin with, then he is probably more mature.

    A lot of truth in this statement.
  • Moe4572
    Moe4572 Posts: 1,430 Member
    I recently thought about this myself..again. I "typically" date younger men, the exceptions being my ex husband-2 years older and the only other LTR after my divorce was with a guy that was 4 years older. And, the guy I have gone on 4 dates with who definitely has potential, is 6 years older...and has teenage children. I usually prefer younger guys because they have younger kids, but sometimes things happen. And, strangely enough, this guy says he messaged me several months ago on POF, and I never answered. I don't remember this at all, but may have just looked at his age (46) and his height (5'9") and not gone further...........glad I am now thinking outside the box!!!
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    I've never been attracted to older men and I'm still not. I think its because I detest the 'father figure' but I know that some women are happy in that zone where they are looked after and told what to do! :noway:

    However, my general opinion is that age doesnt matter !! UNLESS you are not compatible. The main issues I see are wanting/having children, activity levels and sex! (women reach their prime late 30s/40's, men reach theirs at 18-25) I'm really not sure how Michael Douglas copes with Catherine Zeta Jones at the :bigsmile:

    I dont think death comes into it, as who knows when they will die! You can marry a 32 year old as still be windowed! But I tend to live my life in the moment, as opposed to thinking too far ahead.

    You can only do what you feel comfortable with. Try going on a date with an older guy and see if you click?

    Like NC said (and someone else on here?), she's tried it and the guy was like death warmed up!! lol I know exactly what she means as a lot of guys in the their 40s are losing the will to live!!! This is the problem I face currently. I'm a sprightly 48 year old who acts and feels like a 28 year old so that kind a lazyarse 'pipe and slippers' attitude bothers me.

    But I do know 50/60/70 year old men that are fun and active and still got a bounce in their step and a swing in their tail! :bigsmile:
  • Jennifer2387
    Jennifer2387 Posts: 957 Member

    But I do know 50/60/70 year old men that are fun and active and still got a bounce in their step and a swing in their tail! :bigsmile:

    Is that a british term for boy part? hahahahahaha
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    I've never been attracted to older men and I'm still not. I think its because I detest the 'father figure' but I know that some women are happy in that zone where they are looked after and told what to do! :noway:

    I have a friend that when she was 21 married a guy that was 30. Fast forward they are now 35 and 44. They are very suited for eachother and always have been but I recently saw a picture of them together and thought he was her dad. Her husband looks almost exactly like her dad did when we were in Jr High, he also has the same type of job and has almost the same personality. It kind of freaked me out how much they are alike but then I got to thinking and my ex was a lot like my dad as well. They both got their education in the Army and went into computers and tech support after they got out. My ex though was younger then me by 5 years so I never thought of him as a "father figure". So do women tend to look for guys that are like their fathers?
  • JanieJack
    JanieJack Posts: 3,831 Member
    My mom (like me) is very adventurous and energetic. She repeatedly tells me to stop dating older guys and go after the young ones like she did. Unfortunately, for me, only the older men seem to be interested (maybe they’re settled/accomplished enough to not be intimidated?)…. I must look older than I feel because the few guys who hit on me in person are all mid 50s and 60s ewwwww (I'm 37).

    50 is becoming tolerable for me, but I'm sorry: if you're old enough to be my dad, I'm not interested. It turns me off, and there’s usually generational differences that are even more difficult to overcome since I spent most of my childhood overseas and totally missed the pop culture of his younger days.

    A lot of people don't care how things look to other people, but I *do* care if it looks like I'm just trading sex for money. Which is what most folks assume when they see an older man with a young, pretty woman. Someone significantly older has to really "bring it" personality wise in order for me to overlook the perceived damage to my reputation (I already know this is vain of me, don’t need a lecture thanks).

    On the flip side, I tend to hang out with a younger crowd (late 20s) and I find that energy level, attraction, etc all is great, and we have a lot of fun. But usually when one of that crowd is interested in, their interest wanes when they find out how old I am.

    What kills me are the late 30s/early 40s guys who act like their lives are already over. If I *can* find a decent guy in my age range, he’s usually either chasing after 20-somethings or he’s already settled into “old age.”
  • jenbit
    jenbit Posts: 4,252 Member
    Every person answers this individually. What is important to each person varies.

    If a woman in her 30s is okay with the very real possibility of being a widow around age 60, she can proceed. Otherwise, I would think some serious hesitation is in order.
    It all depends what you're comfortable with. When I go out on Miami Beach or Fort Lauderdale, I constantly see young women (early-mid 20's) with men in their late 40's and early 50's. Of course, the men most likely have a ton of cash and charm to win them over. It's a VERY common sight here in south Florida.

    The last woman I dated seriously (Erin) had 2 roommates that signed up for These women were bonafide 9-9.5's but loved rich older men. The one ended up shacking up with a 48 yr old finance guy who drove an S-Class Benz and had a beachfront condo.

    Mike, all I have to say is MIAMI. MIAMI = Money is a Major Issue. Money talks. A 48 year old man usually has to have a good sum of cash or the illusion of cash financed with debt up to their eyeballs to have a pretty young thing around. To me, money is bull poop. People should be attracted to each other based on who they are, not because of the number of perceived or real digits in a bank account.

    LOL I live in Miami to though much futher south than Mike. I really dont care about age. I have dated older and younger. To me its more who I have things in common with. (My sister has made a joke about getting a sugar daddy though lol)
  • MikeM53082
    MikeM53082 Posts: 1,199 Member

    LOL I live in Miami to though much futher south than Mike. I really dont care about age. I have dated older and younger. To me its more who I have things in common with. (My sister has made a joke about getting a sugar daddy though lol)

    You know exactly where I'm coming from Jen lol. The whole sugar daddy concept is enormous down here.

    Even though it's not really my style, I can see where upper income men are coming from. If they worked hard, stayed in good shape, and have some extra $$$, why not go for the younger girl if that's what you're into. It's pretty much now or never for them.

    Also, maybe a lot of these men still want kids and women their own age can't provide that. So when I really think about it, I'm definitely OK with the whole sugar daddy thing.
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,307 Member
    My father was born in 1905 and mom in 1932.
    My brother 1962 and me 1964.

    While on the surface everyone thinks it is an issue of mutual compatibility guess what can happen...children.
    The vast age difference becomes a problem later on as a father 60 years older then a child can simply not relate.
    Then there is the issue of his ability to remain productive and an income earner.

    Personal experience simply makes it impossible for me to recommend this as a good idea.
  • castadiva
    castadiva Posts: 2,016 Member
    I think it depends more on where the two individuals are at in their lives than the numbers themselves. If their goals and plans are similar, and have similar time-frames, that's likely to be less difficult to manage than if they have wildly-different ideas of where their lives are at/are headed.

    That said, personally, I'd have to have very strong feelings about someone and a LOT of compatibility to seriously consider someone more than roughly five years younger or ten years older than me, at this point in my life (I'm 30). Those ratios may change somewhat as I get older:laugh:
  • catherine4211
    catherine4211 Posts: 944 Member
    I'm all about younger men. End of story.
  • bradphil87
    bradphil87 Posts: 617 Member
    I'm 25, I'd go + or - 5 years the most. Under that and their too young for a decent relationship, over that and their too old for where I am at this stage of my life (wanting to get married, have kids soon etc.) I really would prefer someone around my age. For just a fling, it isn't so important lol but for a serious relationship it very much is.
  • DMZ_1
    DMZ_1 Posts: 2,889 Member
    I am primarily looking younger. 1-7 years younger.
  • skinnywithin
    skinnywithin Posts: 1,392 Member
    I recently ended a 7 year relationshi with a man that was 17 years older...YUP now dont go running to my profile to do the math ..lets just say he looked much younger anyway in the beginning it was great howere..ladies keep in mind there will come a time when things wont work like they once did!!!!!!!!!
  • MiaOrange
    MiaOrange Posts: 151 Member
    If I could actually find someone to date I wouldn't care the age dif. I don't know many single men at ALL. There are a couple widoweres at my kids' school that are a lot older than me. In that neighborhood, people had successful careers and kids late, so I always feel really young when I'm around the parents. Some of those older guys aren't interested in health and have many life threatening issues. That's what freaks me out. Anyone can change their habits at any time though & health issues can arise at anytime; so I'm not judging them for that. I just want to eat healthy, exercise, reduce stress, enjoy life etc...

    As far as younger guys, I wouldn't mind, but while I sit at home playing Wii and reading stupid comic books, I mentally think that a younger guy would assume I'm sooo old; raising an 11 an 13 yr old. Yet, I act kind of immature and like to be goofy at home, yet am going to school to be a doctor. So, I go out to school dressing and being all professional like.

    I'm 35. Most of my peers are partnered up, so I'm really clueless about relationships at this age?!?
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    My biggest difference was when I was 29 and I was dating a 38 year old from Northern England.

    He couldnt keep up with me sexually and he was tired and ready for bed pretty quick, even though he was a partier.

    I need a guy younger than me. Like.. forever.
  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member
    There aren't hard and fast rules. I've had great relationships with guys my age and I've had cruddy relationships with guys my age. I've had amazing sex with guys 15 years my senior, and I've had cruddy sex with guys 15 years my senior. I've had an amazing on-again off-again relationship with that same man (15 years my senior) that I ended for good on Monday because what I want from relationships has changed, and what he wants hasn't. It was tough to do but it raised an important point for me:

    Regardless of the age difference, make sure you're on the same page w.r.t. what you both want.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    being on the same page is definitely the most important thing.
  • poncho33
    poncho33 Posts: 1,511
    I am primarily looking younger. 1-7 years younger.

  • I am primarily looking younger. 1-7 years younger.


    Damn... hope my time machine gets here quickly...